Olympia Ivlev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs, Little Big 2021



This charming miniature girl was going to become a professional psychologist, but a happy case led her to show business. In 2013, Olympia became a vocalist of the Raiv Group "Little Big", which was incredible popularity. However, at the peak of success, the singer decided to leave the team to seriously take an acting career.

Childhood and youth

Olympia (this is her real name) was born on June 21, 1990 in St. Petersburg. He is a native Petersburg in the third generation. Girl's parents are not related to creativity, but raised daughter in love for books and good music.

The school period left a dual feeling in the shower of the future: on the one hand, an unforgettable time of childhood, new knowledge, friends, funny communication, on the other - the first negative emotions and resentment from the cruel relationship of other children.

Girl growth - 130 cm with weight of 40 kg. The artist does not like questions about his illness and does not disclose the diagnosis. According to Olympia, it, unlike many other people with growth impairments (dwarfs and Liliputs), never focused on the fact that not as everyone else. However, at school, the girl still collided with ridicule, and it was not the most pleasant period of her biography.

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In an interview with the "tender editor", Tatiana Mingalimova, Olympia, told about how in the 5th grade was attacked by two high school students. However, this story ended well, even with a small delay. When the girl has already studied at the university, the offenders met her and asked for forgiveness.

Having survived in childhood and adolescence a lot of negativity associated with the lack of upbringing other people, Olympia decided to become a psychologist. And I wanted to work with children with disabilities. After graduating from school Lipa, as close to her, entered the Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology named after Raul Wallenberg, where he studied for 5 years, coming out from the walls of Alma Mater a graduate specialist.

By the time of release, a lot of creative material had accumulated: she was still a student with a photo, an organization of animated events, exhibitions, etc. Therefore, without hurrying to the opening of psychological practice, Olympia continued to "hang out" in the circles of the underground, where the musicians of the Little Big group were noticed by the musicians "

Personal life

Olympia does not advertise a personal life, but does not hide her. She meets with a guy named Alexei since 2015. The wedding lovers have not yet planned: the singer does not want to acquire her husband and children.
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The pair has long checked the relationship on strength, young people parted three times, but they realized that they could not each other. Alexey is not from the creative environment, engaged in road races.

Music and creativity

Initially, 23-year-old Olympia was invited to shoot a video "Harlem Shake". The initiator was the former soloist "Little Big" - Anna Cast. She introduced a girl with the producer of the group of Alina Picks, the founder and soloist Ilya Prusikin.

"I didn't go about any invitation to the team of speech, there were no clear plans to create a project ... everything was spinning by itself: the video shot, the guys decided to continue the shooting ... Then the first performances began," the artist told his appearance in the group.

In 2014, the debut album of the team "With Russia From Love" came out. But the true success overtakes musicians after the clip on the song "Give Me Your Money" with the participation of the Estonian artist Tommy Cash.

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And if the experience of filming in a swimsuit near Olympia has already been, then in this video it is removed topless. According to the artist, for her it was a serious step, especially the girl was worried about how this mother would be perceived, which is a rather conservative person. But everything turned out, the woman accepted the new daughter's activities. Later, she has not yet been filmed in the frank images, including completely naked, and such a photo of the girl was no longer confused.

In the meantime, the career linden in the team gained momentum. Artists accepted and loved in Europe. And now the guys toured not only in the cities of Russia, but also throughout the old world. At the very beginning of the tour activities of Ivleva, a children's dream was in Paris. Little Big concerts visited Germany, Spain, Holland, Belgium, France and a number of other countries. And a small soloist, who protrudes under the pseudonym of Olympia Tver, is called the "pearl team."

Having traveled around the world, Olympia realized that she liked to travel, learn the life and culture of other countries. Back in 2013, Lipa launched his vlog on YouTube and began to lay out video tags about curiors, as well as sampling plots from concert and shooting sites and other exciting records.

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In 2016, the vocalist of the Little Big group was starred in the Big Dick provocative video, which took 1st place at Berlin Music Video Awards in the "Most Trashy" nomination. The video is a parody-stakes over pop culture and filled with indecent images and gestures, but became a record holder to view - over 35 million.

In 2017, Anna Cast stated to journalists that Olympia sings in the group not herself, it does a professional vocalist for it, and in concerts from speakers, a pre-recorded voice sounds. Lipa did not comment on the statement, but the "tender editor" said that "her vocals are definitely present in Little Big records."

At the end of 2017, a celebrity, together with Eldar Jarakhov, Masha Minogarov and Yura Mujachenko starred in the new trash show "played in the box", which went out on the Yutiub-Channel "Klikklak".

April 1, 2018, on the eve of the release of the new album "Antipositive, Pt.", Olympia announced the departure from the team. The date of the statement first convinced the fans in the fact that this is a joke. But soon it became clear that Lipa really left the group. Summing up her work, the ex-colleagues brought a kind of statistics:

"For 5 years with Olympia, we have created 14 million clips, more than 300 concerts played, there were many cities in a pile of the countries of the world."

The singer itself admitted that he took a very serious and serious decision.

"Little Big is a huge part of my life, this is part of me. I devoted a project for a whole 5 years. But at one point I realized that I could not give anything anymore, "the ex-soloist commented on his care.

The succession of Olympia in the team was Sophia Tayurskaya.

Also among the causes of the care of the singer called the desire to develop as a dramatic actress. This desire appeared at Olympia after the role in the film "Lili" - the project of the first channel. She appeared in the form of the main character - the artists of the circus Lily, who falls in love with an ordinary rural guy, and their love undergoes a series of tests.

Olympia Ivlev now

Now, according to Ivleva, it leads two business projects: the first is associated with the implementation of peanut paste, the second - underwear.

The ex-singer continues to get involved in photography (work can be viewed in "Instagram") and makes the first steps towards his dreams - acting career. Fans easier were waiting for new films with her participation in 2021.

On March 1, it became known that the ex-soloist Little Big Anna Cast had died. Olympia posted a post in an instagram account with warm words and gratitude for everything that Anna managed to do.


  • 2015 - Funeral Rave
  • 2018 - Antipositive, Pt. one
  • 2018 - Antipositive, Pt. 2.


  • 2018 - "Lily"

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