Molchanin - biography, image and character, values, quotes


Character History

The epithets that Aleksey Molchalin award, is a smoothie, sniffing and heartless passable. The anti-game comedy "grief from the mind" appears in front of readers a truly grotesque figure, the description of which is full of sarcastic cliché. And according to the law of the genre of an unpleasant type, kidnapped the heart of a naive girl, will be exposed. Alas, a similar plot is most often possible only in plays.

History of creation

Molchanin is a colorful and bright character, with the help of which Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov implied the typical secular society of the time of serfdom. The first sketches of the comedy "grief from the mind" The writer created back in 1820.

Portrait of Alexander Griboyedov

The results of the work continued for four years have not satisfied the author. In 1824, Griboedov, during the editorial office, the resulting work partially rewrites the character of Molchalin. The writer adds final scenes to the comedy, thereby expiding the secretary to the rest of the characters.

The first attempts to publish the "grief from the mind" took place in December of the same year. Alas, censorship softened the spells of heroes, after bypassing witness issues that Griboedov touched upon. For example, the phrase of Molchalin "After all, it is necessary to depend on others" replaced on "After all, it is necessary to keep in mind."

The comedy, not burdened by the regiments of the censor, was released in print only in 1831, while the play was specifically translated into German. The Russian-speaking version of the poetic work appeared in Moscow in 1833.

Critic Peter Vyazemsky

Critical comments on the play, mostly affected the confrontation of Chatsky and Molchalin. Despite the numerous censures of the secretary, the vitality of the hero is understandable and correspond to the spirit of the times. It was subtly notified by Vyazemsky:

"Chatsky speaks about silence that he was before was so stupid that he is a painful creature. Molchanin accepted itself as a rule: moderation and accuracy. Let's ask: What's stupid and funny here? "

"Woe from Wit"

The plot of the comedy Alexander Griboyedov is developing on the territory of the landlord of the Famusov. The economy of an elderly man has long been established, in working moments a man helps the secretary, the full name of Alexei Stepanovich Solvelin.


A man lives in the house of the employer, therefore, it easily ties relations with Sofia Famusov. Young people spend a lot of time alone, communicating on personal topics. The biography of Molchalin is steep change, when Chatsky is returned to their homeland.

Men from the first minutes were unloved each other. Chatsky intends to deal with the reasons of the strange behavior of the beloved. Molchanin is scared that a secret romance will reveal. The secretary does not want to lose a profitable place, but the ability to become a son-in-law of a secured aristocrat is too seductive.

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Same, the girl has long lost interest in the Chatkoma and is hard to restrain so as not to reveal his secret. When Molchanin falls from the horse, the younger Famusov does not cope with emotions. The surrounding begin to suspect that there is a secret connection between the heroes.

Raining the glances of the secretary to life, Chatsky brings the wrath of the girl. The relationships of people surround gossip, intrigue and class prejudices. The full life of Molchalin ends at the moment when he was a feeling, the secretary dismisses his hands and admits in the insidious plans to the servant Lisa.

Sofya Famusov

Intimate conversation and unpleasant statements hear Sophia herself and angry Chatsky. At this point, the social problems of Russian officials and the love drama are mixed together. Molchanin is expelled from the rich house, and his rival with bitterness concludes:

"Silent bliss in the world!"

Image and nature

Disputes about the pity or scary of the Molchanin, do not subside among connoisseurs of classical literature. The quotation characteristic of the character will deploy everything in its place, because Griboedov expressed attitude towards the character through the replicas of the silence itself and people around him.

Molchanin - illustration

The comedy hero rose in Tver and moved to Moscow already in adulthood. A young man is poor, grew up in a family of burghers. His father also worked in the service, so Zolkolly since childhood got used to reptile before the power of this world:

"My father bent me: first, to please all people without rewrittening - the owner, where he will bring to live, the boss, with whom I will serve."

The secretary follows the Testaments of the Father, so it is easily and comforted in the house of Famusov. An officially young man is listed in the "archives", but in fact, performs the duties of a personal assistant landowner. During the service, a man managed to get three awards, which Molchanin boastfully proud of.

Illustration to comedy

Partially characteristic of the secretary reveals through the appearance of the character. An attractive young man has a slender figure. A man dresses dirt and watches his own manners:

"Help, modest, in the face of a blush is ..."

The costume is for Alexey Stepanovich a kind of way to achieve your own goals in life. Modest Sirtuk, colored vest and bright pantalonov helps silence to advance through the career stairs. After all, the status of the reptile servant allows you to achieve raising faster. Yes, and a quiet young man easier to achieve the favor of the daughter of the chief.

Alexander Chatsky

The image of a modest and closed person is operated by Griboyedov, even through the surname of the hero. So thinks about the unpleasant hero Chatsky:

"Is still not broken silence of printing? And however, he comes to the degrees of famous, because now they love wordless. "

The new aspects of the nature of Molchalin are opened in the context of the secretary relationship with women. The ambition makes a man to care for Sofia, while Alexey's interest is experiencing Lisa to the maid. The hero does not bother that such actions are a sign of hypocrisy and doubles. After all, any methods are good in the struggle of aristocracy and officials.


Unworthy behavior has consequences for a liquid and quirky person. Alexey Stepanovich caught with a political one, and the various dodgers will not save the boring. However, even after Radiation from the rich house, Molchanin can easily satisfy his own life, because, as Belinsky wrote:

"Molchanin Devilski is a cleaner when it comes to his personal gain."


In 1952, Gorky's film studio released the film-performance "Woe from Wit." The plot was based on the same product of Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov. The role of Secretary of Famusov went to the actor Mikhail Sadovsky.

Boris Klyuev in the form of silence

In 1975, the premiere of the same plays with a new composition took place. The record of the film came out on the screens in 1977. Kinokartina is a classic production of the work. The role of the secretary was performed by Boris Klyuev.

In 2000, the video version of the "Hill from Wit" came out, the director of which Oleg Menshikov spoke. The play entered the 5 most expensive scenic projects of Moscow. The image of Molchalin embodied actor Alexey Zavyalov.


"We often find the patronage there, where we are not methim." "It would not be damaged to us the frankness of this". "What you can't do in favor of such a person's daughter." "Ah, evil tongues of a pistol!" "I do not dare to utter my judgment."

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