Tom Wilkinson - biography, photos, movies, personal life, news 2021



Four films per year - such a norm is perhaps familiar to Tom Wilkinson. Perhaps only at the beginning of the creative path, he was busy in one cinematic work, but he and the start. A similar situation at the British and with prestigious premiums - to be nominated to Oscar or Emmy, then at least twice. The result for 2018 the following: 11 awards out of 54 possible.

Childhood and youth

On February 5, 1948, in Leeds, where the first rollers were removed, put the beginning of the art of cinema, the son was born from Marjori and Thomas farmers. The name of the child was given in honor of the Father. But, apparently, the second - Jeffrey was added to avoid confusion, which he frankly did not love and even dreamed of getting rid of him, because Yorkshire already knew the namesque-chemical - the Nobel laureate.

Actor Tom Wilkinson

When it was almost 4 years old, the family, the charter to endure difficulties with finance, sold the farm and went to Canada, who later did not reach a long-term shelter. A few years later, the new place of residence was chosen by the United Kingdom - both parents were engaged in Cornwall.

As for their studies, the director of the primary school Molly Soudon celebrated the ability of the young ward, as well as his laziness. To at least somehow instill him love for drama and inspire the next "middle" stage, a woman with a friend Paddy organized literary evenings. At one of them, the question of the future theater career Thomas stated that he wanted a special mark of the difference "for merit".

Tom Wilkinson in youth

To some extent, such an ambitious desire was embodied: in 2005 he became the proud owner of the Order of the British Empire. By the way, according to one London edition, the mentoring photos still decorate the actor's desktop.

Wilkinson received higher education at the University of Kent, from where he released with a doctoral degree, then attended Rada, presented to the world, besides him, many talented scenic art figures - John Gilguda, Timothy Dalton, Anthony Hopkins and others. He had a chance to shine on the ROYAL Shakespeare Company, The Oxford Playhouse and The National Theater.


Although the actor participated in films from 1976, fame to him came after entering wide screens in the 1997 comedies of six men who have lost their jobs and forced to make living with erotic dances with a frank final. "Male Striptease" deserved a dozen nominations, and Wilkinson - Bafta.

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In the same year, in the melodrame "Oscar and Lucinda" he managed to be attended by Kate Blanchett, and in Wilde, "with Jude Lowe. With Shakespeare, Tomas has an old and warm "relationship" - in his youth on stage, Hamlet, and the King of LIR, and for participating in the filmistory about the loving playwright, the artist again had the opportunity to receive a reward mentioned above.

Appearance and talent helped that convincingly to embody images and American politicians, and English Milgorods, and generals, as well as disagree to Gangster or Village. As he stated in an interview with an inimitable originality:

"Once the Bulgarian taxi driver told me:" I saw you on TV, right? You have a very ... annoying face. " Perhaps he meant "unforgettable."
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In general, his answers to questions relating to the professional side of the biography, it is possible to read: he refused "the Lord of the Rings", because it was necessary to stay away from the family for a long time, and the proposal to play "Bell" made consent due to the fact that shooting Passed near the house.

The filmography in different years has completed the favorite and memorable "Eternal radiance of pure mind", "Batman: the beginning", "Lone Ranger", "Hotel" Grand Budapest "," Rock and Rowlger "," Six Demons Emily Rose ". Winfrey-produced by Obrey and Brad Pitt "Selma" with Wilkinson received Oscar for the "best song", and after 2 years, Snowden was added to the piggy bank.

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The attitude towards universal recognition and glory is concreted concrete and restrained:

"I am the person who did not recognize Madonna and Julia Roberts at a meeting. But when you climb on the carpet, the sensations are awesome. "

Also, the heroes of two video games speak the actor's voice.

Personal life

Information for those who relatives tortured by the instructions to marry or marry exclusively up to 30 years - Tom Wilkinson married 40. And it's quite happy from January 1988 with his only wife Diana Hardcases, a fateful meeting on the "First among Equal" from which he turned into a serious feeling.

Tom Wilkinson and his wife Diana Hardcasesl

A woman presented her husband of two girls - Alice (1989) and Molly (1992). The youngest daughter, in all likelihood, was named after the teacher of Tom in school. There is no detailed information about the activities of detailed information, but it is known that the mother would not want children to walk in the footsteps of famous parents.

In 2016, the media wrote that Chet planned to celebrate the pearl anniversary of the wedding by repeated marriage ceremonies and again give each other the whales of the bride and groom. The secret of a happy personal life, according to them, lies in trust and mutual understanding. Curious fact: Spouses played together in the TV shows "Clan Kennedy" and "Hotel" Marygold ".

Tom Wilkinson now

In the winter of 2018, the premiere of the biographical drama "Happy Prince" took place, which became a member of the Berlin Film Festival. Film, named after the work of the writer, talks about the completion of the Earth's path of Oscar Wilde, trying to cope with the disease with the help of inexhaustible irony and senses of humor. The composition of the film performers added and Wilkinson.

Tom Wilkinson in 2018

In the same year, the world found out about the Spy Game and Bremen, where the actor also took part. Tom recognized that when he chooses between the characters in which it remains to be reincarnated, asked by the issues related not to the possible fee, the name of the director or other actors, and with intuition:

"I will enjoy the game of this character? Will I be able to shine in this role and play it now better than anyone in the world? Is there any new knowledge for me? ".


  • 2018 - "Happy Prince"
  • 2018 - "Spy Game"
  • 2016 - "Snowden"
  • 2011 - "Clan Kennedy"
  • 2008 - "Operation" Valkyrie "
  • 2008 - "John Adams"
  • 2005 - "Six Demons Emily Rose"
  • 2005 - "Batman: the beginning"
  • 2004 - "Eternal radiance of pure mind"
  • 2001 - "In the bedroom"
  • 2000 - "Patriot"
  • 1998 - "Shakespeare in love"
  • 1997 - "Wilde"
  • 1997 - "Oscar and Lucinda"
  • 1997 - "Male Striptease"

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