Arkady Kirsanov - Biography, Life Principles, Image and Character


Character History

Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev, who wrote the novel "Fathers and Children", created a weighty work for his era. He covered the opposition of two generations, comparing representatives of two families and their lifestyle. Turgenev compares nihilism and vital principles familiar to the Russian nobility. The image of Arkady Kirsanova helps brighter to demonstrate the difference in the aspirations of the main characters of the narration.

History of origin

The novel "Fathers and Children" was written in 1861 and was extremely relevant for the contemporaries of Turgenev. He won the prejudice reigning in society and made an explosive effect among critics. Describing the views on the lives of young and adult heroes, the writer showed a thin line between the two generations and the problems of mutual understanding arising between the "fathers" and "children".

Ivan Turgenev

For Turgenev there are no negative and positive heroes. The author's attitude to the views of the characters is read on top of the events described. It is more concerned about the moral conflict background and the analysis of how acting persons demonstrate their point of view. The political position of Bazarov and Kirsanov - a fundamental category for comparison in the novel. The nobility to which Arkady Kirsanov belongs to, his father and uncle, does not accept revolutionary ideas symbolizing the beginning of the new era.

Arkady Kirsanov - a character, thanks to which the action acquires a dynamics. The plot of the novel is built around him, he personifies the spirit of contradiction.

Image and nature

Arkady Kirsanov

A recent graduate of St. Petersburg University, nobleman, whose age barely exceeds 23 years, Arkady Kirsanov returns to native fenats. He is waiting for his father, Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov - a merry and a good-natured landowner, loyal to new-fashioned trends among young people, and Uncle Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov - Liberal and France, whose history of life is very difficult.

Arkady in the representation of the author - a bright soul, not spoiled by society. He is modest and sentimental, the cheerfulness went to his father, has good upbringing and education. Emotional and sentimental young man takes taking place events close to heart. Like the Father, loves to do business and does not favor conflict. His subtle mental organization is manifested in love for music and nature.

Pavel Kirsanov and Nikolai Kirsanov

For Arkady Kirsanova, the family is of great importance. Bazarov, who belonged to the estate of the differences, the young landowner perceived as part of it. The buddy, whose origin was not a problem for Kirsanov, became his guest. Nihilist and revolutionary actively promoted his ideas, trying to infect a friend with enthusiasm. Arkady becomes a follower of Bazar, although the position of the senior comrade is not always close to a young man.

Seeing how the relatives of his relatives sharply speaks into the presence of his relatives, Kirsanov Jr. ceases to support a recent mentor. The policy is not discussed in the house of Kirsanov, and regularly lifting this topic of the Bazarov becomes an irritant in the conditions of the usual rules of the estate.

Happiness for Arkady Kirsanova is not to confront the political regime for the sake of new leaders and laws, but in simple family happiness. He finds his quiet harbor in alliance with the sister of Anna Odintova, in which Bazarov was in love. The further fate of Kirsanov is predetermined: a cozy homemade hearth, the beloved son and the father's estate were the subject of his interest.

Anna Odintova

At first, seemingly the perfect companion for the Nihilist, Arkady turns out to be an imaginary follower for which the theory of Bazarov is a hobby of youth. Fate prepared a hero more modest purpose, with whom he is willing to humiliate for his own peace and satisfaction. With age, he is becoming closer to his father, and the useful Baro Kapaz Assistant turns into a provincial landlord with a simple and predictable circle of interest.

"Fathers and Sons"

The concept of the hero in the face of Kirsanov-younger is interesting: Turgenev describes Arcadia as an intermediate character between a radically tuned bazaar and a supporter of conservative views by Pavel Kirsanov. The epoch, who formed his identity, combined the interests of the two generations. The hero does not oppose the basics of their upbringing in favor of nihilism. By virtue of young age, it seems to him interesting romantic revolutionary ideas, which is characteristic of representatives of each new generation.

Evgeny Bazarov

Bazarov sought to re-educate a friend whose characteristic seemed to him too positive for nihilism. The attractive appearance of the character is adjacent to the mass of positive character traits that make it "softly" in the eyes of the mentor. Soft-hearted Arcadia alien to Bazarov. The poetic spiritual warehouse of a friend, his dreaminess and sensitivity cause the nigilist to the crown.

Influenced by Bazar Kirsanov is trying to abandon his own ideals, but his nature is stronger than the proposed landmarks. Arkady seemed by the shadow of his "teacher", goes into independent swimming. The charm of Nihilist is becoming weaker, and the imposed ideas do not seem so real, because the young man understands that it is too weak to participate in activities in the name of the revolution. He is simply not able to play a role accepted.

Evgeny Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov

A follower of family traditions, Kirsanov completely opposed to Basarov in adulthood. Hero's story, who considers himself "Bobylem" and ready to put his own life on the altar of public beliefs, is not related to those who objectively evaluate the prospects for activities in the scale of provincial life. The soft and driven Kirsanov is able to introduce changes to the life of a simple people, being close to it, and not a thing with barricades, like a friend.

The re-education of the young man is not possible, and the influence of the Bazarov is weakening. Parting with a friend, Arkady forgives harsh words and reproaches. In the final of the story it turns out that the bazaarov did not change anything in the life of Kirsanov and did not manage to influence the worldview of the landowner.


Roman "Fathers and Children" was filled five times. The first film on the work of Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev was released on the screens in 1915 in the formulation of Vyacheslav Viscovsky. F. Maria first embodied the image of Arkady Kirsanov on a movie screen.

Eduard Martsevich in the role of Arkady Kirsanova

In 1958, Eduard Martsevich experienced himself in the tape of Adolf Bergunker and Natalia Rashevsk.

Tevelless 1974, played by artists of the State Academic Small Theater of the USSR, still broadcast on television, acquaintance with the public with the director's work of Alexei Simonov and Alina Kazmin. Yury Vasilyev was appointed to the role of Arkady Kirsanov.

Full Alexander Ratnikov

Vyacheslav Nikiforov, the director of the film "Fathers and Children" of 1983, invited young Vladimir Konkin to work on the way Kirsanov.

Modern film 2008 Avdoti Smirnova introduced the audience with the interpretation of the image by Alexander Ratnikov.

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