Group "Bread" - history of creation, composition, photo, news, songs, projects, clips, participants 2021



The Bread Group was created, which is called, "on joke". Her founders of Denis, Alexander and Kirill once read the translation of the Hit American hip-hop artist a $ AP Rocky and realized that they could also create something similar. However, afterwards, it took a much more serious turn, the work of young musicians was interested in hundreds of thousands of listeners. In the compositions and music videos Trio ridiculed numerous rap clichés, and these are often parodies became much more popular than the original.

The history of creation and composition

The project "Bread" appeared in 2013, but the history of creation is rooted in 2008. It was then that the permanent participants of the team Denis Kukoyaka, Alexander Shuliko and Kirill Trifonov together began to play KVN together. However, for a long time in the KVN they did not stay - decided to try his hand at videobloginge.

The first show that received the "Student Council" was filmed on a cluster chamber. We didn't use the spectators on the installation of each issue, but, despite the efforts of the authors, they did not use the viewers.

The next page in the creative biography of the collective was "that". Then, Finally, Denis, Alexander and Kirill noticed - the number of views rose to 100 thousand children began to be recognized on the street, an unexpected success was inspired for further actions.

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By registering in Twitter, they began to send links to their Youtyub-Channel to Russian show business. This brought results - video blocks were invited to participate in the creation of the series "Real Guys".

Also, novice celebrities wrote scenarios for three pilot series to different projects, but they all went to the table. Then the video cloggers were offered to work on the creation of the series about the guards. So "Chop" appeared on the light, which was interested in the representatives of the leadership of the TV channel "TNT". As a result, they bought the right to display, it was filmed 2 seasons. In an interview with «Daily Poster" lead singer Dennis Kukoyaka explained not too high ratings of the project so that it does not correspond to the usual patterns of the viewer.

While working on "PPC" videoblogery met with the founder of the advertising agency Booking Machine Igor Mom. By the time on the channel of the group, several comic music videos have already been laid out. Igor offered the team to go to a full-fledged tour of 25 cities. As Cyril, Denis and Alexander at this time to write the script for the "PSC", I was able to play only 2 concerts - in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The full halls inspired young people to develop a musical career.


In 2013, the first EP group called "Black", consisting of 5 compositions. On 3 of them ("tea, sugar", "Cameroon" and "rap, chains"), the musicians removed the clips in which the fashionable stamps were paroded in the American and Russian rapper. Debut Creation The authors described as follows:

"There are no bad songs on it. But some can be shocked. "

Presentations of the disk held in Moscow clubs collected the audience of different ages. The question of a journalist about how "bread" clings to listeners, guys modestly answered:

"Charisma and sexuality."

Some collective tracks are frankly provocative. So, the composition "Letter Arabian girl" composition was placed in one listeners in taste, others considered it offensive and racist.

In 2015, the trio released the single "My Rap". The clip of the same name collected more than 6 million views of YUTYUBER. And a full-fledged album called "White", saw the light only in 2016. It consisted of 13 compositions, the genre of which the authors designated as parody Rap.

In this case, the reviewers noted that, despite the humor, Denis, Cyril and Alexander approaches the subject with the utmost seriousness: remove spectacular clips, trying to sound songs were relevant, and skillfully use these "chips" that speak of a thorough knowledge of the genre.

2017 for the Bread Group was extremely saturated. In January, the premiere of the series "Civil marriage" was held on the TNT TV channel, in which Denis Kukoyaka and Alexander Shuliko played. The speech of the Rap Trio opened the Moscow presentation of the project, the song "Tea, Sugar" sounded from the scene, which became part of the official soundtrack of the series. In the spring, parallel with the All-Russian tour of Russia needs bread, the second EP group "Bread must be in every house". Caver was recorded on the song Olga Buzova "Few Polovin".


In March 2017, sales of Ziq & Yoni X collection were started with bread consisting of things with a group logo. In support of this project, Denis, Alexander and Kirill personally worked at the Ziq & Yoni Moskovsky Store Cass and distributed autographs to everyone. Later, the collective has a private website for the sale of branded T-shirts.

The team also created a common profile in "Instagram" and verified the community in VKontakte. 2017 was also marked by a number of performances at large festivals: VK Fest, "Voborofest", the opening of the World Festival of Youth and Students.

In November, the discography "Bread" was replenished with a new album called the "gun". It includes 13 tracks, including FITIs (compositions recorded jointly with other performers) with video unit Eldar Jarakhov, Rapper Yanix and Big Russian Boss, as well as with the "Disco Accident" group. By the way, the clip "Mohair" to working with "Disco" song got airplay in Muz-TV and has collected more than 2 million hits on "Youtube".

In 2018, the trio released the second part of the EP "The bread should be in every house 2". In September, a long-standing dream team came true - they visited themselves as music in the Evening Urgant program. Among the group "Fruits" hip-hop artists of the "bread" performed the song "Shashlyndos".

In 2019, the team released several singles. One of them - "on the face" was recorded in conjunction with the Serebro group. Track liked fans of both teams. According to fans, hip-hopers have a positive effect on the famous beauties, adding new outlines into the usual way of popular performers.

Having worked with "silver" the musicians began for "gold". Together with the morgenshtern, Young P & H and other guys took part in the record of the studio album "G.O.L.D." Russian blogger and rapper Big Russian Boss.

Group "Bread" now

Now the group continues to delight the thousands of fans of fans with fresh clips and hits. New posts telling about the creative life of the team, and joint photos are regularly published on the official website in the "Instagrame". Sometimes the press appears in the press that the participants quarreled and Schuliko even went to the solo career, but it is not. The composition of "bread" remains unchanged - parody RPP is still writing and executed by Denis, Alexander and Kirill.

In addition to independent release formulations in 2020, the trio worked together with stars such as Ida Galitch. Clip "droplets" in which the singer appeared in the image of a girl, riding on a pony park visitors, won fans with his humor, and scored a few million hits on "Youtube".

In the spring, the project "Cream Soda" recorded a cover for the 2017 track "I pay on techno", which has become much more popular than the original. Teams made a joint clip in the traditional "bread" humorous style, which blew up the Russian segment of "YouTube's".

The team also did not stay away from cover versions of famous songs and altered composition of the duo Taipan & Agunda «Luna does not know the way," to the electronic hardcore style.

The video closed in December with New Year's motifs on the "Former" track instantly attracted the attention of fans. The single was recorded in conjunction with the novice Russian rap artist SQWOZ BAB.

Despite the coronavirus pandemic, the "bread" has already painted poster of concerts for 2021. The trio plans to work at least fruitfully than before.


  • 2013 - "Black"
  • 2016 - "White"
  • 2017 - "Bread must be in every home"
  • 2017 - "Cannon"
  • 2018 - "Bread must be in every house 2"
  • 2019 - "Stars"


  • 2013 - "Tea, Sugar"
  • 2013 - "rap, chains"
  • 2016 - "My Rap"
  • 2016 - "EBA"
  • 2016 - "Let's go to me"
  • 2017 - "21"
  • 2017 - "District"
  • 2017 - "Mohler" (feat. "Disco Accident")
  • 2017 - "Som"
  • 2017 - "Drum-N-Bass"
  • 2017 - "I pay for techno"
  • 2017 - "Few Polovine"
  • 2018 - "Taxi"
  • 2018 - "Sprite"
  • 2018 - "Shashlyndos"
  • 2018 - "Wine"
  • 2018 - "Friendship"
  • 2018 - "Well, you understand"
  • 2019 - "200 den"
  • 2019 - "OPA"
  • 2019 - "Horses"
  • 2019 - "Ebobo"
  • 2020 - "Bamblela"
  • 2020 - "Luly"
  • 2020 - "Katya"

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