Thrill Pill - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Thrill Pill is one of the most young Russian rap performers. It is not afraid of frank topics and bold experiments and does everything to create a new quality sound. With the help of creativity, the musician could cope with personal experiences and now helps to make it the rest.

Childhood and youth

Timur Samedov (real name of the musician) was born in Moscow on October 22, 2000. Musician zodiac sign - scales. His childhood passed in Maryino. About nationality, the guy does not mention anywhere, considering himself primarily a typical Muscovite, a resident of a sleeping area.

According to the artist, parents paid little attention to them with her sister: the father left the family when Timur was 8 years old, the mother was engaged in work and personal affairs. Children raised grandmother. Also, the boy spent a lot of time with Uncle, who worked as a DJ on the NEXT FM radio and had a strong influence on the formation of his musical tastes.

Personal life

Of the information available in social networks, it is known that Rapper met for some time with a girl named Sonya Lisoniq Borkova.

The pair often published joint photos in the middle of 2017, but in mid-2017 their stream suddenly stopped: young people broke up.

Now the heart is free. According to the guy, he never had problems with a device of a personal life, as he can attract girls originality and a sense of humor.

A lot of discussions among fans cause extravagant image of Rapper and his hairstyle: He changed the pink hair hair onto the light blue and in addition made a new haircut - a kare with a bangs and a shaved back.

Today, Timur continues to experiment on appearance, changing the color of the hair, their length and laying. Despite the dance past, the artist never looked thin. When heighting 183 cm his weight today is 102 kg.


Timur fell in love with Rap, when I heard the song I'll Still Kill of the American artist 50 cent. In addition to music, he was fond of dancing, and this track was a favorite accompaniment of his numbers. In the adolescence, Samedov began to shoot video dancing for YouTube and participate in Battles under the name Spark.

Rapper's own texts began to compose from 10 years, and the first composition recorded when he studied in the 7th grade. In an interview, Timur was recognized that because of the passion, rap was often subjected to ridiculous peers, and it was frustrated.

Pseudonym Thrill Pill Teenager took in 2015. He told that these words came to his head in a state of severe alcoholic intoxication. Previously, the rapper preferred to call himself Fuelle Noir, but under this name eventually released only one song.

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Until the 8th grade of Samedov studied brilliantly, but when he was seriously carried away by music, threw the books and began to walk school. The exams next year he, however, managed to pass on the five, although shocked teachers painted in pink hair. Timur planned to go to the college, but did not have time to submit documents and went to the 10th grade.

Samadov's debut album recorded in 15 years - Worldwidewar consisted of only four songs. The next plate Kill Pill came out a year. From the previous one, it was distinguished by a more confident and fashionable sound, and after the release of a disc, Timur was able to declare himself as a promising rap artist. He was invited to the union "Sunset 99.1", and the new Tusovka finally carried away the teenager, picking all his time. The mother took the grandfolov documents from school and allowed him to work in creativity.

In 2016, the next Chelsea mini album came out. His name refers to the Chelsea to slang word, meaning a girlfriend with big breasts. Friends from the "Sunset" Flesh, Lizer and Krestall were helped in the record of the new plate Timur. Thrill Pill tracks spoke about recent experiences: in Fuck School - about how I threw school, and in the Last Time Freestyle "walked" on Haters, who were referred to the failure and mocked his hobbies.

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In 2017, Timur left the union due to creative disagreements, but with many participants they still remained friends. In February of the same year, the drive from Russia with Rage from three solo songs and a duet with LIL $ EGA came out.

After the release of Trap Star, Samedov went to the first concert tour. In August, "Solnik" Chelsea 2 came out with a cover on which an erotic photo was placed. Many accused the musician in vulgarity, but Thrill Pill himself explains that in this way he protest against the modern rap industry. Timur annoys that colleagues are too striving to portray those whom they are not really.

Thrill Pill songs - money, women, alcohol and drugs. Those rappers who are trying to raise problems in their work, he condemns, believing that in life is too much negative, and the music should bring joy.

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In honor of the 17th birthday, Thrill Pill posted a new video on the song "I am not a child." In the same year, he went to a large touring tour, and in April, he took the clip to the composition "Psychbole". At the same time, videos appeared on the tracks "Francenik" and "glamorous tiller". The author dedicated to his creative creator's critics and Haters, which was delighted with his fans with delight.

In 2018, Timur presented a clip to the song "How to get a neighbor", filmed in the setting of the popular game with the same name he loved in childhood. In March, the video "Pharmacy" and a mixture Fuelle Noir came out. The last work of Thrill Pill called the new stage of his creative biography: in this album he tried to be frank with the listener and even sang one song without auto, leaving her pure untreated vocals.

In the first half of 2018, the artist gave concerts in Moscow clubs and told that she was preparing a new material, but in June, he unexpectedly published a statement in "Instagram" that "Rap from I can no longer wait." Fans surprised this news, but the comments of Thrill Pill refused. Already in November, the musician presented a remix for the song "Bachelor".

Thrill Pill now

The new works of the artist in the 2019th tracks "Aristocrat Flova" and "Wolf with Wall Street". In the same year, the musician introduced the first debut album of "Revelations". The interview dedicated to this event, Timur gave in the show "Visiga".

Thrill Pill noted that the records that came out before, he perceives as a collection of songs. Therefore, the singer's disconnection began only after the release of "Revelations". Now the rap performer has made every effort to create a truly high-quality multi-wing product.

In the fall of 2019, Thrill Pill, together with Morgenishtern and Egor, released the track "Sad song". The composition was published on the Warner Music label. For several months, the clip placed on the Yutiub-Channel of Rapper scored 55 million views, but unexpectedly for all samdov deleted the video.

He explained the act that the label does not fulfill its financial obligations to the musician. Warner Music rejugged the movie on the WoW TV channel. At the same time, a statement appeared that the scandal is settled, the musician still cooperates with the label and is ready to submit a new album.

The leadership of Warner Music also explained that the singer violated the legislation, but the trial was able to avoid. Thrill Pill himself returned the track to the canal, while he used the video from the "minisfaft" as a video.

In 2020, the release of the new composition of the rapper "Bentley" took place. This is an outbound single, which on the WoW TV channel collected about 500 thousand views for half a year.


  • 2015 - Worldwidewar.
  • 2016 - Kill Pill
  • 2016 - Chelsea.
  • 2017 - From Russia WITH RAGE
  • 2017 - Trap Star
  • 2017 - Chelsea 2
  • 2018 - Fuelle Noir
  • 2018 - "Dam Shield himself (Volume 1)"
  • 2019 - "Dam Shield himself, Vol.2"
  • 2019 - "Revelations"

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