Roman Reins - biography, photo, wrestling, personal life, news 2021



Roman Reins is one of the most famous wrestlers in the United States, the winner of the Royal Battle of 2015. He started a sports career in American football, but did not succeed, but in Restling, since first year began to win a spectacular victory.

Childhood and youth

Liti Joseph Joe Anoai is a real name of the athlete - Born in Pensacolala, Florida, May 25, 1985. It has a mixed origin: his mother is Italian, and Father is a self-session, professional wrestler Sica Anoa.

Roman Reins in Youth

The family had two children, and Matthew's brother also chose a career in martial arts. In addition, Joe is a relative of such famous athletes as Tonga Kid, Ricky and Umaga.

Since childhood, the boy engaged in struggle and American football. Outstanding success helped him to enroll in the Georgia Institute of Technology, where he was also a member of the training football team.


After completing the Higher Education, Ana'i came into professional sports. Joe took part in the fees of the 2nd teams of the National League, but did not get into the main structure, after which he played the season for Edmonton Eskimo and decided to change football to wrestling.

Footballer Roman Reins

In 2010, Joseph offered a contract with WWE. From the preparatory division of the Florida Championship Wrestling organization, he switched to the "Shield" grouping and began to perform under the name of the Lika Roman. In September of the same year, his first professional battle took place, which ended in failure: the face was never able to defeat Richie Stamp. This followed by 2 more losing, and only in a duel with Fad Rekman he was able to take revenge. The opponent was an experienced fighter, but the young wrestler had already suffered defeats and was not going to give up.

At first, the novel participated only in team fights, and only in 2012 was allowed to single fights. The Royal Battle of 2011 ended for him by losant: although the Liki signed the Union with a strong supporter of Donnie Marlowe and together they showed themselves a cohesive team, could not beat the fighters - they could not defeat the lack of experience. After the defeat, their alliance collapsed.

Wrestler Roman Rins

In February, the athlete came out in the format of the "Triple Threat" and, defeating Dina Emblems and Seta Rollins, was able to qualify for the title of Florida champion in a heavyweight, but lost in the next duel. However, the reward was very close, and for a fighter with a small experience of speeches was a great achievement.

In October 2012, the athlete took the name Roman Reins and his debut in WWE NXT. In the "Shield" grouping, along with Emumbus and Rollins, they acted as peculiar fighters for justice, interfering with team fights when, in their opinion, on the side of one of the athletes were unfair advantages.

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According to the plan, the fighters were supposed to be a kind of "special forces", and they were planned to arm real police panels from Fiberglass. Before the debut performance, the athletes changed his mind, deciding that bulky structures would be interfered.

"And we threw them away, went out into the hall, attacked Raibek and broke the table," then Reins recalled in an interview.

The team debuted on Survivor Series, but it was not possible to create an image of the independent "law-order forces". On the contrary, the team immediately began to blame in the bias - allegedly she interferes with the battles on the side of only those athletes who are extracted.

Roman Reins in Ring

Such a glory finally fixed them after them after they helped to win a camp of the punkey several times. Any relationship with him has been denier denied, but their intervention in his battles was constant.

Punk rivals agreed to teach fighters. Reinbek gathered like-minded people and called the "shield" to the honest duel, but could not revenge. The grouping continued to help his favorite, and colleagues were offended.

Roman Reins and Rock (Dwayne Johnson)

At the Royal Battle of "Shield", headed by Rains allowed himself a bold face. See Punk went on a fight for the title of champion with Dune Johnson on the nicknamed rock. The situation was not in his favor, but suddenly the light went out in the hall. In the dark, the rock attacked unknown, which allowed the Panke to hold it. The attackers were not visible, but most likely it was the fighters of the "shield". The judges canceled the results and forced athletes to fight again.

In 2013, the Rins team won PPV Extreme Rules. Enjoying victories, the "shield" was painted with new rivals - a Ummaker, John Sinah. After the championship, they became the "guards" of the new corporation and won the highest title on Night of Champions. The next 2 battles they lost to Rhodes brothers, after which the grouping began to decay.

Tattoo Roman Reins

In June 2014, Reins entered the Ring Raw one, pose to a new musical theme to speak and informing that he claims to the champion title. Later, the same did the same Emumbus, and fans became obvious that the "shield" ceases to exist, however, at that time it was announced that this is a temporary measure. Later, the athletes were united for the battle with EEM JEY STYLZ and won a bright victory, but since then more often began to speak separately.

The group reunification occurred after 3 years. The novel was disqualified in the match for the intercontinental championship, and former comrades after the battle came to him in the locker room and promised support. In October, the "Shield" returned and defeated the team of Mise, Curtis Axel and Ceso.

Roman Reins and Brock Lesnar

In 2015, Reins performed in the Battle of Greatest Royal Rumble. In the championship held in Saudi Arabia, he became a challenged to the WWE Universe Champion title. His opponent was Brock Lesnar. At the end of the spectacular duel, the novel broke the grid around the Ring Garpun and flew out of the forest with the forest. The victory was awarded the opponent, however, a little later, Reins managed to take revenge and take the champion title from Brock.

Personal life

In 2014, Reins married his long-standing girlfriend Galina Becker. In the official "instagram" of the Restlera published bright photos from the wedding on the tropical coast. Together with his wife, they grow daughter Joel. Time for personal life from the novel is a bit, but every free minute he tries to pay the family.

Roman Reins with family

Athlete's growth - 191 cm, weight - 120 kg. In the first years, Reins performed in black shorts, then changed them on a specially stitched vestment, similar to the form of a special forces. The novel prefers to wear long loose hair, and on the right shoulder he has a big tattoo in the form of a self-aged tribal pattern. Reins - Catholic and always before entering the ring puts on a native cross.

The Canadian-American Fighter Brita Hart considers his idol.

Roman Reins now

In 2018, at the next RAW, the athlete made a public statement that he frees the place of champion in connection with severe illness. Earlier, Reins was forced to fight leukemia, but now, after 11 years of remission, he again became worse.

Roman Reins in 2018

By informing the audience and colleagues, Sad news, he hugged the teammate on the team of Dina Emumbus and Set Rollins and put the championship belt to the ring. Friends barely kept tears, but the novel called not to mourn him and said that it was optimistic and this is not the end of his sports biography.

"I want to clarify: this is by no means retirement ... I'll be back!"

Titles and awards

  • Champion of the Universe WWE.
  • Holder of a big WWE helmet
  • Intercontinental WWE champion
  • WWE Triple Crown Winner
  • US Champion WWE
  • World Champion WWE in heavyweight (three times)
  • Command Champion WWE
  • Command Champion FCW.

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