Krishna - Biography of the Divine, Name, Commandments, Attributes


Character History

Religious beliefs of Europe and Asia differ from each other. The Supreme God of the Indians was and remains Krishna. He is a prophet and idol for Krishnaitis. The followers of his teachings consider themselves adherents of monotheism. But as this is possible if their God is constantly presented by different names, and Buddha is another Avatar Krishna? Are Jesus and Krishna representatives of the Unified Divine whole?

History of origin

Krishna - Hero of Religious Scriptures under the names of Mahabharata, "Harivamsha," Vishnu-Purana "and others. They describe the episodes of the biography of God and its preventions. In some works, he is represented by a playful baby who steals the oil in a distracted mother, in other Krishna - the legendary warrior and the shepherd, who teege Arjuna. The only unquestion statement in each book is that Krishna is the eighth urgency of Vishnu, the main god of Pantheon India.


According to the legend, the years of the life of the Divine Being relate to the fourth millennium BC. God allegedly appeared in the material world, as an embodiment of Vishnu, reborn in the human body. He was born in the city of Mathur in the vengeous family of Vasudeva and Devaki, so that the Hindus would demonstrate the wonders of the Divine Power and was given religion. Plots that describe the biography of Krishna, similar to the leitmotives of the Holy Scripture, telling about the life of Jesus.

Krishna was called different names - in accordance with the directions of religion. He appeared by Gopalo and Govinda, becoming a participant in the plot about the shepherd and shepherd. In Orissa Krishna called Jagannath. His name has a lot of sound depending on the avatar, in which God appears to people.

Blue skin Krishna

At the same time, the value of Krsna's name is interpreted by followers as "dark blue" or, in an alternative variation, "attracting". This name can be translated as a "darkness".

Considerable attention is paid to the attributes accompanying the hero. In the image of Govinda, he was depicted as a dark man with a flute in his hands. Its second appearance is a fantastic embodiment with many hands and heads. In some pictures of God the blue color of the skin, and the head and face are decorated with gold pendants and chains.

A bluish body shade is easy to explain to errors in decoding texts, because the name of Krishna is translated as "such a thunderstorm cloud", that is, just strong. Probably, over time, the speech turnover was visualized in the images.

Krishna in culture

Temple of Radhi Krishna in London

People who enjoyed Krishna met in Ashrama - improvised peculiar temples, which were becoming simple at home. All interested heads with the Guru were going to adopt to spiritual practices, the important role in which philosophy played. Such meetings are characteristic of the fact that they are carried out by sacrifices in the form of food - Prasada. The word "Ashram" is understood as "protection".

Attending the place of collecting the community were under a kind of custody spreading the Krishna. In such places there were the sculptures of the Divine and his images in the company with Radha's girlfriend. It is dedicated to the myths telling about the woman who accompanied Krishna. Many are associated Radha with the embodiment of God in the image of a woman.


Krishna is a revered religious idol in India, so its images are present in every home. Numerous souvenirs offered to tourists are chanting the cult of a multi-sided deity. His birthday is celebrated by a big festival called "Krishna Dzhanmashti".

It is believed that Krishna was born on July 19, 3228 BC. According to the Christian calendar, but the holiday, according to the tradition of Asian beliefs, is celebrated in August-September. The birthday of God is 8 lunar day. He is called "Krishna Astes."

The most popular mantra became "Hare Krishna", proclaimed on Sanskrit. It contains 16 words translated as the names of a single God. Mantra is invented in the 16th century, and everywhere popularity gained in the middle of the 20th century thanks to the numerous sermons of Krishnaitis. It is believed that regular repetition of the mantra allows you to clear mind and karma, reaching the highest love - love for Krishna.

Krishna with flute in hand

Krishna is a kind of religious standard. This God is perceived as a prophet and defender. At the same time, he is a wise philosopher and teacher, friend and leader. All Indian culture is permeated by his teachings and instructions. The reflection of the commandments of Krishna can be found in the literature, visual art, folklore, philosophy and religion.

Divine Scriptures, for example, Krishna Karnamrita, contain many facts, a look at which is modified with time. So, Krishnaitis are confident that Krishna did not eat meat and, becoming followers of the teachings, go to vegetarianism. In fact, the sacred texts contain refutations by these speculations.

Myths and legends

The existence of Krishna is justified by mythology. In accordance with it, the land whose forces were exhausted by attacks of sinners and the devil, turned to the Creator - to God by name Brahma - for help. He handed over Moluba Vishnu, and he sent an avatar into the world to restore love and justice, driving evil forces. Fate led him to the royal family, the head of which, by the name Kams, was not famous for his decency. The king was predicted that he was destined to die from his nephew, so he killed his sister's children immediately after birth. Krishna was given in the reception desk seven shepherds, so the punishment passed him.

Krishna in Youth

Childhood and adolescence of God passed on free bread, in a circle of ordinary people and livestock. In the young years, he gave one smile happiness to people around him. Animals and people loved him. Krishna was distinguished by the mind and wisdom. He discussed the main ideas of the righteous life, and he participated in the Games and Benefi. He did not know the fear of wild animals.

Returning to his homeland, Krishna overthrown with an uncle from the throne and, returning the power to the heir to the heir, became a prince. Dividing the power between the kaurauy family and Pandava, one he entrusted the army, and the second is its commandments and instructions. He himself chose the role of a simple cab driver of the Prince and Commander Arjuna.

On the day of the battle, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armored Army was inserted, as it was against bloodshed. Krishna came to the rescue, and the words spoken by him are subsequently mentioned as quotes from Bhagavad-Gita, or the "Lord Songs". In 18 chapters, the value of debt and the feat is described in human life.

Krishna surrounded by shepherds

This teaching helps to find the path of the exhausted soul and those who need support. The work chalves the immortality and the existence of the highest "I", which is not terrible, because it is omnipresent and does not need a bodily incarnation. Krishna also makes people the doctrine of the soul and the Dharma paths, thanks to which a person meets with his own "I" and recognizes God.

After the interclative retail was stopped, the glory of Krishna spread everywhere. Once God went to the forest for meditation. There he shot a hunter who took Krishna for a deer. It is curious that the name of the arrow in translated means "old age." Krishna died on February 18, 3102 BC. Some believed that the cause of his death was the curse of mothers, whose sons were killed in the war between the kaurauy and Pandavas families.

Krishna and his wife hands

It is curious that Krishna is mentioned in the scriptures as a loving God. His wives were 16,108 women, among which most are the princesses. The perfect spouse is the hands of His wife.

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