Anton Lisbs - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs, Group Little Big 2021



The permanent frontman of the Jane Air group Anton Lisbs received fame even in the early 2000s, when the team began to make the first successes in the niche of the domestic indie rock and alternative music. It is known for his passion for experiments and shocking, a long time performed as Adept Emo-Culture. Since 2013, he has been a vocalist of the Little Big raw group, whose satirical, and sometimes provocative image is popular not only from the Russian, but also from the European public.

Childhood and youth

Anton was born on August 17, 1979 in Leningrad. In one interview, the musician spoke about pride for the fact that his ancestors live on this earth from the beginning of the XIX century.

The parents of the boy had a relation to technical profession. Father Sergey Vladimirovich Burenin is an employee of research institute. Mother Marina Sergeyevna Burenina graduated from the Polytechnic Institute, worked as a teacher. Anton has a senior summary brother Roman, who in childhood often stayed in the family of coarse. Today, the brothers support friendships.

It was my mother who instilled his son's love for music.

"She gave me the guitar and said if I learn to play - all the girls will be mine. It was an excellent incentive, and I got involved, "the vocalist recalls his biography.
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The boy graduated from the 168th Gymnasium of St. Petersburg in 1996. But instead of continuing education in the university, I had to go to work. For which options did not take: I was a courier, a bakera, a guard, traded on the market, painted the ceilings in the sauna.

"I liked the multisazing from birth. Today, the driver of the star cruiser, tomorrow the leader of redheads. In me, all this got along at the same time, "the artist in one interview admits.

For the period of survival, 3 years left. In 1999 Anton, along with three friends (Sergey Grigoriev - Gitara, Sergey Makarov - Bass, Anton Sagachko - drums) Creates a Jane Air music project. The young man takes the name of the great-grandmother and creates the stage name - Anton Lisbs. And then the fans have appropriated the nickname of Burza, and a new nickname was born - Anton Boo Lissis or simply bu (Boo).

Personal life

About the relationship of Lissov with the opposite sex in the youth of the public is not known. Anton veils the private side of life that it is not always possible to musicians of its level. The main event in the personal life of the artist is a wedding, which took place in 2012. Artist's wife is name Victoria Golovacheva. The girl is not related to music and works in a media company.

A musician with my wife traveled a lot, laying out a photo from a holiday in "Instagram". There were no children from the pair. In 2018, the spouses announced a divorce. Among the personal hobbies of the artist - the history of the native city, the study of the generic roots, as well as video blocking. The musician blog is devoted to a tour of the Little Big Gastrors.


In Jane Air, Anton is responsible for the vocals and authorship of the songs. With his light hand, the team scored a repertoire, and already on January 1, 2001, the first solka took place in the St. Petersburg club "Milk", which guys popular in his hometown. And the charismatic, covered with tattoos and with a scar on the belly Frontman Boo became the subject of a special respect to fans.

The group's popularity reference point is considered to be 2002, when guys enter into a contract with the label "Dr. Records", under the auspices of which the debut album "Pull Ya Let It Doll Go!". Especially for him, Anton Lisbs writes the song "Junk", which became the first megahit "Jane Air" and a year later won the status of the "Song of the Year" according to the version of the A-One TV channel.

"Almost all plots for songs are taken from life. As a rule, the first verse is quickly obtained, the first impression, catch the mood of the track, some kind of associative row! "- So the musician describes an approach to authorship.

With solid and most importantly - High-quality musical luggage Anton and the guys go to the first large-scale concert tour of Russia "Screamin & Growlin", after which he was marked with a large solo concert and a Jane Air record in 2005.

And soon the team goes into a foreign tour: In 2006, the musicians visited Finland, and also recorded 3 clip on songs from the new album "Pere-Lachaise: Love and a little death." When shooting video LISS, it tries as the author of ideas and participates in scenario work.

Also, the frontman takes on the function of producer: it works with a music material when recording tracks, thinks out the video sequence of the clips, works out the main creative line and a tour of the tour.

"Make the album" Jane Air "better than it will be done by" Jane Air ", no one in this country cannot. This feeling came after recording the second album, "says the leader of the group.

Since 2007, Lissis is repainted in a radical black color as a sign of commitment to emo culture, which is exactly gaining momentum among young people. The artist's outstanding make-up artist is presented first of all the black mouth, the gloomy lipstick on the lips and today distinguishes him from colleagues.

Anton and his team decided to brightly use attributes and emo philosophy in creativity. This proves the new album "Sex and Violence", which has become one of the bright samples of discography due to the gloomy gothic content.

In the style of Horror, a clip was created on the "Bride" track - one of the most popular video of the team of this time. The visual roller roller shocked the abundance of the walking of the dead, which was accompanied by a semiconducting bride.

After this work, the frontman disappeared for a long time from the field of vision of fans due to the disease. During the tour of the Baltic States, the artist was forced to seek medical help. Ranking, Lissov had a sharp attack of appendicitis.

Murcant returned to work only in 2010 and immediately pleased with new hits. The next experiment Lissov was embodied in the studio album "Flight Illusion", where the musicians presented the tracks recorded jointly with Rockers Artem Kudryashov, Max Kamenchikov, Dmitry Ulyanov.

In the spring of 2015, a new album of the Black Harbor group is coming out, which, according to the leader, became "typically St. Petersburg, with an elevated, somewhat pathetic, but at the same time sincere mood." The author and vocalist put a lot of deep emotions into album tracks, some lines sound pretty hard. "But honestly," as Anton himself says. Many things in the album musician composed when he lay in the hospital during the period of health problems.

2014 marked for Anton Lissov another experiment. Together with the bassist Sergey Makarov, he debuts in the raw group Little Big. The new team promotes completely different music: the Mix of Raiva, disco and "electronics" reign here. But for the BU, it is another outstanding experience, which means it is interesting to him.

When creating lyrics, English is used English. In the musical environment, the artists of the group have already dubbed the "Circus of Shapito" and Frikh. In each video, they use a shocking video content of satirical content. These are videos on WITH RUSSIA FROM LOVE, LIFE IN DA TRASH.

Lisbs - one of the vocalists "Little Big" along with Ilya Prusikin, Sofia Tayur and Miniature Olympia Ivleva. Already the first compositions of the Big Dick team, Lollybomb became winners of international music awards in Germany and the United States.

In October 2018, Anton took part in the shooting of the Skibidi video clip, which not only broke records on Yutubeub, but also became viral. Flashmob based on the video picked up thousands of spectators.

Special love track conquered in children. Suddenly, the participants of the group became the winners of the International Festival of Children's TV, which was held in Belgium. From Germany, thanks to this composition, the musicians brought home a statuette of Berlin Music Video Awards.

Anton Lisbs now

Now Lissis is trying forces not only at the vocal field. In 2019, with Sergey Makarov, Anton came to the acting of the art film "Port". At the same time, the "Ships" composition appeared, which singer Lilu performed, and the musician performed as an instrumentalist.

On March 2, 2020, Eurovision participants on behalf of Russia were named after the first channel. They became the musicians of the Little Big group. The international competition will take place in early May in the Netherlands.

At the qualifying round, such candidates were considered as Polina Gagarin, Alexander Panayotov, Zivert and other applicants. But the choice fell on the project "Little Big" due to its popularity in the West: the songs and clips of the team are actively moving at the music sites of Europe, America, Australia and even Japan.

In an interview, the project participants responded that they were ready to make maximum efforts to adequately perform in the international arena. The leader of the group Ilya Prusikin admitted that the musicians did not expect to ever get to Eurovision, so such a decision of the jury was a surprise for them.

Unfortunately, it was not without unpleasant surprises: March 18 there was official information about the abolition of the competition due to the coronavirus pandemic.


Jane Air.

  • 2002 - "Pull Ya? Let It Doll Go! "
  • 2004 - "Jane Air"
  • 2006 - "Pere-Lachaise: Love and a little death"
  • 2007 - "Sex and Violence"
  • 2010 - "Weekend Warriors"
  • 2012 - "Flight Illusion"
  • 2015 - "Black Harbor"

Little Big.

  • 2015 - "Funeral Rave"
  • 2018 - "Antipositive, Pt. one"
  • 2018 - "Antipositive, Pt. 2 "

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