Bill Pullman - Movies, Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News 2021



American actor Bill Pullman became famous at the expense of filming in the film "Independence Day", "Highway to Nowhere" and "While you slept." Men filmography has more than a hundred works. Starting the way with insignificant roles, today the artist has a great success in the cinema and, despite age, continues to regularly receive offers from directors.

Actor Bill Pullman

Bill was born in the American city of Hornell, New York, in late 1953. By nationality he is an American. Although his parents worked doctors, the boy since childhood knew what he wanted to tie life with the world of cinema. In addition to him, the family had another six children, father and mother as they could have paid attention to everyone. By the way, most of them went in footsteps of parents and today also work in medicine.

Pullman studied in a general educational high school and graduated from her middle score. Having at the hands of the certificate, the future actor moves to the city of Amherst, Massachusetts, and enters the local university at the Faculty of Directors.

Bill Pullman in youth

Bill diligently attended lectures and performed homework. University teachers tended to guy a big future, since they saw his talent. However, he did not immediately become an actor, after graduating from the university, Pullman moves to Montana and there it is arranged to work at the institute, a man read lectures to students.

He has friendly relations with disciples, and many do not understand why he does not want to start working in the field of cinema, because he had all the data for this. In his youth, he did not suspect that his acting career would be so successful.


The acting career in the Biographies of Pullman began in the 1980s. At this point, he comes to the service in the theaters of Los Angeles and New York. The debut as a movie acter took place in 1981 with the release of the series "Keheng and Lacy". And the next picture with his participation of the audience saw in 4 years, it was also the series, which was called "American Masters".

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And in 1986, a man is filmed in a black comedy "ruthless people." Bill worked on the same platform from Bett Midler and Danny de Vito. It was only the beginning of a career with episodic roles, according to which the audience did not remember the actor.

The first major role in the artist in 1987 in the parody film "Space Eggs". The man coped with the character than and remembered the audience. And other directors took their own new face. After the rapid take-off takeoff, only episodic roles go to Pullman, but the man does not despair and continues to visit the castings. During this period, he is filmed in the ribbon "snakes and rainbow", "tourist to unwitting", "When the brain is dying", etc.

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Pullman actor career peak fell in the mid-1990s. Then the man managed to take 2-3 ribbons per year, and his popularity with each film increased. The audience remembered Bill as the main character of the romantic comedy "unquesting in Seattle". In this picture, Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks were filmed with a man.

In 1994, Pullman received a proposal for filming in a low-budget tape "Last seduction", which he gladly agreed. The fact is that the director and the screenwriter of this painting was John gave - a former student of Bill at the University of Montana. Although the film did not have a lot of popularity, yet the audience and critics met him positively.

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In 1995, the actor pleased the viewers by work immediately in several paintings. They began to adapt the cartoon series "Casper", presented in a full-length format, and the romantic comedy "While you slept." But the film, who brought the actor the greatest fame, was shown only in a year.

In the 1996th, the screens came out the film "Independence Day", in which Pullman played President USA. And his next bright work was the shooting in the psychological thriller "Highway to Nowhere" David Lynch.

In the following Bill played mostly secondary heroes in films and theatrical productions. Most often it was low-budget projects, however, the role of the actor was delivered, though not the main, but always bright and memorable.

In the new millennium, Pullman was also seen in many paintings, among which "happy numbers", "curse", "Ultra American", etc. In 2017, a man began to be filmed in the series "Sinnia" as a detective Harry Embleza.

Personal life

When Pullman was 21, he received a serious head injury. 2 weeks the actor spent in a coma, but managed to recover, but this event left his imprint on the health of a man. Then he lost the smell and to this day does not feel smells.

About the personal life of the actor is not known so much. In 1987, he married Tamara Herwitz, a woman worked at that time a dancer. The wife gave a spouse three children - two sons and daughter.

The real estate of the artist is known that he together with his brother is the owner of a big ranch in Montana. There, a man loves to spend time with family in breaks between the filming. In addition to acting, Bill periodically acts at universities as a guest professor and is a member of the Board of Trustees of universities.

Bill Pullman now

In 2018, Bill Pullman was filmed in the film "Vice President" as Nelson Rockefeller. The picture tells about one of the most influential vice-presidents of the United States Dick Cheney, whom Christian Bale played. The man worked on the same platform with Alison Pill, Amy Adams, Steve Karell and other actors. In the US, the premiere is planned as of December 25, 2018, and the Russian audience will see a picture at the end of February 2019.

Bill Pullman in 2018

Despite the extensive experience in the cinema, the celebrity and now continues to be removed and does not plan to complete his career. Although the actor often disappears on the set, he does not forget to follow the sweaty look and tries to support himself in shape. With a rise of 187 cm its weight is 87 kg.

Communication with fans The artist supports in "Instagram", in the social network Bill posts photos from meetings and events, as well as personal pictures.


  • 1981 - "Keheng and Lacy"
  • 1985 - "American Masters"
  • 1986 - "Ruthless People"
  • 1987 - "Space Eggs"
  • 1993 - "Noteping in Seattle"
  • 1994 - "Last Seduction"
  • 1996 - "Independence Day"
  • 1999 - "Destroyed Palace"
  • 2004 - "Dear Wendy"
  • 2007 - "Kill me"
  • 2011 - "Bad Mommy"
  • 2015 - "Ultra American"
  • 2017-2018 - "Sinny"
  • 2018 - "Great Equalizer 2"
  • 2018 - "Vice President"

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