Egor Ligachev - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, son, age 2021



Egor Kuzmich Ligachev is the Soviet and Russian statesman. The activity of the activity fell in the 1980s in the status of a member of the Politburo and the post of secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU. He was an active supporter of program measures for restructuring, the initiator of the sensational anti-alcohol campaign and the dry law. For many years, Tomsk and Novosibirsk regions were headed, in which they were born and grew.

Childhood and youth

Egor Ligachev was born on November 29, 1920 in the village of Dubinkino Cainic County of the Tomsk Province (now Chulym district of the Novosibirsk region). Ligachevy - the family of Siberian peasants, raised two sons, senior Dmitry (1918) and younger Hydra.

Early years of children were held in Novosibirsk. Here, the 16-year-old Dmitry left a volunteer to the Red Army, and Egor graduated with honors from the city secondary school No. 12 in 1937. In the youth, becoming a Komsomolman, began to devote himself to public work, which he continued at the Institute.

In the midst of the Great Patriotic War, in 1943, Ligachev graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze in the specialty "AirCreasing". The young graduate specialist was sent to his native Novosibirsk, where he became an engineer-technologist at the military aviation plant. V. P. Chkalova.

Party activities

The party biography of Egor Ligachev began from the moment of joining the Communist Party in 1944. A promising, educated and burning ideas of the communism of a young man immediately sent to the leadership of the Komsomol work.

Ligacheva was appointed first by the secretary of the Dzerzhinsky district office of the VLKSM Novosibirsk, and then the secretary of the Novosibirsk Committee of the VLKSM. In position, he stayed until 1949, during this period the youth leader inspected Komsomol construction sites, territories of immigrants. In the local press, his first interviews and photos appeared.

In 1949 (according to other sources, in 1951), Ligachev graduated from the Higher Party School in absentia and moved to a new responsible work - the head of the Novosibirsk Committee of the CPSU. This position stayed for a long time - went to an increase. In the years thaw, from 1955 to 1958, Egor Kuzmich - Deputy Chairman of the Novosibirsk Regional Executive Committee. The head of the region of Ligachev personally led the construction of the famous Academgorodok. With his support, the Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences was created.

At the beginning of the 60s, Ligachev worked in the CPSU Central Committee apparatus. The departure of Nikita Khrushchev's general examination found him as a deputy head of the propaganda department and agitation of the CPSU Central Committee on the RSFSR. Changes in the highest echelon power Egor Kuzmich decided to use as a chance to leave the paper-cabinet work and apply their capabilities in creative practice. He asked the new leadership of the country to send him to any region of the Soviet Union, and Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev sent an active activist in Tomsk.

Egor Ligachev in youth with his wife and son

17 years of Ligachev spent the first secretary of the Tomsk Committee of the CPSU. This period practically coincided with the Brezhnev era of stagnation. But in the city of Ligachev turned rapid activities. The first thing in the area was built by Bogashevo Airport and the bus station, tied this Siberian Corner with the Center and other regions of the country. Egor Kuzmich also erected Tomsk Academgorodok, applying the knowledge and experience gained in the construction of the Novosibirsk Sciences.

At Ligachev, trolley buses, poultry farms, pig complex, greenhouse farms appeared in the region, the theater and the Palace of Sports were built. Egor Kuzmich wanted to open in 1979 the Tyuz did not infer the Novosibirsk "Red Torch." For this, a ready-made acting troupe was required. With a request to ensure the theatrical center of professional personnel politicians addressed the first secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee Grigory Romanov.

He volunteered and sent to Tomsk graduates of the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography, who graduated from the course of the Lion Dodina's director. Among them were Igor Sklyar, Andrei Krasko, Natalia Akimov and other talented performers. In addition, exhibitions of union artists began to be held in the city.

And most importantly, the atomic and oil production industry began in the region. Namely - the oil pipeline Strezhevoy - Tomsk - Anzhero-Sudzhensk, built the West Siberian oil and gas complex: deposits were mastered in the taiga and directly on the swamps. As a result, Ligachev brought the Tomsk region to the advanced. At the same time, more than once the head of the region had to be applied and "Iron" methods of manual.

Seeing such a zeal, Brezhnev more than once tried to return the Tomsk Secretary to the center, suggested even the posts of the ambassador in France, in Cuba, in Hungary, but every time he received a categorical answer: "Leave in Siberia."

"Now, from the distance, I can say that the Tomsk period was the most interesting, most beautiful in my life," said Ligachev in one of the interviews.

From the Native Siberia to the center of Ligacheva, the new Secretary General Yuri Andropov took. With his filing, Egor Kuzmich was appointed head of the department of the CPSU Central Committee in 1983. At the end of the year, the secretary of the CPSU Central Committee was elected. In this position he lasted until the 1990th, up to the end of the career in the Politburo.

In 1985, Ligachev supported the candidacy of Mikhail Gorbachev to the position of Secretary General of the CPSU Central Committee, became his faithful supporter in conducting recreation reforms and in fact the second person in the Kremlin.

During this period, Ligachev initiated the famous anti-alcohol campaign in the USSR (1985-1989): Alcohol's ban was introduced throughout the country, called the people with dry law. There were rumors that the author of the anti-alcohol policy belonged to the caste of the Old Believers and it did not allow him to drink. Such speculation was refuted immediately, stating that "just categorically against drunkenness."

After 1988, clouds were thickened over Ligachev. In increasingly, his name was mentioned in connection with the braking processes of restructuring. With criticism, innovators spoke out against the conservative methods of secretary of the Central Committee to Egor Kuzmich.

"On the one hand, Boris Yeltsin and Alexander Yakovlev, and on the other - Ligachev. Those - innovators, and I am a conservative. I thought the basics of building must be saved. Gorbachev and his surroundings decided that the Soviet system was not subjected to reform and should be destroyed. That is what our principal discrepancies, "said Ligachev already many years later in an interview with Komsomolskaya.

But initially, it was Ligachev initiated by the transfer of Sverdlovchanin to the CC apparatus. But then I could not think that a serious confrontation between him and his Ural Protege awaits him ahead. Later, the politician described the events preceding the disintegration of the Union, in the book "Who betrayed the USSR?" From the series "Popular Political Memoirs". And in relation to Boris Yeltsin, he spoke in the XIX part conference, uttered by the winged phrase:

"Boris, you are not right!"

In July 1990, Egor Kuzmich Ligachev was exempt from the post of Secretary of the Central Committee and was derived from the Politburo. But, being disagreeable with the fact that the course of Gorbachev is inevitably leading a huge country to decay, the ex-secretary of the Central Committee was among those who wrote an appeal to the President of the USSR and the Supreme Council of the USSR with a proposal to convene the emergency congress of the USSR national deputies. The request never was satisfied.

In the post-Soviet period, Ligachev was part of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (1993-2013), actively participated in political life. In 1999, he was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the 3rd convocation as the oldest deputy from the Tomsk region. The photo 2000 was preserved, who captured Egor Kuzmich with Vladimir Putin, then still acting president of the Russian Federation at the first meeting of the State Duma of the 3rd convocation.

In 2003, being the oldest people's chosen one, opened the first meeting of the Russian Parliament. In 2010, Ligachev sharply condemned the actions of the party leadership on the dissolution of the Moscow City Group Bureau. In this regard, there was a conflict between the parties, even the information "On the exception of Ligachev from the series of the Communist Party" appeared.

Politician is the author of the works of the "Mystery of Gorbachev", "Gdlyan and others", "Rus with Siberia", "Caution" and other books. He was awarded two orders of the Labor Red Banner (1948, 1967), the Order of Hall Sign (1957), two orders of Lenin (1970, 1980), the Order of the October Revolution (1976) and many medals.

Personal life

The personal life of Egor Ligachev at one time was the subject of discussions in party sidelines. In 1944, the young man married Zinaida Zinovieva - the daughter of the Siberian General, repressed and shot in 1937 on a false denunciation. In those years, such an act - to take the daughter of the enemy of the people in his wife - demanded a certain courage. But Ligachev did not look at anything. Subsequently, General Ivan Zinoviev was fully justified and rehabilitated.

Zinaida Ivanovna shared the political views of her husband, was a convinced communist. Being a teacher by profession, he taught in the university English. The family couple was born a single son who became a man of science. Alexander Ligachev - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor. With his wife, Olga gave Hron Kuzmich's grandchildren. There are among the descendants of Ligachev and one great-grandfather, named after Praded Egor.

Spouse Ligacheva died in 1997. In the fall of 2013, being in the 92nd age, the politician suffered an operation on the heart.

At the end of November 2020, the long-lived politician at the age of 100 noted the anniversary. Specially for the solemn date was released the documentary film "Fatherland, work and love ...", who told the audience about the contribution of Egor Kuzmich to the development of the country, about his family. In the process of filming, the creators of the picture used the photos and documents of the Tomsk Regional Local Lore Museum. M. B. Shatilova, as well as Tomsk libraries and archives.


In recent years of life, how much health allowed, Ligachev was engaged in public operation. I received many letters, calls from like-minded people, supported relations with the leadership of the Tomsk and Novosibirsk regions. He lived, according to him, to the deputy retirement and book fees and did not regret that in the youth did not "have worked oil, places and foreign accounts."

At the end of November, the long-lived politician at the age of 100 noted the anniversary. Specially for the solemn date was released the documentary film "Fatherland, work and love ...", who told the audience about the contribution of the policy in the development of the country, about his family. In the process of filming, the creators of the picture used the photos and documents of the Tomsk Regional Local Lore Museum. M. B. Shatilova, as well as Tomsk libraries and archives.

On April 5, the politician came to the central clinical hospital due to problems with the lungs. Then he was transferred to intensive care with double-sided pneumonia. She was the cause of the death of Egor Kuzmich, who died on May 7, 2021.

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