Daniel Bruel - biography, photos, movies, personal life, news 2021



Popular German actor Daniel Bruhl plays both advanced Hollywood films and in a little-known majority of spectators copyright. The charming and charismatic man easily conquers the hearts of fans and enjoying respect to colleagues. Debuting as an actor is still in childhood, by 40 years old became one of the most sought-after in Germany.

Childhood and youth

Daniel Cears Martin Bruhl Gonzalez Domingo (Daniel Bruhl) was born on June 16, 1978 in Barcelona in a multinational family. Father, German Khanno Bruel - Director and Documentalist, Mom, Spaniard Marisa Gonzalez Domingo, worked as a teacher. The appearance of light in Spain is due to the fact that Marisa did not trust German doctors. After the birth of the boy, the family moved to Cologne, where his childhood passed.

Daniel Bruh in his youth

In the family, in addition to Daniel, another brother and sister grew. Parents wanted children to speak their native German and Spanish. However, the boy went even further. He studied at the oldest school of Cologna Dreikönigsgymnasium, where children, in addition to the state language, were taught English and French, and in addition to them, the dutiful student independently mastered Portuguese and Catalan.

At the School, Bruhl participated in theatrical productions, the tendency to the hypocrite was manifested in childhood. Little Daniel often played his parents, fainting in fainting. Especially loved to portray the dead, and, as he confessed later, the roles were perfect well, since Mom shouted in a panic, seeing the allegedly deceased son.


The acting biography of Brulya began in 1992, after the debut in the TV series "Freunde Fürs Leben". He got there teenager through a children's acting agency. And in 1995 played the role of a bench in the popular soap opera "Forbidden Love". At this time, the novice artist was shot in the films of students of the directorial faculty, and often critics celebrated the talent of a young man.

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World recognition came after 8 years. In 2003, director Wolfgang Becker invited him to the main role in the tragicomedy "Gud-Bai, Lenin!". The film tells about a German family who lived during the German association. Bruel played the son of Christian Kerner - Alexander. For the work received a reward from the European Film Academy. The picture was filmed both Russian and German artists: Catherine Zass, Chulpan Hamatova, Maria Simon.

In 2004, the actor first starred in the English-speaking film "Ladies in Lilov." Daniel worked on a single set with famous British actresses Judy Dench ("Chocolate", Casino Royal, "Tea with Mussolini") and Maggie Smith ("Mysterious Garden", "Jane Austin", "Dounton Abbey"). The shooting took place in the picturesque places of England.

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In the same year, German kinokartin "What thoughts about love?" (Also meeting the name "Love in Thoughts"). The work of the director Achima von Borris received 6 awards, including the European Film Academy Prize. The plot was based on the "School tragedy in Shheglice", when two teenagers created a suicide club that had to end with themselves as soon as they stop loving. For the role in the film Bruhl awarded the prize of visual sympathies.

In 2006, simultaneously with the participation in the Cannes Festival as a member of the artist jury first saw in the Hollywood picture. The screens came out "Ultimatum Born" with Matt Damon in the lead role. In a spy thriller about the CIA employee who lost his memory, Daniel played a secondary role. In 2008, the film received the Oscar premium for the "best installation", "best sound" and "best installation of sound".

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Next year, the actor managed to demonstrate knowledge of 3 out of 5 languages, working in the picture "Joyeux Noël" (in the Russian show of "Merry Christmas"). A multinational film tells about events on the eve of Christmas 1914. A real miracle was an unexpected truce of German, French and English soldiers before the magical holiday. Bruel played the military 93rd Anhalt infantry regiment, Lieutenant Horstmeyer.

In 2009, a new film of Quentin Tarantino "Inglorious bastards" presented in Cannes. Daniel got a small role, but he worked side by side with Hollywood stars: Brad Pitt, Tilem Schweiger, Michael Fassbender, Christoph Valts and others. The last, by the way, was received by the only Oscar for the "best male role of the 2nd Plan" of 8, which nominated the film.

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In 2013, the audience saw the biographical American-Belgian thriller Bill Kondon "Fifth Power" with Benedict Cumberbetch and Daniel Brul in high roles. Significant place in the filmography of the artist is occupied by the sports and historical drama "Race".

The role of the ridder Nicky Lauda brought an actor to an acquaintance with the legendary champion Formula 1 and complete recognition in the world film community. For it, he is nominated for the Golden Globe 2014 Award as "Best Actor of the Second Plan." Chris Hemsworth also starred in the film.

The Marvel Universe opened the doors for the actor in 2014, when the main cast was recruited for the superhero militant "First Avenger: confrontation." Directors Brothers Rousseau took him the role of the villain Helmut Zemo. Chris Evans, Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Sebastian Stan, Paul Radd and others were also filmed.

In 2015, the actor starred in the colony Dignidad thriller. According to the plot, the German photographer Daniel is kidnapped by the secret Chilean police Augusto Pinochet and placed in the colony of Dignidad, which has become a political prison. Lena (Emma Watson), a girlfriend of the main character, on his own will fall there to save a friend. Filmists did not appreciate the creation of the director of Florian Gallenberger, which did not prevent the German version of the magazine "GQ" to name Brunel actor.

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Another film based on real events, where the German actor appears in the lead role, is the drama "Wife of the Zoo Zoo" (2017). The picture tells the story of a married couple who saved hundreds of Jews during the war. Daniel went to play a negative character - a high-ranking Nazi official.

In 2018, after a long expectation, the audience saw the horror film "Kloverfield paradox", which is part of the "Cloverfield" franchise. Since the 1st announcement in 2012, the premiere of the picture has been transferred more than once, and the name has changed. And finally, on February 4, she was shown on the Netflix service. The critics reaction was ambiguous.

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During work in Cinema, Bruhll appeared in front of the audience in various amplua. Despite the romantic appearance and height of 176 cm, the actor does not always play positive heroes. It is interesting for him to embody different images on the screen.

In one of the interviews 2016, Daniel was asked what role for him is the most difficult moment. It turned out that the most difficult artist was reincarnated in schizophrenic for the painting "White Noise" (2001) director Hans Winggarter. The actor shared:

"It was important for me to study my own madness, which was in me, believed in what I do to convince myself. This is one of the most difficult roles. "

Personal life

Daniel Bruel is in relations with the psychologist Felisitas Rombold. Couple together since 2010, but official statements that the woman has passed into the status of a celebrity legis, has not yet been received.

Daniel Bruhl and Felicitas Rombold

In 2016, they had a son whom Anton called.

Personal life Couple does not hide and often poses to photographers at various events.

Daniel Bruh now

Now the artist is at the peak of popularity. He has permanent employment in various projects. Daniel will take off in the remake of the French film "My best friend", work on which begins in 2018.

Daniel Bruh in 2018

At the beginning of the season, the actor posted for the autumn male collection of clothes "Hugo Boss". And in October, it appeared on the cover of the anniversary 60th issue of the magazine about art, culture, architecture, fashion and design "Zoo". Photo and information about this actor posted on his page in "Instagram".


  • 2000 - "Country of Lazy"
  • 2001 - "White Noise"
  • 2003 - "Gud Bai, Lenin!"
  • 2004 - "Ladies in Lilov"
  • 2005 - "Merry Christmas"
  • 2007 - "Ultimatum Born"
  • 2009 - "Inchlastic bastards"
  • 2013 - "Race"
  • 2014 - "Angel's face"
  • 2015 - "I and Kaminsky"
  • 2016 - "First Avenger: confrontation"
  • 2016 - "Colony Dignidad"
  • 2017 - "Wife of the Zoo Camer"
  • 2018 - Klovertfield Paradox

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