Childe Harold - biography, image and character, quotes


Character History

In world literature, Childe Harold is the standard of the romantic hero. An attractive young man, tired of everyday existence, is sent to the uncharted countries to experience the taste of life. Lord Byron became the first poet, who managed to convey all the feelings that dreamed the heart of the dreamer.

History of creation

The image of Childe Harold was born during the long journey of Lord George Bairon in the Mediterranean. The poet who spent two years in the wanders experienced such a gamut of emotions in relation to seen lands and cultures, which, without ending the cruise, sat down for writing the poem. For two years, the writer created a hero, whose characteristics did not meet in the literature until this point.

Portrait of George Bairon.

"Pilgrimage to Child-Harold" published in March 1812. The resulting work was success among secular youth and allowed the writer to pay a debt, which Byron created due to hobbies with gambling and drinking.

A simple analysis of the hero identifies the overall features between the disappointed Child Harold and the broken by Bairon. Yes, and the author himself did not deny that in many ways the image created in the poem is autobiographical.

In the plans of Lord Bairon, there was no creation of a continuation of the work, but, beyond the thoughts and personal problems, as well as the impressed by the response of society, the writer leaves for Geneva, where he sits down for writing the third part.

Books about Childe Harold

After the end of the work, Lord Byron, who still did not leave depression, as well as his hero, goes to Rome, who inspires a man to create the fourth final part of the poem. To complete the non-standard epic, the writer took a total of 10 years.

The resulting LarEpic poem broke stereotypes and received the status of an innovative work. Later, "Child-Harold Pilgrimage will inspire European and Russian classic writers to create new literary masterpieces.


Childe Harold's biography is similar to the lives of Golden Youth in any millennium. The young man rose into the family of hereditary aristocrats. The father of a young man died early, and mother was engaged in parenting. From the small years, the only true friend of the hero was the younger sister, with whom Harold shared joys and sorrows.

Illustration for book

In the life of the romantic hero, there were no problems. Women admired appearance and manners of a young aristocrat, friends supported in stormy evening entertainment. But one day the young man fell in longing. Lovers of envelope no longer interested balls and other joys.

To drive Handra, Childe Harold goes into the sea journey. A young man does not warn relatives about the departure, secretly equipped the ship and goes in swimming. Lisbon became the first stop, which struck the young man in neglence and launching. In Spain, as in Portugal, the main character was struck by the number of robbers and destruction, some of which are the merit of Napoleon. Childe Harold is so depressed that he doesn't even notice the attractiveness of local girls, although he will hear the connoisseur of female beauty.

Child Harold goes into the sea trip

The next stop for the raised aristocrat was Greece. But the beautiful lands of the new country seem to Child Harold destroyed by the war. The young man crushes that the country, known as a diverse history, disappears in the ruins:

"Where? Where are they? The party is taught by the children historia of those who have left in the darkness, and that's all! And on the ruins, the ethyl swell drops through the distance of the millennium. "

Another impression on the young man made Albania. Watching the sights of a new country, the hero felt the chanda finally retreats. On this, the first single journey of a young aristocrat ends.


Childe Harold returns home to England. But, being in the usual environment, the hero understands that now too far from balls and other entertainment:

"Among the deserted mountains of his friends, the medium of the waves of the sea of ​​his country is the native country, where the hot edges where the rasunges, a raid be shedding."

Realizing that in England he does not hold anything else, the young man goes to a new campaign. The first stop becomes Waterloo, known to military events. Penetrating the spirit of defeat and disappointment, the man goes to the Valley of the Rhine, which admires the hero of the beauty of nature.

Illustration for book

To escape from hated and stupid people who do not understand what they are doing with the world, Childe Harold goes to the Alps. After the traveler spends the night next to the Lake Geneva and briefly drives to Lausanne.

A new stop on the way for Harold became Venice. As in most cities in Europe, a man notices the destruction and launch, covered with bright carnivals and unrestrained fun.

The hero continues the way, visiting the city and villages, which are located on the coast of Italy. The man likes the locals, but Childe Harold internally sorries that the population is such a great country in absentia.

George Byron admires Rome

In such reflections, the hero reaches Rome, who caused the man to feel the greatness of the ancient people. Looking at the local attractions, the young aristocrat reflects on the vicissitudes of love, how often you are chasing the unacceptable ideal.

Heavyweight, full of new hopes and bright thoughts, Child Harold turns out to be in the Mediterranean, where he finds harmony with the world:

"I loved you, the sea! At an hour to rest in the spacious, where the chest of the chest is breathing, Kumping the noisy shaft of the surf-mymes was with young days. "

Interesting Facts

Eugene Onegin
  • In the poem "Evgeny Onegin", Alexander Pushkin, the main character remembers the Chair of Bairon, and the author himself compares Evgenias Childe Harold.
  • Child is not the name of the hero, but the title. So in the Middle Ages called the son of the nobleman, which did not reach the status of the knight.
  • Over time, the character became a sample of the so-called "Bayron hero". A similar image is endowed with high intelligence, cynicism, mysteriousness and contempt for power.


"Day - like Dolphin, who, dying, changes in colors - only to become in the last moment the most beautiful things." "On superstitious, how do you stubbornly! Christ, Allah Lee, Buddha or Brahma, a soulless idol, God - where is the right thing? "" To whom when a gray beard prevented to be like a young man, in love? "

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