Nikki Bella - biography, photo, wrestling, personal life, news 2021



Nikki Bella is an American model and sportswoman, beauty with Itao-Mexican roots, a professional wrestler, a participant in WWA projects, two-time winner of the champion title of the international federal federation, a member of the Bell Twin Team.

Childhood and youth

Nikki Bella - Pseudonym Stephanie Nicole Garcia-Koles, born on November 21, 1983 in San Diego, California, USA, 16 minutes earlier than his twin sisters Brianna Monic. Girls grew up on a farm in Scottsdale, in Arizona, in the family of John Garcia and Katie Koles.

Brie Bella and Nikki Bella

In elementary school, Nicole was fond of football, played in the local children's team. At the end of Chaparral High School in 2002, she continued workouts with a ball in Grossmont College in San Diego. The girl dreamed of the biography of professional football players, but the leg injury prevented its plans.

Leaving their studies in college, Nikki, together with his sister, moved to Los Angeles hoping to start a career in show business. In search of agents, she got a waitress at the Hotel Mondrian in Hollywood.

Brie Bella and Nikki Bella in childhood

Attractive girl appearance noticed promoters. Twins were invited to the Realistic "Fox Meet My Folks" show on national television, and then hired for the Budweiser Corporation advertising campaign, the sponsor of the World Cups Football Championships, within which many photos were made, including the trophy of the Chief Championship of the Planet.

In 2006, Sisters Garcia took part in the Competition of the Twins Competition "International Body Doubles Twins Search" and the prestigious competition WWE "DIVA SEARCH", held by the largest federation of wrestling in the world. Following these competitions, the girls did not occupy prizes and did not even enter the top ten.


Despite the unsuccessful home career in WWE, the sisters signed a contract with the federation of wrestling in 2007 and were included in the number of Florida Championships (FCW). The girls made their debut in the ring on September 15, 2007.

Nikki Bella in a swimsuit

From the first battle, they began to compete with Victoria Crawford duet (Alicia Fox) and Natalia Netharthart and take part in mixed fights. In the breaks between the matches, Nicole performed on the Talk Show of the Salater (Miller), "Happy Hour", and a year later, a year appeared in the competitions on battles in swimsuits.

In the television wrestling program, WWE "SMACKDOWN" Nikki and Bree first introduced themselves as "Bell's twins". A feature of the martial style of the sisters was that they were imperceptibly changed in places during the fight. So far, one of the athletes worked in the arena, the other was sitting under the ring. The fight was usually ended with the sudden appearance of both in front of the eyes of surprised rivals and a shocked public.

Bellies Bella

In November 2008, the creators of the entertainment show of the restrains came up with the plot, including the romantic relationship of "Bell's twins" with Primo and Carlito, the fighters of the team "The Colóns". The girls were accompanied by athletes in the ring and appeared in their companies in the backup episodes of the program.

In February 2009, the wrestler company was replenished with new male Mise characters and John Morrison. This led to the stage rupture between sisters: Bree stayed with old fans, and Nikki chose new ones. As a result, the twins came together in the team duel against each other, and then spent a single fight, in which Nicole won the victory.

Nikki Bella in the ring

In the spring of 2009, sisters were reunited on the WWE "Monday Night Raw" television project, where replacing tactics were again used. In the same year, Nikki presented the brand "Raw" in the royal battle, but lost the fight champion Bet Phoenix. After that, the girls moved to the ECW program, where one of the main storylines was enmity with the Englishman Katie Lee, which Nikki won the "SuperStars" show.

Next, Nikki and Bree began to appear in episodes with invited celebrities on the Raw show and rarely performed on the ring. They announced participation in the 3rd season of the female project "NXT", in the final of which "Bell twins" turned into a villain.

Nikki Bella

In 2011, Nikki Bella first won the "royal battle of diva" and became the contender for the WWE champion title, which was conquered athlete from the 2nd time. The main reward of the federal federals belonged to Nikki exactly 70 days, after which she lost to her American Kelly Kelly.

In 2012, Bell's Twins performed in WWE with varying success. After the defeat of Nikki in the Div Championship, the executive administrator of the Restrel Federation fired athletes. The 2012 season of Nikki and Brie held on the independent Wrestling Wrestling Wrestling show in Newberg City, in New York, and on the CTWE Pro Wrestling project, and in 2013 returned to WWE.

Westler Nikki Bella

After the leg fracture in June 2013, Nikki began single performances in the reality show "Raw" and "Summerslam", but then again united with a sister as part of Survivor Series. On the "Monday Night Raw" on December 9, 2013 "Bellies Bella" recognized "divides of the year" awarded the "Slammy Awards" award. Then Nikki declared the face of the division of Div and delegated to the match "Night of the Champions", which she lost.

At the end of October 2013, Nicole won the "royal battle of costumes" at Halloween and again became the first challenger on the title of WWA champion. The title match was held on November 23 in Survivor Series. Nikki went to the ring against Hey Jay Lee, won it with the help of her sister and became a two-time WWE champion, 301 days retained honorary title.

Nikki Bella and Hey Jay Lee

Soon after Triumf, Nicole was injured by the cervical spine, requiring operational intervention. She left television and during the restoration appeared in public only to get the "Slammy" prize for "diva year." In July 2015, the physical condition allowed Nikki back to competitions. She refused his branded attack at the rack and under the leadership of Daniel Brian (sister's husband) learned the new finishing reception.

The athlete again became the regular participant of various WW shows. In early 2017, Nikki joined her real beloved John blue in a mixed duel on "Wrestlemania 33", and then announced through his account in Instagram that she was needed from the struggle.

Nikki Bella and Ronda Rauzy

In 2018, Nicole returned to the team "Bells Bella" and once again joined WWA. In September, the girls began enmity with the "The Riott Squad" team, which overcame in WWE "Super Show-Down". Nikki met with one of her participants, Rundy Rauzi, in an individual battle at WWE "Evolution" and was defeated.

Personal life

In 2014, Nikki Bella admitted that the first time she married at the age of 20 for her school lover. The couple did not live together, and after 3 years their marriage was annulled.

In 2012, the athlete began to meet with American wrestler John Sina. The fighter made an offer to his beloved after the victory in the mixed match at Wrestlemania 33 in the spring of 2017. A year after the engagement, the bride and groom broke up and canceled the wedding, which was supposed to take place on May 5, 2018.

The couple stated that they love and respect each other, it was difficult for them to break the relationship. They ask for fans to show understanding and protect against the woven their personal life.

Nikki Bella now

Nikki Bella continues to enter the ring in team and individual fights.

Nikki Bella in 2018

She is now participating in the WWE European Tour. Within the framework of the 1st touring House, Schow, Nicole fought with his old rival Rundy Rauzi in Madrid in early November 2018.

Titles and awards

  • 2011 - WWE WWE champion
  • 2013 - WWE WWE champion
  • 2013 - "Slammy Award" in the nomination of the division of the year
  • 2013 - "Slammy Award" in the nomination
  • 2014 - "Slammy Award" in the nomination
  • 2015 - "Slammy Award" in the nomination of the diva year

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