Tima BRIC - biography, photos, show business, personal life, cause of death



If you are the star of show business and your main activity - to do so that the famous singers of the domestic pops do not go from the first lanes of publications and were, what is called, on a hearing, then you will often talk about you during life, but especially - long and much After death. And good, if it is pleasant memories and kind words, and not accusations in promoting the development of drug addiction, as unfortunately, happened to Tima Brick.

Childhood and youth

On March 27, 1986, the son of Timofey was born in the Kalmyk capital of Elista in the family of a chef of the highest category and medical sister Shevchenko. The boy grew up on the joy of his relatives: demonstrated success at school, learning in a class with a chemical biological bias, was fond of dancing and, according to his own recognition in the social network "Instagram", even then dreamed of "big scene and great affairs."

Tima BRIC in childhood

By the way, he is obliged to grandmother and grandfather with his happy childhood, with the help of attention, care and love that grandson do not feel loneliness and deprivation. It is also known that already from the young age, the child ached with diabetes mellitus, had a disabilities and even survived clinical death.

Higher education The guy decided to receive KSU in Philfak, by the end of which he had two foreign languages ​​perfectly. The university was engaged in public activities - organized the EL-City program and gave concerts in local institutions together with the musical band.

Tima BRIC in childhood

Knowledge digested easily, so Tima dwells did not want to be achieved and moved to the main university of Moscow. By joining the journalism, actively participated in the nightlife of the capital, a writing of acquaintance with representatives of Bohemia, recorded her own tracks, supported by the public and several radio stations. In money thanks to parents did not need.

However, everything changed overnight with the sudden death of the father of Vadim - on the shoulders of a young man lay care and the content of Mother Irina and sisters Mary, housing fee, buying products, etc. The way out of the situation helped find a randomly happy acquaintance with Sergey Zverev.

Career and projects

In 2010, a new page opens in the creative biography of Timofey: he became the director of Piara King Glamor and worked under the pseudonym Tim Brick. Knowing the secrets and subtleties of their profession, made it so that his protege appeared as a TV host about fashion and won the Prize of the Domestic Music TV Channel.

Tima Bric and Dana Borisov

After 3 years, Brick engaged in producing at that time the forgotten was given to Borisova - he brought it to the big screens in two shows, insisted on the change of image, helped the birth of a new pop performer, whose singles willingly twist LOVE RADIO and "Cupcake FM".

"After the changes, it was waiting for a series of rating esters, interviews, news and secular events. And it brought their fruits. Now its requests in Yandex exceeds the requests from Philip Kirkorov and Ksenia Sobchak, in addition, she returned to the screens after the year of downtime, "then Timofey of the ward said.

The successes of the talented guy did not leave indifferent and other pop stars who became its clients: Prokhor Shalyapin, Victoria Lesopreva, Masha Malinovskaya, Anastasia Stotskaya, Anna Kalashnikov, Rustam Solntheva and Mikhail Terekhin from "House-2".

Tim Brick and Prokhor Shalyapin

According to Brick, the celebrity is good and white, and black PR, but in permissible doses. For example, Anastasia Volochkova, having rebuilt with a large number of scandals, has become a professional in the comedian. Effective to promote the name of the famously swirling love romance and mandatory communication with journalists.

By the way, the latter for the qualitative use of infamps and a further discussion of the news offered by him were called the PR specialist "the main storyter of the country."

Personal life

In his personal life, everything was well-established - Tim was in a relationship with the famous model and the secular lioness Yana Grivkovskaya. To the woman, by rumors, the passion and Prince of Monaco, and Arabic Sheikh, and Silvio Berlusconi were burning. The couple was balung their subscribers with touching photos and did not hide the true feelings.

Tima Bric and Yana Grivkovskaya

Shortly before the death of a young man on a friendly meeting in a restaurant unexpectedly presented a beloved jewelry with a hint.

"He first gave a ring, said that it was just a gift. Then he said: "We marry you. Are you up to date? ", - I remembered Yana later.

She accepted the proposal of his arms and hearts, said the date of the wedding celebration, which, unfortunately, did not take place.

Already after the tragedy, one after another began to undergo the so-called television investigations of its circumstances and reasons. "Russia 1" was not left aside: the former girl of Tima was participating in the "live broadcast" program - Eugene, who told that he knew how to care beautifully, spent the last money for gifts and wanted to create a family.

By the way, the version that the young man had an unconventional sexual orientation, spread with a light hand, all the same was given Borisovoy, but after the death of her former producer.


On the night of February 5, 2016, Tim brought to a consultation in the metropolitan clinic of plastic surgery of participants "House-2". According to one of the versions, on the road, he complained about pain in the heart, but he refused to take a pharmacy. By sending girls to the doctor, I felt bad and decided to measure the level of sugar in the blood, which was critically exceeded.

Tim Brik

Insulin injection, then the dropper did not improve the affair, seizures began. The emerging ambulance and a half tried to do everything possible, but Shevchenko fell into someone and died.

Cause of death: complications for diabetes. As various media wrote, they could be provoked by pills to reduce weight, however, medical examination witnessed the absence of a drug in the body. The funeral took place on February 9, the grave is located on the Nikolo Arkhangelsk Cemetery.

Tim Brick's grave

In 2017, the former leading of the Army Store appeared in "Let them say" and reported that it was BRIC in its drug addiction, "attached" to the drug for weight loss than the dissatisfied public response caused.

In 2018, she became the first star guest of the 19th "Battle of Psychics", where it was supposed to communicate with her through the Clairvoyant Timofey Rudenko, the deceased producer came out and handed over with a common acquaintance than he struck the impressionable blonde. By the way, after the release of the Premier Series on Ether, Dana explained his own consent to participation in the show:

"They write that I will go to any show, just to pay. You know, if you were offered the amount with nine zeros, I would see how you refused. Especially rating project. "

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