Nikolai Chernyshevsky - biography, photos, books, personal life, cause of death



The Russian philosopher-utopist Nikolai Chernyshevsky, the son of Saratov Archpriest, had to make a brilliant spiritual career, but years of study at the seminary and university turned his heart from religion. As a result, he became an outstanding literary critical democrat.

Portrait of Nikolai Chernyshevsky

Free-rope cost the writer is expensive: without a small 20-year-old Katorga deprived him of strength, health, communicating with his family and the opportunity to work, but his biography became a source of inspiration for a new generation, and the works put a huge imprint on the subsequent development of social philosophy and literature.

Childhood and youth

Nikolai was born in Saratov 12 (24) of July 1828. His father Gavril Chernyshevsky was a priest and for those years a very educated person who wants to ensure his children a worthy future. Childhood Little Kolya spent over books. The readiness and horizons of the boy were amazed not only by peers, but also adult friends of the Father.

Nikolai Chernyshevsky in youth

In 1842, the younger Chernyshevsky entered the spiritual seminary. The quality of teaching in the educational institution did not suit him, and the young man replenished him with self-education, studying geography, literature, grammar and languages. After studying 4 years in the seminary, Nikolai filed documents to St. Petersburg University at the Faculty of History and Philology.

Literary activities and books

During the student, the worldview of the future revolutionary was finally developed. He began to consciously prepare himself for educational work and began writing artwork. Despite the fact that Nikolai has previously studied in a spiritual educational institution and in general was a led from the religious family, the doctrine of the official Orthodoxy he decisively rejected.

Books Nikolai Chernyshevsky

After 2 years, Chernyshevsky, together with the young wife, returned to Petersburg. He was offered a teacher's place in the Cadet Corps, and he gladly agreed with pleasure, seeing the possibility of propaganda of his ideas. The teacher Nikolai Gavrilovich was not bad, albeit too loyal, but with his colleagues, he did not hold his relationship: after one particularly loud scandal, the teacher quit.

In 1853, Chernyshevsky began to be published in the "domestic notes" and "St. Petersburg Vedomosti". Starting with short notes, he gradually moved to program articles. A year later, the author went to the "contemporary". Despite revolutionary views, Nikolai Gavrilovich still did not want to turn the edition into the stands dangerous for that time of ideas and on this soil he quit with the liberal writers Annenkov, Druzhinin, Turgenev and Botkin.

Philosophical and political views

In 1855, Chernyshevsky defended his thesis dedicated to the relationship of the attitude of art to the phenomena of the real world. His speech caused public resonance, since the sharp criticism of the idealism and the theory of "pure", torn off from the reality of art, many were regarded as a keenness and an attempt to ruin the traditional foundations.

Monument to Nikolai Chernyshevsky in Saratov

Representatives of the authorities also did not like the position of the young scientist: A. S. Norov, who was then the Minister of Enlightenment, opposed the award of the Chernyshevsky scientific degree. Nikolai Gavrilovich received the title of Master of Russian Literature only 3 years later, when Norova informed E. P. Kovalevsky.

At the same time, the writer headed the magazine "Military Collection". His attraction to editing the publication was not accidental: Chernyshevsky was invited to lead propaganda activities in this post, because, by the plan of the then revolutionaries, the army was supposed to become the main driving force of the upcoming change. There Chernyshevsky got acquainted with Ogarev and Herzen. Together they became the hedlemen of population and founded the secret society "Earth and Will".

Arrest and reference

In 1861, Nikolai Gavrilovich drew the close attention of the police, and a secret supervision was established over him. The editor of the "military collection" and the author of the "contemporary" was suspected of the compilation of revolutionary appeals and initiating hostile senses to the current government (these charges were recorded in a service note compiled by the main gendarme dolvalukov). In addition, Chernyshevsky was suspected of involvement in fires that happened in St. Petersburg in 1862.

Nikolai Chernyshevsky

Soon the "contemporary" was closed, and in the month of Nikolai Gavrilovich arrested, placing a Petropavlovsk fortress in a single chamber. A formal cause for arrest was the letter of Herzen to South Solovyovich, who mentioned the name Chernyshevsky - allegedly planned to organize the work of a prohibited "contemporary" in the UK. In addition, Nikolay Gavrilovich was charged with the manufacture of trades calling for peasants to the uprising against landowners.

The investigation in the case of the revolutionary lasted 1.5 years. The Commission for confirming the guilt of Chernyshevsky used illegal methods - the testimony of false witnesses, fake documents. To attract attention to injustice, the prisoner announced a 9-day hunger strike, but it did not help.

Nikolai Chernyshevsky in prison

Even in prison, the scientist continued to work by writing more than 200 sheets of text. In sharpening, he finished the novel "What to do?". An interesting fact - the work accepted and published, despite the position of his author.

In 1864, Nikolay Gavrilovich announced a sentence: a 14-year-old Katorga in Siberia and a lifelong settlement there. According to the personal wish of the emperor, the calendar period was doubled, but as a result, the writer conducted a link 19 with more than a year. Chernyshevsky's civil penalty is a humiliating punishment in the form of a public detention of all the ranks and privileges - took place on 19 May 1864 at the equestrian Square of St. Petersburg.

Monument to Nikolai Chernyshevsky in St. Petersburg

The prisoner was crossed on the Nerchinsky Cathedral, and later they exist in Vilyuisk. After 10 years, Chernyshevsky officially proposed to submit for pardon, but he refused. Comrades on a revolutionary circle made several attempts to free it, but the Chernyshevsky's Saratov eventually returned to the Saratov soon.

In the end, friends and relatives were able to ensure that he was transferred from Siberia to Astrakhan. The emperor went on this step out of fear of new riots, because "Earth and Volia" then showed itself as a socially dangerous organization, and did not want to glow the situation.

Personal life

The writer was married. Olga Skutovna Vasilyeva, with which they married in 1853 became his chief. The wife has heard a very original person, and the choice of Chernyshevsky approved not all: Olga was accused of eagerly and indifference to the work of the spouse, but Nikolai Gavrilovich himself was delighted. His love for his wife became blind and unconditional, and he considered a marriage in the way of testing new ideas, trying to build an equal relationship to eradicate slavery and oppression of women in the family.

Olga Socratna Chernyshevskaya

When you meet Chernyshevsky honestly warned that he was fond of "things that smell like a carriage", but Olga did not stop it. Having received her consent to marriage, the writer headed the "diary of my relationship with the one that now makes my happiness" and began to embody his revolutionary ideas in family life.

Chernyshevsky stated that both spouses are equal to rights and duties, which for that time was a very bold position. In marriage, he provided Olga complete freedom, up to change, believing that she had the right to dispose of himself, as wishes. When the wife began with a novel with a friend of the family Ivan Savitsky, he suggested letting her, assure that nothing wishes as her happiness. Olga, admiring such a generosity, chose to stay with her husband.

Nikolai Chernyshevsky and his wife Olga

Personal experience Chernyshevsky later lay down the basic line of the novel "What to do?", And the relationship of one woman and two men described ones remained in Western literature called "Russian Triangle".

Relatives of Nikolai Gavrilovich watched on his elect "Kosos", and in his native Saratov about the personal life of the couple constantly walked unpleasant gossip and rumors. Departure of a young family in St. Petersburg more reminded escape from prejudice and old men. Oils in the fire poured the fact that the wedding took place too hastily - shortly before this, Nikolai Gavrilovich died, however, he refused to withstand the laid mourning.

Nikolai Chernyshevsky on mortal odds

Together, Chernyshevsky lived for 9 years, but fate selected them as many as 20 years of family happiness. From the Siberian Links, the philosopher wrote 300 letters to his wife, but later he stopped correspondence, deciding that the more Olga would forget him, the better.

By the time of his departure, the spouses had already grown up three sons - Mikhail, Victor and Alexander, and, remaining without her husband and father, the family learned the bitter need. Olga had to operate with a duct and knitten. In 1866, she took the younger child, went to visit the spouse. The path took six months, but they were able to spend just 4 days together. Nikolai Gavrilovich begged Olga to refuse him and get married again, but she never wanted to do it.


Thanks to the troubles of Rodney Chernyshevsky in June 1889, returned to Saratov, but it was not destined to calmly live his days in his hometown. The hard labor broke his health, and in 55 years the writer was a weak old man.

Mogila Nikolai Chernyshevsky

In the autumn of the same year, he fell ill with malaria and died suddenly. The cause of death was hemorrhage into the brain.

The grave of Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky is located on the Resurrection Cemetery of Saratov.

Interesting Facts

  • In the novel "What to do?" Mentioned aluminum called "Metal of the Future". At that time, he was used little, but the forecast of Chernyshevsky regarding his widespread use in the industry really came true.
  • In childhood, friends teased the writer by a bibliographer, and his friends were called the Eater of Books - his thirst for knowledge was so unfortunate.
Nikolai Chernyshevsky - biography, photos, books, personal life, cause of death 13385_12
  • In Soviet times, the novel "What to do?" It became unusually popular because of the positive reviews of Lenin.
  • Love for his wife Chernyshevsky retained for his whole life and did not stop thinking about her even in the most severe cortis years. Saving a penny from a scant earnings, he managed to buy luxurious fox foxes to her and send a gift to Petersburg.


Human activity is empty and insignificant when not an idea is an idea. The right to live and be happy - an empty sign for a person who does not have the means to the fact that the human character is most reroxed in the fact that the kind of rest is easier and more pleasant for him. Self it is then producing true The effect when not thinking about the effects.


  • 1862-1863 - "What to do?"
  • 1863 - "Alfriev"
  • 1883 - "Notes on Nekrasov"
  • 1854 - "Critical view of modern aesthetic concepts"
  • 1855 - "Aesthetic attitudes of art to reality"
  • 1855 - "sublime and comic"
  • 1855 - "The Character of Human Knowledge"
  • 1858 - "Criticism of philosophical prejudices against community ownership"
  • 1860 - "Anthropological principle in philosophy"
  • 1888 - "The origin of the theory of the beneficialness of the struggle for life"

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