Manizha (MANIA) - biography, personal life, photos, news, "about you", songs, singer, concert, clips 2021



The name of the manipus means "gentle", and the surname Sangin - "Stone". In an interview, the young performer Manizha with a smile calls himself a "gentle stone." And indeed, in its character, both beginnings are harmoniously: fragile, creative and strong, helping to achieve high results. The singer refutes the stereotype that the artist needs the patronage of the label or producer. His extensive audience of the company gathered thanks to personal qualities - talent, charisma and amazing sincerity.

Childhood and youth

The company Sangin (Khamraeva), a better known under the scenic pseudonym Manizha, was born on July 8, 1991 in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. About the relatives of the singer willingly tells in an interview. Her grandfather Taji Usmon is known in his country as a writer and journalist. In the city of Khujand, his name carries street, and in honor of the writer, the monument is erected. The great-grandmother of the manipies entered the history of Central Asia as one of the first women who decided to remove the barrack and start working on a par with men.

Nadzhib Usmanov's mother received a psychologist's diploma. She, according to her daughter, a creative person: in his youth he was fond of singing, but then the voice threw. Father, doctor by education, too, Meloman, so the company has listened since childhood the same thing as parents: Queen, Pink Floyd, Viktor Tsoi. In total, five children grew in the family, the future singer is the average of them. In 1994, when civil war began in Tajikistan, the family had to leave the native country and settle in Moscow.

Musical abilities in the girl saw grandmother. In 5 years, the tribute began to learn the game on the piano, but a year later he left this occupation. On listening to the choir, she was distributed to the group of second votes, and the future star, who had not yet knew what it was, was upset and left.


In an interview with the singer recalls how once in junior grades performed in front of teachers and classmates My Heart Will Go One. The tears of the touched public of the company regarded otherwise - he decided that her terrible singing was marked. After that, the girl was shy to speak in front of the audience, but at 11 years old returned to music again - began writing off the singer.

Despite the obvious craving for creativity, after graduating from the school, the company entered the Russian State Humanitarian University. Choosing her fell on the faculty of psychology. According to the singers, for a long time, classmates did not even suspect that she was engaged in music. In the walls of Alma Mater, the girl appeared infrequently, and singing helped her on credits and exams. So, for example, the foreign language of the majan surrendered, fulfilling the department of songs in English for teachers.


Behind the shoulders of the company's extensive experience in music competitions and festivals: Rainbow Stars (2003), Kaunas Talent (2004), "time to light the stars" (2006), "Navoi Dil" (2007) and others. At the same time, the actress invariably occupied the first places. The new turn in the creative biography of the singer occurred in 2007, when the performer began to perform under the pseudonym Ru. Kol in the project of the same name. The first single "neglect", published in February, entered the top ten songs of the Hit-parade of the Russian Radio.

In September 2007, the artist took part in the III All-Russian competition of the Five Stars Five Star Song (Sochi). Ru. Kol was among the finalists, but the main prizes got another contestants. Nevertheless, the young singer who performed the "Sky of London" Zemfira, "Caravan of Love" Sofia Rotaru and his own song "hurried", remembered to the audience.

The release of the debut album Ru. Zolty "Negroin" took place in the spring of 2008. The plate included 11 songs, clips for some of them ("on fire", "you say") broadcast on Russian and Ukrainian television channels. Despite the success, the drawing soon left the project - she did not want to remain in the eyes of the public the next commercial product.

At the time of the singer moved to London, where he worked with the musical producer Michael Spencer. However, from cooperation with the British label, the artist as a result refused, deciding to preserve creative independence. After returning to Russia, the performer was looking for himself, performed and recorded songs with the groups "Assai", Krip de Shin, with Mikhail Mishchenko and Escome musicians.

Laying short music videos in your account in "Instagram" the singer began in 2013. The 15-second format of the rollers, according to the manipies, is not at all minus, as it seems at first glance. The tiny excerpt comes to the viewer much more than a full-fledged clip or film.

For a video vocalist, he chose not the most obvious material - made cavities on David Bowie's songs, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson and other legendary performers. "In such a genre, like a cover version, look very boring on girls who constitute Adel or Nina Simon," explained to Manizha his choice.

Later, a young performer began to share his own creativity with subscribers. In December 2016, Manizha released a Minuscript debut instagram album. An unusual release took place in cooperation with the audience: the name "records" appeared during the competition, and the tracks went out every week on specially created art accounts. Especially the public loved Hit I Love Too Much in the genre of pop music. In February 2017, the debut creation of the singer appeared in iTunes and in a short time it turned out to be on the upper lines of the Russian Chart.

The full-length clip on the song "Sometimes" was dedicated to his mother, who supported the performer throughout her creative path. By the way, Nadzhib Usmanova became a designer, she has its own company ModardsIGNS. The singer fully entrusted his mother's style in clothes, the daughter resorts to her advice and when creating a video.

Another roller "chandelier" was removed with the help of a robotic arm KUKA, a professional film film replaced the iPhone. The clip turned out to be stylish, with many unusual and spectacular angles.

In 2018, the singer's discography was replenished with another album yiam. According to the plan of the manipies, the plate consisted of two parts, differing not only in the language of execution, but also by mood. For the first, Russian-language part, it is characterized by a colder, electronic sound.

The second, "warm", introduced the anthology of English-speaking songs, which inspired the performer. The clip is one of the first part of the songs, "Emerald", turned into a real art project: the images shown in the video refer to the viewers to the works of Michelangelo, Sandro Botticelli, Frida Kalo.

The artist actively appeared at the music events, participated in concerts and promotions. So, in the fall of 2018, Manizha starred in Adidas Russia advertising. True, the singer admitted that recently more often refuses invitations to such projects. The main thing for her is not to deceive the viewer. In addition, the performer continued to conduct pages on social networks, share with subscribers new photos and videos.

And the end of this year was marked by important in the creative biography of vocalist events - a large solo concert in the Izvestia Hall and a duet with actress Anna Chipovskaya. As the drawing confessed in an interview, a long-term friendship was associated with Anea. And knowing about the singing talent of the artist, the performer often offered to create a joint composition. In early 2019, the girl presented the Black Swan song on the Evening Urgant show. In the same year, the vocalist released the hit "Now it will not happen twice."

In 2020, the singer pleased the fans with the release of the new track "City of the Sun", which maniza devoted to the forced migrants. The song with the philosophical text did not leave the public indifferent. Especially for the composition, a clip was shot, which included fragments from the family-run archive of the performer, as well as documentary frames, which captured the moments of the Civil War in Tajikistan. Editor video made the younger brother of the artist. In the same year, Manizha performed the title track "On the Warrior Path I get up" for the new film of the company Disney "Mulan".

Personal life

About his personal life Manizha prefers not to tell. In an interview before a trip to Eurovision, the singer said that he did not want to name the name of the beloved. However, in Rotterdam, there was a director-screenwriter and a clipmaker Lado Quarter, which allowed journalists to talk about the novel.

Lado works with many Russian celebrities and it was he who became the author of the idea for the company's number at the main international vocal competition.

Manizha now

In 2021, the artist continued to engage in creativity, in particular, released a new song "About you". March brought fans of the artist unexpected joyful news - by SMS-voting, the audience chose a manine to participate in the Eurovision contest. It was originally planned that the Little Big group will go to the Netherlands, which, due to an epidemic of a coronavirus infection, passed the selection, could not take part in the show.

The fans of the Ilya Prusikin team were confident that the shocking musicians will be able to conquer Europe this year. Confidence was heated and the fact that in early March the Group presented a new video for the song Sex Machine - the public thought that this track would sound in the competitive program.

However, an official statement appeared in the instagram account of Little Big that the team refuses to participate in Euro. The reason for this decision was announced in the post: "We must give a young way." After that, a new Russian selection was organized urgently organized. Among the contenders for the trip to Rotterdam were "# 2 Mashi", Therr Maitz and the drawing, which eventually won. For selection, the artist chose the song "Russian Woman" (Russian Woman).

And the composition of the performer, and her personality has made a lot of noise. It came to the point that in April of the RF RF, began checking Russian Woman for hatred or the presence of signs of excitement of hostility in the text.

On May 18, the first semifinal was held, according to the results of which the drawing took the 2nd place and went to the final. As a result, the singer scored 204 points and ranked 9th on Eurovision.


  • 2008 - "Neglect"
  • 2012 - Krip de Shin
  • 2017 - Manuscript.
  • 2018 - Iiam
  • 2019 - Manizha Womanizha

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