Sergey Sholom - Biography, Career, Photo, News 2021



Sergey Sholom is a famous figure in the gaming industry. From recently, his name has become familiar to cryptoaders along with his projects connecting blockchas and geimdev.

Childhood and youth

Sergey and his twin brother Maxim were born in 1978 in Moscow, in the family of Anatolia and Marina Sholol. Both boys were more than gifted. Sergey loved active sports, football and hockey. Mathematics was also his "skate", over time, Sergey even moved to school with a mathematical bias. However, his main passion, to some extent predetermined the future, were video games.

Sergey Sholom and his brother Maxim

Now computer games are more than a common hobby. Approximately two billion inhabitants of the Earth are gamers. In the nineties, video games were only gained popularity. In the USSR and early Russia with this it was even more difficult. Sergey played everything, to which he could only get, but his beloved game was Quake. He participated in large-scale QUAKE tournaments and even organized his own cybersport team. At one time he also conducted tournaments on this game.


In 2000, Sergey Sholov graduated from the Russian State Technological University of Tsiolkovsky and defended his doctoral degree in mathematical modeling. Subsequently, he also received an education in finance management.

Businessman Sergey Sholom

The idea of ​​opening a gaming studio did not come immediately, Sergey first plan to work in a specialty, engineer. True, the Gamers of the past overcame, and in 2004, Sergey opens his first business - Datcroft Games game studio.

Datcroft Games is released in 2007, but fame to the studio comes only with the release of Fragoria. In 2018, seven million people play it - more than any other company game.

Sergey Sholov in 2018

In 2016, the shole brothers became interested in a blockchain and joined the team of developers known to their cryptocurrency Game. Together they come up with a new project, Tocken MobileGo, conduct ICO. As a result, the tokens were sold by $ 53 million, which made it possible not only to create a product, but also to accommodate it to cryptocurrency exchanges almost immediately.

Sergey Sholom now

Today, Sergey Sholov occupies three senior posts at once: in Datcroft Games, MobileGo and in the new project of his team, GNation game ecosystem. This is this project, Sergey at the moment pays the most time.

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