OTTO SHOROST - biography, photo, Second world war, personal life, cause of death



German Diversian Otto Schoplast became known for a wide range of persons during World War II due to successfully conducted special operations. The most successful and discussed was the operation of a man for liberation from the conclusion of Benito Mussolini, which before that was overthrown.

Otto Sorrow

Otto was born in the summer of 1908 in the city of Vienna the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The boy's family had Polish roots, hence such an unusual name for the Germans.

Father of the family worked as an engineer, so the family was poor. For study, the guy entered the Vienna Higher Technical School. Otto had a hot-tempered character, so not one duel passed in the student years.

Scar Otto Sorrow

In the fight on the swords, a young man and received a legendary scar, which later became a business card of the saboteur. In the photo of a man's scar is clearly visible on the left side of the face.

Career and party activity

Despite flashing, there were leadership qualities. He could easily have acquainted dating, one of them later led a man to the headquarters of the National Socialist German Workers Party, where he joined Nazis, and soon became one of the leaders. Otto even tried to enter the air force of Germany, Luftwaffe, but an interesting fact is, for what reason he did not accept it. Due to high growth (almost 2 meters), a man was denied because there are restrictions on physical data in the Air Force.

Otto sorrow in the army

However, it did not stop the shortness, and he continued to build a career on Earth. At 26, a man becomes the organizer and participant of the Nazi coup in Vienna. People listened to Otto's opinion, because he showed himself as a leader than and attracted the interest of Adolf Hitler, who later used a man in the interests of the party.

In 1938, the party carefully led the preparation for the war with Europe, and in March of the same year, Svalzted became a member of the Anchlus, during which the Austrian Chancellor Kurt Shushniga was personally arrested and the president of Wilhelm Miklas.

Otto Smeal and Adolf Hitler

The next significant event in Otto's career was "Crystal Night", as a result of which cafes, shops and other institutions belonged to Jews were destroyed. Moreover, Szorna not only led, but also personally participated in this process along with German attack aircraft.

The second attempt to entry Otto in Luftwaffe was held with the beginning of World War II, but because by that time he reached the age of 30, he was refused, and the sorrow joins the military formation of the SS.

Obersturmbannführer SS Otto Sorrow

In 1939, a man is credited to the spare battalion of the 1st Tank Division "Leibstandard SOC Adolf Hitler", after a year he is already wearing a title of non-officer and even participates in the French campaign. And a year later, the first officer's title of Untersturmfürera receives. At that time, Otto served in the artillery battalion of the 2nd Tank Division of the SS.

On the territory of the former Soviet Union, the champ was chance to participate in battles in 1941. However, soon he picked up dysentery, so he was sent to the hospital for treatment. As later, the man described in his memoirs, his gallbladder was inflamed, which did not allow and continue to participate in hostilities. In his native Vienna, Otto cured, but on this his front-line career ended. After writing out of the hospital, a man goes to Berlin and enters the spare regiment.

Otto chaslement at the party meeting

A year later, in 1943, the military with the highest ranks recommended appointing new parts of the SS, which had a special purpose, soon. The work of parts was in intelligence and sabotage operations against the enemy side.

After the completion of World War II, in the spring of 1945, Otto was arrested and placed under enhanced security. But cooperation with American scouts allowed a man in 2 years to be released. The chase immediately recruited Americans who helped him run in the United States, where in the future he was preparing special parachutist agents.

Otto Smeal in the post-war time

After some time, Otto moves to Paris, but since his name was made to the UN lists to investigate war crimes, in 1950 he again goes to Germany. There he took the name of Rolf Steiner and began the publication of written memoirs. A year later, Szorna moved to Italy, and then to Spain. At the same time, the German government has crossed out his name from the list of wanted, so if desired and recognizing their convictions, he could safely come to Germany.

Part of life Diversian spent in Ireland and even acquired a farm there. He worked as a personal consultant of the President of Egypt Gamal Abdel Nasser and Head of Argentina Juan Pereon. Russian writer, Writer and Publisher Julian Semenov told that he met Otto Smeal and personally took from that interview. The man claimed that this was happening during his foreign trips to Spain.

Secret operations

In 1943, Adolf Hitler saw the potential of Slazni and personally appointed him to the chapter of the operation to liberate Benito Mussolini. The Italian dictator entered into custody after overthrow. The task of the saboteurs of the Third Reich was to find out the location of Mussolini and deliver a man to Hitler.

Otto Smeal with the liberated Benito Mussolini

Italians tried to carefully confuse traces, but contrary to this Benito found. It was a rocky area, to get to which it was extremely difficult. 40% of the group participating in the operation died. But Szenzen was alone and brought the Italian to Hitler. The executed operation brought OTTO fame worldwide.

In the spring of 1944, the saboteur was commissioned a new operation, the purpose of which was the seizure of the leader of the guerrisan of Josip Tito Broza in the western part of Bosnia and the cessation of resistance to the fascists in the Balkans. However, this mission ended in failure. Although Tito and managed to capture, later he, along with the closest associates, escaped, using mountain trails and cave moves. But in his memoirs, Sorrow assues that neither he nor his group in this operation participated.

In the summer of 1944, Otto spent another operation. A few days before the attempt on Hitler, the man suppressed the rebellion of those who rebelled against him. The murder was organized by the highest guest officers. Sorrow took control of the Army headquarters of the ground forces. For impeccable work, a man was awarded.

However, not all spellers spent the captures were successful. Operations "Long Jump" and "Grief" failed to saboteur.

Personal life

Despite the military biography, the personal life of Otto arranged. He was married three times, had a daughter. Perhaps the man wanted more children at least dreamed of his son. When the wife has hatched the child, he even came up with the name - Claus, but the girl named Valtrauda was born.

Otto Smeal and his second wife Emmy Linhart

Already matured, the daughter of Slap status did not hide accessories to his father, and there were no problems with it. She gave birth to two sons, Otto loved and was proud of grandchildren. Valtrauda Riss called Father a strong person in which people saw an officer who gives orders and demanding their execution.

During his lifetime, Sorrow wrote not one book, these are events from the life and argument of the author. Among the published works of the "Unknown War", "Secret Questions of the RSHA", "Why we did not take Moscow," and so on. On Otto, there were not one documentary film, his life and military history are interested in contemporaries.


Sound Stop died in the summer of 1975. In recent years, a man suffered from severe illness and was treated in a German clinic. For the first time, diagnosed in 1970, but after a successful operation, he lived in an ordinary life. The cause of death was the lung cancer, which was again discovered by doctors, and Otto could not overcome the disease. Diversian died at home in 67 years, his body was cremated.

Tomb Otto Smeal and his family

Before the funeral to daughter, the police arrived. Representatives of the authorities feared that neo-Nazi performances will begin at the funeral. But the woman did not know who will be attended by Farewell to the Father, so I could not predict the outcome of the mourning event in advance.

Urn with dust Otto transported to Austria. There is a family cemetery near. Contrary to the fears of the family of saboteur and policemen, the funeral was calm.

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