Anna Custom - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Songs, Little Big 2021



Anna Cast, whose growth did not exceed 130 centimeters, became popular thanks to an unusual appearance. Fans called her "Little Miss Happiness." The diagnosis of "Ahondroplasia" made her life in dislike to others, as he dictated the individual path to everyone who was collided with him. This helped Anna to show bright personality, challenge society and stereotypes.

Childhood and youth

Her full name is Anna Hoseevna Casteljanos. Father in the distant Soviet years came to Leningrad with Cuba. The young man planned the defense of the diploma in chemistry and met the future mother of Anna. She worked at the Bolshevik plant and a fraction with a foreigner created a disadvantageous reputation. The girl was constantly called for interrogations and threatened with dismissal.

Despite the admonition of the authorities and other stakeholders, the family has lived together for a while. When Anna was fulfilled a year, her parents divorced, and his father left Russia. It was probably scared of a medical diagnosis, which foreshadowed that, an adult, the daughter would not reach the usual growth and will suffer from the offensive nicknames of the dwarf or Liliput.

However, the life of St. Petersburg, as well as other children. In many ways this happened thanks to the mother, who from childhood inspired her daughter's thought that she was the best and beloved. The girl went to school, talked with classmates and rarely noticed what was different from the peers.

The first problems arose when, after graduating from school and receiving a librarian diploma, Anna tried to get a job. She could not choose a suitable vacancy due to small growth. Employers did not give a chance to be implemented and constantly refused. Then the girl settled to work as a duty officer to school. She liked working with children, but with the administration of an educational institution, relations did not develop.

Compensating a little height, Anya emphasized the individuality of the nontrivial outfits, who rushed into the eyes. In parallel with the work, she began to film, worked as an animator in clubs to provide basic needs and a comfortable standard of living.

It did not like the school director. The popularity of Anna Grew, in St. Petersburg they recognized her on the streets. The girl took the pseudonym Anna Cast and after 9 years of work was forced to quit from school due to increased attention. Parents and administration considered it a hindrance to communicate with children.

Personal life

Despite the specific appearance, Anna had many fans among young people, but it was not always. The first experience of communicating with the opposite sex representative turned out to be negative.

In 2001, by phone Anna met a young man named Kim. A guy girl did not say about his illness, saying only about growth. The first date set the cross on further communication: the young man did not even come to the caste, and then disappeared at all from her life.

Anna was worried not long. Like many girls, she dreamed of marrying a loved one and create a full-fledged family.

In the men's / women's program, the artist revealed the secret of dating young people. In his youth, she began to be friends with the girls who caused interest from the guy liked, and soon the chosen itself came under the charm of the caster.

In 2017, serious changes occurred in the personal life of the singer. She met the young men named Nikolai. The guy is a musician, a poet, a member of one of St. Petersburg rock bands. After a few months to communicate a couple began to live together. Relationships launched more than a year.

In 2019, Anna began a novel with a long-time friend named Rodion. The guy is passionate about theater. Their first meeting occurred back in 2014. The suggestion of the young man did 5 years later in Cuban style, and the wedding triumph was covered in the Four Wedding Program "Friday". The budget of the event amounted to 30 thousand rubles. The couple was married in the traditions of the Western Church.

Nevertheless, in the personal account of the caster in "Instagram" there were no romantic photos. Though she devoted to his beloved and communicate with people of little growth. Anya was actively shared by news about its projects and weekdays.

A celebrity with particular attention treated people who were faced with the same physiological feature as she had. On the Internet, the artist created a group called "Meter with a Cap". In this community, the caste communicated with fans and gave advice to low people about what clothes to pick up and how to emphasize their own uniqueness.

The wardrobe "Little Miss Happiness" was broken from extraordinary clothes. The growth of Anna Cast was 130 cm, and the weight is 50 kg.

Music and creativity

Anna's biography was associated with creative activities. In an interview with the media, she said that, unlike the usual position, it would not be covered in himself and prefers to be open. Her example helped people with similar problems feel more confident and trust the world.

The first popularity came to Ana after filming for glossy magazines, participation in creating clips for Russian artists and the appearance on the movie screen.

In Anna filmography, the series "Mental Wars", "Treasure", a multi-sized film "Feather and a sword". Casta did not stop at the activities of the animator and became a participant in the Performative project NEVERPORN. The first performance of the team was created based on the tales of Hans Christian Andersen "Naked King". The celebrity regularly appeared as a guest and participants in public events like the premiere of cartoons, the opening of the Festival "Kinotavr", show Mercedes Benz.

Anna revealed himself in several creative directions. For some time she was fond of music and was a soloist of the raw group Little Big, which today is headed by a blogger and musician Ilya Prusikin. Later as part of the team, in addition to Anton Lissov, Sergey Makarova and Frontman, another vocalist Sophia Tayursk appeared. Thanks to the concerts that the team conducted abroad, Anna learned in Europe.

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The performer led to the group another soloist Olympia Ivlev, and after some time he left the team. Clips and songs Little Big remained for the memory of fans. On Anna's account - recording tracks to the first album team, which was called with Russia From Love. After completing a short musical career, Anna Cast implemented himself as a producer and manager.

The body of ex-soloist Little Big decorated drawings that attract the attention of passersby. At the International Conference in 2009, it was recognized as a queen among girls with a tattoo. For like-minded people, Anna opened the Tattoo Salon and called him Kast Home.

By 2018, Caste managed to realize as an actress, designer and model. The artist was in demand for glossy magazines and film industry and had the opportunity to choose projects in which to participate.


On March 1, 2021, it became known that Anna Cast died. Her body in the St. Petersburg apartment discovered volunteers, which in the last six months periodically visited the celebrity. It was reported that due to health problems, the artist was chained to the bed. The cause of death, according to preliminary information, was not criminal. After the opening, it became clear that the caste was died of cardiomyopathy.


As part of Little Big


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