Markul (Mark Markul) - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Concert, Jarakhov, Oximiron, Clips, Albums 2021



Markul - rapper, an unusual style and feeding of which make it one of the brightest performers on the Russian hip-hop scene. Most of his youth passed in London, but there the musician did not find any recognition, nor glory, but the Russian audience appreciated his talent.

Childhood and youth

The present name of the musician - Mark Markul, by nationality he is Latvian. The future rapper was born in Riga on March 31, 1993, where he lived the first 6 years of his life. Then his parents decided to move to Khabarovsk, where they remained for another 6 years. The family had a small grocery business, and soon the mother who led them decided to sell him and move to the UK to do a restaurant business there.

The first abroad "for exploration" was sent by the older son of Mark. In London, his uncle lived, for the care of which the boy passed. The future musician came in the summer, in his free time from school sessions, and at first was delighted with the new home, but when it was time to learn, his enthusiasm went on decline.

Uncle lived in a prestigious area among secured people, but the rest of the family who came after Mark could not afford to stay there. The boy went to school on the outskirts of London. Then he almost did not know English, and the classes became a serious problem for him.

Soon financial difficulties were added to this: money invested in business, and parents had to look for other sources of income. Mother found a job and received social housing, and his father, without preparing difficulties, returned to Russia.

The first few years in the UK Mark was a complete hermit - no one wanted to communicate with him. Only at the age of 14, he had friends: on personal recognition of a musician, they were brought together a joint composition of rap and smoking marijuana.


Love for hip-hop Mark brought with him from Russia. In London, he had new favorites - Rapers FRENCH MONTANA and GIGGS. In 2005, the boy heard about the meetings of the former compatriots in the Green Park, which were satisfied with amateur rap concerts, and decided to join. The 12-year-old Mark was in this company the youngest, but it was accepted, and it became an important step in the creative biography of the future artist.

A few years later, a young musician founded his own Tribe team, inviting him his buddies to Chif and Dan Bro. Later, the group changed the name on Green Park Gang. To help the family, Mark worked at a construction site, was a handyman and a loader. After school, he entered the college, where he received a specialty sound engineer, and later he continued his education at the university, becoming a musical producer.

Taking on credit 9 thousand pounds, Mark acquired equipment for a home mini-studio and began to record and reduce his own songs. To "beat off" invested funds and pay a loan, he offered equipment for rent to other musicians and worked as a sound engineer.

In 2011, Markul recorded the first single "weighted rap". Soon the team collapsed, and the musician went to solo creativity. Over time, he realized that he did not like much in his own songs, and took a two-year career break to think about the further path.

Return to music was marked by the output of the "dry water" track. Later, a full-fledged album was released with the same name, and the first popularity in the sphere of Russian-speaking rap came to Marcula. After removing several clips on the first tracks, Markul released the album "Transit", in which the accumulated disappointment from moving and sadness of loneliness splashed. Records helped familiar musicians - Obladaet and T-Fest.

In 2016, the old friend of Rapper Oximiron (Miron Fedorov), who had already been known to that time in the CIS performer, invited Mark to his Booking Machine agency. The musician agreed and moved from London to St. Petersburg. Later in an interview, he said that he had other suggestions, but he decided that he wanted to go further along with those people in whom she was confident.

The patronage of Booking Machine brought him additional opportunities for promotion, and soon Markul was among the most popular Russian-speaking rappers. In 2017, he released a clip on the composition "Fata Morgana".

The video clip has become one of the most expensive on the market due to the fact that MTS has been attracted to the sponsors. Then the new Album was released, recorded in conjunction with the Obladaet rapper. In 2017, the musician went to the first touring tour, which included 20 cities in Russia and the CIS.

After the Single Blues, the artist in 2018 released a new hit - "Bottled ships". According to him, he inspired the aesthetics of jazz to write his composition. Together with his team, Markul took the clip in the Anaturget of the Gangster films, in which he appears in the role of a furist who had imbued with a luxurious retro party in the style of "Great Gatsby".

In addition, in 2018, rapper released new songs - "Atlantis", the "worst friend" and "serpentine", and also recorded working together with Thomas Mraz called Sangria and went to the second concert tour of the CIS.

In the fall, a collection of a musician Great Depression was released. His exit was a little delayed due to the fact that Markul sought to bring the composition to perfection. The album includes 9 new tracks, and for its production they answered Shumno and Claude Money. One of the most dramatic songs of the disk - "Without you" - the musician wrote in just a day, although the process usually takes more time.

2019 was marked by a number of singles. In the summer, the release of the Dance Track "Rocks" took place, in the clip to which the main role was performed by the model Natalia Kozyreva.

In the spring of 2020, rapper left Booking Machine due to the end of the contract, which did not affect his style of his creativity, nor at the speed of release of new works, since the union gave the performer full freedom, studying only the promotion of music.

Personal life

Markul dedicates the lion's share of his attention and time to music and does not like to talk about personal life. It is known that in his youth he met with a girl named Julia Knyazevich, the first pictures with which appeared on the network in 2011. There are no wives and children of the musician.

Rapper leads an account in "Instagram", publishing news about musical achievements and personal photos.

In one of the interview, Mark said that a long time suffered from panic attacks caused by stress from the move, with which he gradually learned to cope without the help of a psychologist.

In 2020, it became known that the musician bought a house in London for his family - Mom and younger brother.

Markul now

Creativity Rapper and is now its main way self-realization. 2021 began for the performer from the output of the "Boomerang" track, in whose text, Markul confessed as if he feels what lives in two worlds. It was on this accent that the clip was created, which started in April, where Mark embodied several images at once.

After the presentation of the roller, another video was released - about the process of filming the clip, some of them took place in the capital, and part in the pavilion of the city of Kirov, the scenery of which was built in one night with a team of 12 thousand people.

In collaboration with Aarne and The Limba Markul recorded the NOIR track, the release of which was held in May. A summer premiere was a duet brand with Jarakhov, a joint track was called "I'm in the moment." On television, the musicians presented the composition in the Evening Urgant show.

The autumn was scheduled to be a tour of the RPER tour in support of the new album and participation in the Fouco Pendulum Festival.


  • 2017 - Tranzit.
  • 2017 - Friends and Family
  • 2017 - "Rap with a quality mark 9"
  • 2018 - Great Depression

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