"MGZAVRA" (Mgzavrebi) - biography, composition, music, photos, Georgian group, concert, Moscow, albums, ensemble, Yutyub 2021



"MGZAVAR" is a Georgian group that appeared in Tbilisi and carrying traditional Melos in modern masses. There are several music albums on the collective account, cooperation with popular stars of the Russian, Georgian and European estra.

The history of creation and composition

The soloist of Gigi Grandmazishvili played great importance in the formation of the music ensemble, because he became his founder. He was a student of the theater university when he decided to help a close friend to conquer the heart of the girl liked and wrote music to his verses. The composition was called "on the verses of GEGI" and later entered the debut album of the team.

Soon after that, close to the vocalist to speak at the concert. He and 2 other musicians played tools, and the poet's buddy read poems. So in 2006 the first composition of the group "MgzAvroj" appeared, but in the future he continued to expand, because Gigi collected around friends - the same talented performers.

In the first years of the Group's existence, the number of participants varied from 12 to 20, depending on the characteristics of the proposed speeches. But by 2010, 7 musicians left to "MSAVAR", who consider each other with one family.

The group's philosophy does not imply the replacement of the artist for a person with regalia and extensive knowledge of music. They continue to perform together, creating an indescribable cozy atmosphere at concerts.

Now "MGZAVAR" is a well-established mechanism in which each participant takes its place. Gigi Dedalamazishvili is a vocalist, guitarist, author of music and most songs. Lasha Dakhnadze performs the Bass-drum batch, cake and sings. Misho Megrelishvili plays on a jambé, a tambourine and organizes accompaniment to a shaker.

Guga Kublashvili executes compositions on Panduri and flute. Amiranashvili's beige works with a solo guitar, Pandouri, a lip accordion. Approximately the same duties perform Dato Goglia. Davit Ugregelidze plays keyboards.


According to vocalist, initially participants did not plan to create for the masses. They liked to get together - sing and play on tools devoting their rooms to relatives and comrades, but over time everything has changed, strangers began to come to their concerts.

Early speeches did not differ in particular sweep and mood, which became familiar to the listeners. The artists simply went on stage and sang, but later friends advised Gigi to be themselves, which helped him to reveal. He began to give more time to communicate with the public - to joke, tell the story of the creation of a group and individual songs, and it climbed the musicians and their fans even more.

My first album Me Movigone ... performers were presented in 2008. According to the soloist, a lot of time went to the record, because they did not put on their specific terms and later understood that it was a mistake. Then the discography was replenished with Meore Albomi, who conquered the audience by the song Tango.

Popularity came to the participants in 2012, when they recorded the soundtrack for the film David had had "City Dreams". After that, they were talking about them not only in Georgia, but also beyond. Musicians were repeatedly invited to speak in Russia, but they were in no hurry to go to someone else's country for them, fearing deception by the organizers.

Everything changed after the friend of the artists introduced them to Evgeny Grishkov. Russian playwright himself expressed the desire to cooperate with the Georgian team and soon arrived in Tbilisi for joint rehearsals. Later, they arrived in the Russian Federation, where they first performed in cooperation, and then "MGZAVER" began to give the first solo concerts on which many admirers gathered.

Russian critics responded positively about the work of Tbilisi musicians, calling them a folk group. And the fans spent different parallels, focusing on the representatives of the foreign scene, and eventually allocated the music "MSKAVAR" into a separate copyright direction.

In 2014, Russian tours of the team passed in support of the album "Waiting for living to wait", and then the public warmly met the presentation of the record "MigzAvruli". Already a year later, the participants acted on "invasions". Later followed the presentation of the group at the International Festival "The World of Siberia" and on the "Wild Mint".

All this helped artists to earn the love of Russians. In 2016, the listeners of Our Radio voted for "Migzaveb" in the category "Hacking" in the framework of the "charter dozen". Amazing music of Georgian performers combines traditional singing, the modern sound of tools and individuality, and their romantic clips available on Yutubeub are immersed by the audience in a special atmosphere.

The low development of show business in Georgia pushed the team to experiments, and all of them became unique and successful. Artists collaborated with Placido Domingo, Nino Katamadze, Andrea Bocellei and Shakira, which brought their creativity to a different level.

In 2018, the ensemble presented several new products at once. At first, Iasamani album was released, the name of which is translated as "lilac", and then - a collection of Krebuli songs. But the release of GEO became a particularly bright event. This planet about planet Earth, the problems of ecology and public life rise in it. Listeners loved the song "High".

Shortly before the start of the pandemic of coronavirus infection, the participants "MgzAvroz" planned to visit Russia again, but the concerts had to be transferred. The quarantine period was not easy for the group, because they are accustomed to frequent touring and communicating with fans.


In early 2021, the team members placed on the official website record, where they reported the long-awaited tour in Russia. They visited the country in the spring, visited the largest cities, including Moscow and St. Petersburg. In April, artists performed on the transfer "What? Where? When? ", Where they performed the song" Break up. "

Now the musicians continue to create new songs. They stay close with their listeners, so in their instagram account, not only news about the upcoming concerts, but also family photos are published.


  • 2008 - Me Movigone ...
  • 2011 - Meore Albomi
  • 2013 - "Wait to live to wait"
  • 2014 - "Migzored"
  • 2014 - In Vino Veritas
  • 2018 - Iasamani.
  • 2018 - Krebuli.
  • 2018 - Geo.


  • 2013 - Damiskhi Damalevine
  • 2014 - Mjera
  • 2014 - In Vino Veritas
  • 2015 - RamDens.
  • 2015 - Ar Shegeshindes
  • 2017 - "Promise"
  • 2017 - Vazi.
  • 2018 - Gala.

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