Dieded - Biography of the King Argos, myths and feats, character


Character History

In the minds of people, the thought was rooted that the ruling king is the stronghold of the foundation and restraint. But the king of the city of Argos is a completely different character. Diomed, whose kind was famous for his grandfather and father, does not remain in his hometown for a long time. The man will attract feats, and even the wrath of the gods will not stop the brave.

History of origin

In Greek mythology, the famous hero is closely connected with the cult of the goddess Athens. Dieded was considered a pet favorite, so he received a help from his birth from his daughter. In response to the patronage, the king of Argos glorified the goddess at a convenient case.

Domed attacks Athena

Such close relationships are especially noticeable in the work of Homer "Iliad". The tragedy telling about the Trojan War, describes quite detail the feats of the mythical character. Further worship of the hero has further developed the relationship between the goddess and simple mortal. In later works, Diomed appears to the native Son of Athens.

The bright characteristics of the character were inspired by the inhabitants of Greece, and the minor hero of the Great Epos gained its own cult. Later, the worship of Diiseda penetrated Italy. Such beliefs for a new territory brought Ahasey colonists. The new biography of the king of Argos appeared in the new country - the transition of the Diomeda to the unknown lands was the fruit of assimilation of Greek myths in Italy. Over time, the image of the glorious hero of the docket on the background of stories, tragedies and wars occurred in the world.

Trojan War

Valland Diomed was born in a family known to all Greece. The boy's father - a hero of Tideo, famous in battles for power in the philas. The mother of the future commander - Princess DeiPila. Shortly after the appearance of the Diomeda, the father of the baby died during the next battle. Power over the city of Argos goes inheritance.

Image of a cite on engraving

Having matured and induced, the hero was woven to Elena beautiful, but it receives a refusal. Attractive girl chose meal in her husband. Father Princess took an oath with the groom that, with any danger, Diomed will save his beauty out of trouble. After the failure of Elena, a man was not long stayed by a bachelor. Soon the attention of the young king attracted Egialya, who had to have the son of the Tideo-relative.

After 10 years, Elena loved his beautiful again - Meneli appealed to Domeda, who called for former wives fans to help him return the wrong home. The fearless king of Argos, who managed to be famous for love for the campaigns and wars, gladly accepted an invitation.

Elena the beautiful

The man headed the militia, which consisted of 80 (in other sources - 30) of ships. In one of the first battles, Diomed enters the fight against the famous brothers Fires and the idea. Despite the advantages of the Trojans, the hero can easily be disappeared with enemies.

After the first victories, destiny collided Diomeda with Eney. A man who attacked the hero tolerated defeat, but Aphrodite intervened. However, Diyeda did not stop the Divine Presence. The king of Argos was wounded by Eney and struck the goddess in the shoulder.

Even in the moments of the Great Hazard, Diomed did not follow the advice of friends to leave the battlefield. Such a recommendation was not superfluous: a simple mortal, wounded the goddess, could die at any second.

Venus, Irida and Diomed

The next victory Dieded won over another deity. In the heat of the battle, the spear of the king Argos hit the god of the war of Ares. An unprecedented luck was explained simply - the hero in the commission of feats was helped by Athena, which patronized the genus of the military.

The only one of the immortal who resist Diiseda is Apollo, which was indisputated by the behavior of the hero. But even the God of the Sun is limited only by verbal threats to the king of Argos.


In addition to open battle, Diomed often walked into intelligence missions. The Hero's permanent companion in such trips was Odyssey. During the first partisan babble in the enemy camp, Men killed Dolon and Resa. And the next time the fearless Greeks sneak into the deposited Troy and carried the statue of Athens from the temple. Such an output served as the beginning of the fall of the fortress. An equally significant event was a Diomeda's trip with Odyssey to Lemnos Island, from whose shores men delivered to the Philoktte Military Camp.

However, Diomed became famous for both an excellent strategist. During military councils, a man sharply expressed his own opinion, which often did not coincide with the vision of Agamemnon. The King of Argos was pretty attempts to reconcile with Achilles. Diomed discovered that the Greeks could defeat the three Greeks without a famous hero. No less than anger at the hero called conversations about the deregulation of the siege:

"Let them run with the ships to the courtesy of the Lands! I and Sfenel remain and we will fight, do not find the end of the end. "
Dieded in sculpture

The fearless warrior one of the first believed in the "wooden horse" and easily climbed into an unusual building. Soon after the fall of Troy Diomed without adventure reached the native city. And here the man awailed a shock.

Aphrodite, which actions and words of a simple mortal hurt, frightened the spells of the spell. A woman quickly forgot her husband and agreed with a hippolite. I could not forgive such a man. Moreover, the cunning train tried to put on the returned king of relatives to kill the hindrance and to climb the throne.

Domeda had to flee to Italy. The hero whose characteristic has already shielded nearby countries, married the daughter of the king don. From this point on, the valiant warrior left the battles and battles, founded the city of Argippa and revised his own views on life.

Trojan horse

When the next warlike king appealed to Domeda with a request for help in the fight against both Eneem, a man refused to participate in unnecessary straightening:

"Let a better hand come down with the hand, the world is concluding than the shield with a shield in the duel will encounter."

Having lived to old age, Diomed died in his own bed (in another source - disappeared), and after the death of Athena suffered a favorite hero on the islands of blissful and gave a bold man immortality.

Interesting Facts

  • In addition to the Iliad, Diomed appears in the "Aneida" Vergil and Drante "Divine Comedy".
  • From the second marriage at the hero, the son of Dasia was born, who was moved to the enemies of Rome and was crossed out of the history of the famous family.
  • The King of Argosa established the Pythi Games, which occupied the second place after the Olympic.

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