Mikhail Lazarev - biography, photo, expedition, personal life, cause of death



Mikhail Lazarev is a famous Russian navigator, one of the 2 plates of Antarctica, the scientist and commander of the Black Sea Fleet.

Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev was born 3 (according to the old style) of November 1788 in Vladimir in the noble family. Father of the future Admiral, Peter Gavrilovich, died when Michael was a teenager. However, before that, a man managed to send the future navigator and 2 of his student brothers in the Sea Cadet Corps. According to other information, the boys were identified after the death of the Father with the help of an adjutant general of Christopher Livena.

Mikhail Lazarev

In school, Mikhail, who had a sharp mind, showed zeal and eventually turned out to be one of the 30 best graduates. After graduation, the young man received the status of Gardemarya, the young man was sent to England - to get acquainted with the device of the British fleet. There Mikhail served until 1808, spending all this time on ships, away from Sushi. During this period, the navigator was engaged in self-education, devoting a long time to study history and ethnography.

Fleet and expedition

After returning to the Motherland, Lazarev produced in Michmans, and until 1813, a man served on the Baltic Fleet. In this capacity, Mikhail participated in the Russian-Swedish war and the war against Napoleon.

Portrait of Mikhail Lazarev

1813 became the new stage of Mikhail's biography: the man was appointed commander of Suvorov - Frigate serving in a world journey. Financing was carried out by means of a Russian-American company, which wanted to improve the water report of St. Petersburg and Russian America. On October 9, 1813, the expedition was finally prepared, and the ship was out of the port of Kronstadt.

The journey lasted 2 years. At the beginning due to difficult weather conditions, the ship was forced to stay in the Swedish harbor, but then managed to get to La Mansha. It was a success also because there were a lot of warships of France and Denmark, which could attack the Russian vessel.

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In British Portsmouth Lazarev had to stay for 3 months, so the Equator ship crossed only by April, and in the Atlantic Ocean, in the late spring of 1814. In August, approaching Australia, the crew heard the roar of Cannonads - the governor of the colony. New South Wales thus witnessed his joy from defeating Napoleonic troops.

At the beginning of autumn, following the route laid through the Pacific Ocean, the traveler unexpectedly noticed the outline of sushi, which, judging by the map, should not be. It turned out that Mikhail Petrovich found a new atoll, called as a result, like a ship, in honor of Suvorov. By November, the expedition reached the shores of North America and landed in Novo-Arkhangelsk (today the city is called Sitka), where the navigators received gratitude for the fact that the goods were saved. After wintering in the city of "Suvorov" came out again in the sea and by the summer of 1815 returned to Russia.

Monument to Mikhail Lazarev in Sochi

After 4 years, Mikhail Petrovich was appointed commander of the "Mirny" gate - one of the two ships planning to get to Antarctica. Since the search for the commander of the second vessel, the "East", dragged, to manage all the preparation of Lazarev's travel was independently. Ultimately, in June 1819, East was headed by Faddia Bellinshausen, and a month later the port left and went into swim, which was not only the opening of Antarctica, but also the proof of its reach for navigators.

After 3 years of a difficult maritime campaign, the crew of both ships returned to Kronstadt. The result of the expedition was the refutation of the assertion of Jean Laperose about the obstruction of the ice for the southern polar circle. In addition, Lazarev and Bellingshausen collected significant biological, geographical and ethnographic materials, and also opened 29 islands.

Mikhail Lazarev and Faddey Bellinshausen

According to the results of the expedition, Mikhail Lazarev produced in Chin Captain II rank. An interesting fact: this was to precede the rank of captain-lieutenant, but the merits of the navigator recognized deserving to neglect the rules.

While the navigator traveled along the waters of the Antarctic, the situation in Russian America was complicated due to the increased activity of smugglers. The only military vessel could not ensure the safety of territorial waters. The authorities decided to send an "cruiser" frigate, equipped with 36 guns, as well as Ladog's gate. Mikhail appointed to the "cruiser" in this swimming reunited with Andrei's brother - that was entrusted to manage "Ladoga".

Opening of Antarctica by the expedition of Mikhail Lazarev and Faddey Bellinshausen

The yield of ships took place on August 17, 1822, first they experienced difficulties due to strong storms. To get out of the borrowed Russian portsmouth ships turned out only by the middle of the autumn. The following storms expected a cruiser after reaching Rio de Janeiro. With "Ladoga", the way from which was separated from behind the storm, Lazarev met only near Tahiti.

The shores of North America have stood up to 1824, and then went home. And again, immediately after entering the open sea on the ships collapsed the storm. But Lazarev decided not to experience bad weather in San Francisco and, successfully overcoming the storm, in August 1825 arrived in Kronstadt.

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For the execution of the order, Mikhail Petrovich produced in the captains of the i-th rank. However, the navigator was unsuccessful to this: Lazarev demanded awards for the entire crew of the Cruiser, including sailors. On February 27, 1826, a man was sent to command the 12th Flot crew, as well as the Azov ship under construction in Arkhangelsk. When the ship fell out of shipyard, under the leadership of Mikhail Petrovich "Azov", as well as "Iskequil" and "Smyster" arrived in Kronstadt.

On October 8, 1827, "Azov", who held a course in the Mediterranean Sea, participated in the Navarino battle - the largest maritime fighting between the troops of Russia, England and France against the Turkish-Egyptian fleet. "Azov" under the command of Lazarev successfully destroyed 5 Turkish ships, as well as the flagship ship of Muharrem-Bay. Awards for success in battle Mikhail Petrovich were the title of counter-admiral and 3 orders - Greek, French and English, and the ship received the St. George flag.

Bust Mikhail Lazarev in Sevastopol

In the period from 1828 to 1829, Lazarev managed the blockade Dardanwell, then returned to the command in the Baltic Fleet, and in 1832, the man was appointed headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet headquarters. For him, Mikhail Petrovich did a lot - in particular, became the founder of a new system of training of sailors. Now sailors were preparing in the sea, making the situation as much as possible to combat.

Also, the contribution of Lazarev was the supply of fleet by artillery and high-level vessels, the beginning of the equipment of the steamers. It was then that the first steamer from iron was built for the Russian fleet, and the cadets began to learn how to walk on such vessels.

Admiral Mikhail Lazarev

In addition to concerns about improving the quality of vessels and the level of service of the crew, Mikhail Petrovich reorganized the life of sailors and their families on the shore: opened school for children of sailors, improved the seva library of Sevastopol, attached all his strength to improving the work of the hydrographic bureau. In 1843, Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev produced in Chin Admiral.

Personal life

In 1835, the navigator decided to bring order in his personal life and to enter into a legitimate marriage.

Ekaterina Fan der Flit, wife Mikhail Lazarev

His wife became Ekaterina Fan der Flit, the daughter of the governor of Arkhangelsk, the girl was for 24 years younger than his spouse. In marriage, 6 children were born, two of whom, Peter and Alexander, died in childhood.


At the end of the life, Mikhail Petrovich sickly sick, but continued to work. This is noted even by Nikolai I in the correspondence - he mentioned that Lazarev does not spare herself, and it was afraid that it would complicate the course of the disease.

Monument to Mikhail Lazarev in Novorossiysk

In 1851, Admiral, together with his wife and his daughter, was departed in Vienna, hoping that European doctors would be able to somehow help cope with the ailment. However, cancer became only aggressive, and Lazarev finally slighted, although he tried not to apply as much as the torment brings the disease. Asking the sovereign who favored him, to take care of the family a man did not wish, as never wished for anyone to ask for help.

The navigator died on April 11, 1851 in Vienna, the cause of death was cancer of the stomach. Mikhail Petrovich's body was taken to their homeland, in the city of Sevastopol, where they buried in the crypt of the Vladimir Cathedral.

Portrait of Mikhail Lazarev. Artist Ivan Aivazovsky

Means for installing the monument to Admiral gathered on the day of the funeral. The opening of the monument took place in 1867, but this monument was not preserved. Today, the busts of the navigator are established in Lazarevsky, Nikolaev, Sevastopol and Novorossiysk.

Under the lifetime of Mikhail Petrovich, his portraits wrote many artists, including the brilliant marinist Ivan Aivazovsky. In addition, the images of Lazarev can be found on the brands and envelopes of the USSR times.


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