Princess Beatrice (Beatrice Yorkskaya) - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Wedding 2021



Princess Beatrice Elizabeth Maria Yorkskaya - the second on the seniority of the granddaughter of the ruling queen of Great Britain Elizabeth II, Kuzina Princes William and Harry. Despite the ownership of the royal family, it successfully builds a career and lives not only a secular life. Beatrice is famous for impeccable manners and a sense of tact, but its taste preferences in clothes cause a contradictory response from the audience.

Childhood and youth

The biography of the princess begins with the royal pedigree. Born on August 8, 1988 in London, Beatris became the firstborn and the older daughter of the Duke and Duchess of York. Father - Prince Andrew, the second son of Queen Elizabeth II and Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Mother is a public figure and patronage of Sarah Ferguson.

At the time of the birth of Beatrice was the first princess in the monarch family, since her aunt Anna, the eldest sister of the father and the only daughter of Elizabeth II, since 1987 wearing the title of royal princess, which traditionally assigned to the eldest daughter of the ruling monarch. In addition to his native aunt, there are two more relatives along the father of the father: Charles, Prince Wales, and Edward, Count Wessec (senior and younger sons of Elizabeth II), who come to her native unlishes.

When the princess was incomplete 2 years, her younger sister Yevgeny York city was born, relations with which to this day die the whole world with warmth, which relatives are experiencing to each other. Heiress royal crown is inseparable from birth. The happy day of early childhood girls spent in the family manor Sunninghill Park, presented by Queen for the wedding of Prince Andrew and Sarah.

Already at 3 years old, the baby began to learn - the primary education received in Windsor Upton House School. In 1995, when the daughter was 7 years old, parents gave it to a private school Cowort Park (Coworth Park School). And after another year, Beatris's life overshadowed the news about the divorce of parents.

After a break with his spouse, Sarah Ferguson took his daughters and settled in the family estate in Windsor, retaining the wonderful relationship with her husband and the title of Duchess York. Externally, the divorce of the father and mother did not affect the life of the young princesses: Andrew and Sarah visited all school events of daughters, participated in the royal ceremonies, held a weekend ends together and often exported daughters abroad. Among the children's hobbies of Beatrix Disney cartoons (especially the "Mermaid") and the books about Harry Potter.

From 2000 to 2007, the girl received secondary education at Saint George in Ascota. Due to the fact that in childhood she was diagnosed - dyslexia (a disease, due to which a violation of the ability to master the reading skill), she was delayed for a year to pass the necessary exams. In the school, Princess was fond of history, drama and cinema, visited the choir.

According to rumors, Beatrice was not a popular person at school, but good-capacity and friendliness helped to find friends, and she was already unanimously chosen on the school graduation. In September 2008, Princess Yorkskaya entered the Goldsmith College in London and, having passed a 3-year study course, received a bachelor's degree of history.

When Evgenia Yorkskaya married (the wedding with Jack Brooksbank took place on October 12, 2018), and Beatrice had no guy who claims to her hand and heart, the princess became the only unmarried granddaughter of the Queen and the most enviable bride in all old world. Her turn on the throne - the eighth after uncle Charles, Cousin William, the three of his children, Cousin Harry and Father Andrew Yorksky.

Princess fans have no doubt that the girl will find personal happiness. Yes, and she did not lose. She still spent a lot of time with her mother and sister, who called her just Bea or Trixi. Accompanied the Father on political techniques and secular events. She regularly rode with his beloved grandmother on horseback in Windsor and met with friends, among which the model Carly Kloss and Singer Ellie Golding.

Personal life

Practically with the age of majority and the beginning of the princess has become one of the most discussed title beauties. First of all, secular reporters took up the appearance and image of Beatrice, reproaching her in excess weight and chaiselessness, confirming what was said by eloquent photographs. But the girl took up work on style and lost weight (height 162 cm, weight 57 kg). If at the wedding ceremony of William Outfit Cousin's groom caused frank bewilderment, then at the wedding of Prince Harry, Beatrix's dress was approved by critics.

It is necessary to say that her personal life has always been an object of close attention. In 2005, being a 17-year-old girl, she met with 23-year-old Paolo Liuzzo. The couple met in the company of common friends on vacation from the Caribbean coast. But the relationship stopped after a couple of months, when it turned out that four years earlier Paolo was arrested in the United States for the unintended murder of a classmate in a drunken fight, departed a short-term punishment and is on probation.

The news was leaked to the press and caused a big scandal, which the princess was seriously worried. In a difficult minute, her mother and sister were held.

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"Our family has experienced a lot of stressful moments, but every minute Mom emitd positive. And I am happy that I learned about it, "Beatrice told.

By the way, in 2009 it became known that Paolo was arrested in Australia for storing drugs, this once again confirmed that the guy could not be a pair of titled person.

From depression, a girl saved new relationships. With a charming dawn Clark, the son of a rich American, Beatris met for the cousin - Prince Willam: Guys became friends while studying in the framework of the student program. Although the man was disappointed in a comradist, considering him indiscreet, and did not even invite it to a wedding.

Dave did a career at Richard Branson Virgin Galactic, but in 2014 he moved to Uber and moved to San Francisco, where the organization's headquarters is located. Beatris followed him, then both moved to New York, where she got a job in the investment bank. Against the background of complete idyll, especially unexpected became the news about parting a couple in 2016.

"Young people took a pause in relation to understanding the feelings," the sources close to the surround were commented.

However, in May 2017, Dave announced the engagement with the American businesswoman Lynn Anderson. Beatrice, as it should be a good faith, wished them happiness.

And in 2018 it became known about the novel of the princess with Edoardo Mapelli Moztsi, an Italian businessman and an aristocrat who wore the title of the graph. After graduating from the Edinburgh University, at 23, he founded his own company and now applies to the number of people in the United Kingdom.

Before becoming a boyfriend Princess, Mapelli-Moztsi was in a relationship with the American Chinese origin of the Dara Houung, which in 2016 presented his beloved son. The boy was called Christopher. However, the replenishment in the family did not save a couple, a year later they broke up.

The proposal of the hand and heart Beatrice waited from Edoardo in 2019 - in the fall, the couple announced the engagement. The wedding was planned to spend the spring of 2020, but the coronavirus infection pandemic prevented the plans. The celebration decided to move for 2021, but in mid-July 2020, the press became known that Beatris Yorkskaya married.

The wedding was more than modest, the royal traditions were observed, but without much scope. The ceremony was attended by only the closest and native pairs, did not exception and Elizabeth II, kindly granted his granddaughter his wedding dress.

Career and social activities

Beatrice and her sister Princess Eugene do not belong to the so-called Full-Time Royal category, that is, not included in the family of Windsor, who are constantly working as representatives of Her Majesty in certain areas of social activities. Even when the girls were small, Andrew and Sarah accepted and discussed the decision with the family that daughters had given a minimum of time royal duties and maximum education.

In this regard, Beatrice and Eugene have no privileges and trends from the crown and are not protected by police officers. But they are allowed to start a personal page in "Instagram" and other accounts in social networks, as well as attend entertainment establishments.

Observing the tradition of the monarch of the family, be sure to get an employment experience, and 19-year-old Beatrice Yorkie worked in the prestigious London department store Selfridges. The duties of the girl included consultation of VIP clients. Like the rest of the staff, she worked 5 days a week from 09:00 to 17:00 with a difference only - did not receive money for work.

Beatrice worked and in the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and also on the public basis. Another experience in journalism was the practice in the editorial office of the FINANCIAL TIMES web portal. She led Alphaville's blog dedicated to financial news and economic analytics, prepared materials for the subsidiary of the FT-magazine how to Spend IT.

For 5 years, the princess changed four jobs, as a result, stopping at the career of an independent business consultant. Today, she is held by the vice-president of the American AFINITI company, specializing in the production of software, and almost constantly lives in New York. In 2016, Prince Andrew said:

"It is sincerely glad that daughters, despite the title, are independent girls who have built their own careers."

A separate chapter in the life of the princess occupies charity. Back in 2002, young Beatrice visited children living with HIV in Russia. In 2007, he became the global ambassador of a charitable organization, founded by her mother of the Duchess York to help children from poor countries, "Children in Crisis" (in 2018 it was merged with the Kids Streets Foundation).

Together with the sister of Beatrice, the Foundation for Teenage Cancer Trust, suffering from cancer, also founded by Sarah Ferguson. A very important work for her is to work in a charitable organization Springboard, which helps children with dyslexia, because the girl itself had to go through this experience.

Senior Princess Yorkskaya, along with six friends, is a co-founder of the Big Change Charitable Foundation, which supports projects to improve the lives of young people in the UK. For example, in September 2012, Beatris, together with his founding friends and billionaire Richard Brenson, rose to Mont Blanc to collect funds for the Fund.

Organizations that are under full or partial patronage of the princess, already over 10. In addition, it sacrifices large sums on charity, participating in the auctions. So, a funny hat in which the princess appeared at the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, was sold on eBay online bidding for 81,100 pounds. Beatrice's proceeds transferred to the charity goals of UNICEF and the Foundation "Children in Crisis".

Beatris Yorkskaya now

The beginning of 2020 was outstanding for Beatrice, as for most other residents of the country. Instead of official receptions and secular events, she had to comply with the rules of self-isolation. For serving quarantine, she with Edoardo chose a country estate Chipping Norton.

After the past wedding, the couple plans to move home to Mapelli Moczi to Italy. Thus, the princess wants to start a new life, not listening to more reproaches regarding the scandalous behavior of his father, the second son of Catherine II Prince Andrew.

He turned out to be drawn into an unpleasant story in 2005, when the Jeffrey Epstein, with whom a man was friends, broke out a scandal regarding sexual relationship with a minor. The witness speaking in the case said that Epstein forced her to sex with himself and other adult men, including the name of Father Beatrice. Prince Yorksky denied this fact, but even after the period appointed by the court, he did not stop communicating with him, and when he freed himself, he didn't meet him once.

And in 2019, a man again arrested on a similar crime, without waiting for the sentence, he committed suicide in the prison cell. All this time, Andrew did not comment on the current situation, but after the death of the comrade gave a great interview, which justified himself, claiming that he had never behaved fravolly, and especially with minors. After the broadcast, the man was sharp criticism and distrust. He suffered from this and his family, including the daughter of Beatrice, who did not once have to listen to the opinion on the part of the father's behavior.

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