Laocoon - biography, myths and legends, name, characteristic


Character History

The heroes of the ancient myths and legends inspired artists to create delicious creations. Not only the gods and the supuses became the heroes of sculptures and images, but also mere mortals. Among them are Laocoon, Priest Apollon.

History of creation

In Greek mythology, this character was significant as a hero, whose name is associated with the Trojan War. According to the poet of Gigigin Laocoon, I had the son of the Aquet and Brother Ankhis. The narration drawn by the author, it says that his main character dares to wait for the spouse of Apollo, and she gave birth to children from him. The writer named Euphorion argues that Appolon was in anger and cursed heaven for marriage before his statue.

Vergili in his writings argues that Laocoon by the family of classes was either the priest of Poseidon, or the servant of Apollo. The same author in "Aneida" tells that the character is known for warnings, voiced to the Trojans upon receipt of those as a gift from the Greeks of a wooden horse.

In the tragedy, Sophokla Zhence was forbidden to marry and produce offspring. Having disappointed the Testament of Apollo, the hero has accounted for trouble, and the two of his sons were strangled by snakes.

Myths and legends

In Greek mythology there are many inconspicuous and ambiguous revolutions, so some legends have several interpretations. Writers and poets, retelling famous plots, often added their own conjectures. The legend of Laocoon has two options for developing events. The most popular is the version of the Trojan horse.

Trojan horse

Nine years after the start of the bloodshed battle, the Ahaseians decided to show a mixture and take an opponent with cunning. Masters poured a hollow statue of a wooden horse. Inside there are a glittering warriors. The aheitsy burned their camp, creating the impression that they left the battlefield and walked the ravis. In fact, they covered the fleet of ships behind the island called Tenedos. Seeing the horse the Trojans were amazed. In disputes about how a wooden structure turned out to be in front of them and what is its purpose, they did not immediately notice the Grec Sinon, connected and left in the bushes.

A representative of the enemy troops convinced the Troyans that the horse would be an offer to the gods and the symbol of the inaccessibility of Troy. Residents of the city decided to take an unprecedented gift and make a horse in the city. I had to break the skier gate, which were too small to keep the statue through them. Laocoon, who was in the center of events, assured others that the enemies are unworthy of confidence. He foresaw that such impositions are not carried out from good intentions, and tried to withstand a hitch to the city, pushing him with a spear.


The gods, who desired the fall of the Troy, did not allow Laocona to save the city. Two snakes appeared from the sea puchin and began to choke the priests. He tried to save his sons, but everything was unsuccessful, since the monsters were walked around his body. The predatory monsters ripped out their victims and disappeared into the temple of Athens, and the Trojans, comparing the facts, decided: the goddess shouted the man for oppose the horse. By bringing out the Ahetsev in Troy, its inhabitants themselves did their own to capture. In Night, Sinon freed the Ahetsev hid inside inside the horse, and in one night the enemies spread the city to the ground.

Laocoon in culture

The myth of the Trojan horse is among the popular mythological legends. The characteristic of the hero is given in it incompletely, but the ancient writers, wanting to tell the legend to descendants, complemented its details. Homer in "Odyssey" deficiently mentioned Laocoon, and the sofocla tragedy was not preserved for familiarization. Laocoon gained popularity as a legendary character due to the sculptural composition, which is considered an example of the art of the Ellinism era. The statue of "Laocoon and his sons" was found during the work on the organization of the foundation for the building on Esquilin Hill in Rome in 1506.


The statue was in a deplorable state, and Pope Julius II ordered Michelangelo to restore it. The artist responded with refusal, since he did not consider himself a master worthy of the level of ancient Greek sculptors. Now it is probably certain who became the restorer of this subject of cultural heritage. By decision of the Vatican museums, the sculpture is again devoid of additions, which found in the era of the Renaissance. Art historians put forward the assumption that the sculpture was created in the 1st century BC Rhodes masters, whose name was Atofodor, Assandr and Polydor.

The names of the same masters were found on the statue of Locoon, which was discovered in 1957 in Speargo. Probably, the sculpture was presented to the Emperor Tiberius on the face of the Rhodes Senate. The value of the offer implied the humility of the Roman Empire and the acceptance of fate. It is curious that the ancient sculpture served as an object that inspired not one writer. Among the authors who mention the mythical character or devoted to him works: Goethe, Lessing, Schopenhauer, Winelman and others.

Sculpture Laocoon with sons

The plot of Laocoon was reflected in the fresco, belonging to the masters of Pompeii. It was opened in 1930, leading archaeological works in the "Menandra House". El Greco and Nemegana challenge the character in their paintings. Sculptors de Fris and Meshtrolov also drew inspiration in this plot.

It is noteworthy that the hero of the myth continued to hit the fantasy of artists and in the 20th century. In Odessa there is a bust "Laocoon", created from Carrarsky marble. The head of the character is trapped in death flour, his body covers snakes, and on both hands there are sons frozen in the last convulsions.

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