Harry Lloyd - biography, photos, movies, personal life, news 2021



The mass viewer Harry Lloyd is known for the role of ambitious and non-unhabled Veresa Targaryene from the Game of Thrones. However, he, like many actors of the British school, is not limited to one television - there are also theatrical productions in his service list, and participation in serious dramatic films.

Childhood and youth

The full name of the actor - Harry Charles Salisbury Lloyd. He was born on November 17, 1983 in London, and his family for many years is directly related to literature. Father Jonathan Lloyd leads the literary agency, and Mother Marion Evelin Dickens is the rightmark of that very Charles Dickens, the famous British writer and the classics of world literature.

Harry Lloyd in his youth

Harry is a big fan of creativity of his ancestor. As a child, he admired the fact that Dickens, when writing Romanov, pronounced the replicas of characters, standing opposite the mirror. Later, becoming an actor, Harry realized how much such an approach was productive - the dialogues seemed completely alive, and each of the hundreds of writer characters had discovered his own manner of speech.

In adolescence, Lloyd was sent to study at the Ion College - one of the most prestigious institutions for boys, after which he continued to education in Kraistch in Oxford.


Harry began to go to the scene still during study in ITON - he played a lot of female roles in the school productions of Shakespeare. At the same time, the young man came to the television screens for the first time: in 1999, Lloyd played a young styroford in the screening of the Dickens novel "David Copperfield". It is noteworthy that in this mini-series one of the scenic partners of Lloyd became Daniel Radcliffe, the future Harry Potter.

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After 3 years later, the actor came to television again - this time in the role of a young rivers in the 3rd screening of the novel "Goodbye, Mr. Chips". The success of the 1939 film of the same name did not achieve the picture, but it still has a high rating on IMDB. Higher education, Harry joined the dramatic society of the University of Oxford, where he continued to try his forces on the theater scene. During this period, he performed the role of Valentine in the play "Kiss Women-Spider".

In addition, Lloyd returned to the classics again - during the tour of the university theater in Japan in 2005, he played Syracuse's anti-fol in the Shakespearean "Comedy of Errors". Partner actor on stage in this performance became Feliciti Jones, the future nominee "Oscar" and the "Golden Globe", with which Harry met later on the set of "Universe Stephen Hawking".

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The high work of 2006 was shooting in the Robin Hood multi-stage drama - Harry received another major role, playing a young member of Gang Robin, Will Scarlet.

In 2007, the actor fell into the epochal design of the British television - the series "Doctor Who". During this period, the current version of the main character was the 10th doctor performed by David Tennant, and his companion Marta Jones played Frima Agiman. Lloyda got a double role in the 8th and 9th episodes of the 3rd season: he played a arrogant school student for boys and capturing his body of the aliel from the family of blood.

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After that, among the fans of the series, rumors were rumored that the actor will become the next doctor, but they were not justified, and 11 Gallifrain regeneration played Matt Smith. In addition, in 2007, Harry made his debut on a professional stage, appearing in the production of the "Tracalgar Studios" theater on the play "Bash: Latter-Day Plays" Nile Labuta. The Scenic game of Lloyd was favorably encountered critics.

A real breakthrough in the acting biography of Lloyd was the invitation in 2011 on shooting in the icon series "Game of Thrones" based on the "Songs of Ice and Flame" George Martin. Harry got the role of the "king-beggar" of Veres Targaryen, Senior Brother Deeeneris, Charck Emilia Character. The actor appeared in the 5th series of the 1st season and talentedly embodied on the screen of the arrogant and unhappy young man, ready for the return of the throne to sell his own sister Steppe Varvaram.

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The character became one of the most prominent villains of the series - at that time the audience was not closely familiar with Joffrey Barateon. Inglorious death from the "coronation" of molten gold became one of the most terrible executions of the 1st season and the audience was remembered for a long time, and Harry himself characterized the character as "excellently frozen."

In the future, Lloyd has repeatedly appeared in high-budget costumes British series. For example, his game can be admired in the TV series "Wolf Hall" about the UK times of Cromwell and in the next screening of Shakespeare - the project "Empty Crown".

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It, in addition to the star cast and spectacular scenes, is known for the use of classic classic texts, including words and revs on the example of English, which was used in Shakespeare times.

In 2016, the premiere of the Anthropoid film, based on the history of the Operation of the Second World War, the purpose of which was the elimination of Reinhard Heydrich, took place. Harry embodied on the screen the image of Alfred Odalka, Czechoslovak Soldier and Anti-Fascist, shot after losing in unequal battle with the Nazis to avoid captivity.

Personal life

Lloyd is not the only child in the family, he has a brother Tom, teacher of English in Paris, and sister Poppy, Producer Radio Heart FM. Harry clearly does not want to be a public person and with all their forces hides their personal life from journalists. The only social network in which there is an official account is "Twitter", an "instagram" the actor is nevertheless.

Harry Lloyd and Mbata-Row

It is known that in 2006, Lloyd on the set of a multi-seater medical drama "Signs of Life" met the actress of the Mbat-Row Gugat-Row, which was met and even was engaged. The couple appeared several times on the red carpet, but these are their only joint photos available to users on the network. In 2012, the lovers broke up, not giving any official comments about this. Whether Harry met with someone after that, the press is unknown.

Harry Lloyd now

In 2017, the screens came out the fantastic series "On the other side", telling about the secret UN division that supports diplomatic relations between two parallel lands. In it, Harry Lloyd plays one of the main characters, Careerist Peter Quile, who turned into dangerous spy games between two dimensions.

Now the actor continues to shoot in the project - in December 2018, the 2nd Drama Season. In an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, Harry promised that the audience is waiting for a lot of intrigues.


  • 1999 - "David Copperfield"
  • 2002 - "Goodbye, Mr. Chips"
  • 2006 - "Signs of Life"
  • 2006 - "Robin Hood"
  • 2007 - "Doctor Who"
  • 2011 - "Jane Eyre"
  • 2011 - "Game of Thrones"
  • 2011 - "High Hope"
  • 2011 - "Iron Lady"
  • 2014 - "Manhattan"
  • 2014 - "Universe Stephen Hawking"
  • 2015 - "Wolf Hall"
  • 2016 - "Anthropoid"
  • 2016 - Marchell
  • 2017-2018 - "On the other side"

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