Ganvest - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Hanvest is a Russian rap performer, Kazakh by nationality, owner of an eccentric image, followed by a romantic. He belongs to those musicians who are looking for answers to complex personal questions with the help of creativity. Listeners appreciate the sincerity and sensuality of his compositions.

Childhood and youth

The present name of the musician - Ruslan Vladimirovich Homines. He was born in Kazakhstan, the city of Aktau. Rapper was born on November 11, 1992, on the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio.

From his biography, it is known that the childhood of Ruslana passed in poverty. Parents did not live together - the Father left the family immediately after the birth of the son. Therefore, barely matured, the guy began to work out - he was a handyman, a loader, a builder.

All the free time of the Homines paid music, she was to be invented for him. At a young age, he preferred to listen to such performers as Korn, Ozzy Osborne and Marilyn Manson.

Personal life

Despite the fact that Hanvest is open to communicate with fans, he prefers to silence about his personal life. Thousands of fans think about whether he has a girl, but the performer does not want to speak on this topic.

Ruslan is definitely not deprived of female attention. In the photo in "Instagram" he is often surrounded by bright beauties. A popular blogger Karina Cross was noticed with him, but it is rather a creative union than romantic.

But the long-term relationship of Hanvest does not want to start. A man admitted that during a protracted joint stay with a girl she begins to annoy him and even infect. For a long period of time Ruslan may be except with mom. She understands him one glance, knows that he loves the Son, and what is not, supports and helps. Now, if a girl appeared, which would have found the same approach to his complex personality, then, probably, the rapper would have tied a further life with her.

Hanvest is distinguished by an extravagant image - he bears a beard and rings in the nose, on the face and neck of his tattoo in the form of patterns and inscriptions. Few people remember him without a beard and without tattoos. Contractor of low growth (174 cm) and thin body (70 kg).

The singer is admitted: many people seeing him for the first time, think he is addict. Not everyone understands that he is a creative person, and a bright appearance is a way of self-expression and individualization. The opinion of others does not care for the artist. Approaching the mirror, each time Ruslan thinks: "This is a handsome!".


From the children's years, Ruslan felt an insurmountable craving for the scene. He spoke with songs on numerous concerts, shows and programs. Pseudonym Hanvest, meaning "weapons of the West", he took himself in 2008, when he decided to work in creativity professionally.

Over the next years, the rapper worked on its own songs. He laid out the results on the page in Vkontakte and asked for subscribers to evaluate. All reviews Musician collected carefully and analyzed - it helped him understand where to move on.

Over time, Ruslan made a choice in favor of a rapid creativity, but the fans wondered behind the bold texts of the subtle romance. The musician notes that the poems are extremely important for himself, but also in it strongly and the desire to share these emotions. "My dream is to live the scene, be with her in one breath," he says.

Despite all the efforts, Ganves as a musician knew only units. Therefore, he decided to take part in the project "Young Blood", where the main prize is a contract with Timati label. But it did not work here: Rapper flew off the project in the second round.

Ruslan decided to stay in Moscow by anything. He settled in one of the shops of the Black Star label. Year, the guy worked as a seller and distributed flash cards to customers with their tracks.

In 2017, Homines still returned to the homeland in Kazakhstan. In the afternoon, he worked in Barbershop, and in the evenings gave concerts in local clubs. The money earned by her work, he was postponed to return to Moscow soon and try good luck again.

A popular executor became in May 2018, after the release of the Single "Starfall". The song was distributed through social networks, and the number of subscribers of the musician page instantly increased several times. Ruslan says that he promoted this track on his own for money.

The two following songs "Nicotine" and "Duram" soon led the top Russian charts. The listeners called the last "real occupation", noting that, thanks to a clear bit and rhythmic text, she "stuck" in the head.

In September, the first video of Hanvest was published on the song "Duram", the director of whom was Talgat Safarov. Together they decided to abandon the clear plot in favor of the abstract video, which is harmonized with music and text. Fans found the idea of ​​curious and left a laudatory reviews.

In the autumn of 2018, the musician presented his first Mini-album "Adjes", which includes 4 compositions. In it, Ruslan tells his personal stories. The sincerity and honesty of the performer bribed the listeners.

Not allowing to move fans from the first album, Ganvest in the same year produces the second record called "infected". She entered 5 tracks: "Alcohol", "Snezhana", "infected", "Hangchit" and "Show me love." She had a tremendous success and put the performer in one row with the most vivid representatives of Russian hip-hop.

Already at the end of 2018, many people knew the name of Hanvest. He gave concerts in the country's best club clubs and gathered the full halls. At the same time, he recorded a lot of new tracks, among which the "girl-night".

Rapper in creative terms often compare with scriptonite. The artist does not deny some similarity. Her he writes off the Kazakh origin, but not attempting to resemble the famous rapper.

Ganvest now

Currently, the artist is actively creative. In early 2019, he gave a solo concert at the Platinum Club. After that, went to the tour of the cities of Russia.

In March 2019, the rapper released the "Naked Palm" track together with the trick. The composition quickly gained popularity among the listeners and entered the twenty songs in the social network "VKontakte". After that, such hits were recorded as Nicotine, which sounded at the show "Voice", "Nirvana", "Girl with Pictures", "Hooligan" and others.

2020 also was a successful for the artist in creative terms. In January, he released the Ayia composition. In March, the track "Kaifuli", which was rapidly headed by many charts and sounded almost from each column. A little later, a remix was made. Another hit was the composition "Porsche", the release of which was held in June. In the same month, Hanvest recorded the duet song "Pineapple Syrup" with a participant of the Black Star label Nathan.

In April, Ruslan in the Instagram account reported that he was infected with coronavirus infection. As a confirmation, he put a snapshot with the results of analyzes on the COVID-19 - the test was positive. Rapper shared with subscribers, which first the disease was asymptomatic, but then weakness and shortness of breath appeared. The musician called on everyone to observe the regime of self-insulation and refrain from contacts.

Follow the saturated life of the artist, fans can through its social networks. In "Instagram", he shares frames from the studio, relaxation and parties, in Tik-Toka, removes funny videos. But the Youtyub Channel Singer uses to publish audio files.


  • 2018 - "Adjes"
  • 2018 - "infected"
  • 2019 - "Girl with pictures"
  • 2019 - "Hooligan"

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