Mikhail Chernyak - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Mikhail Chernyak - Petersburg Actor, Dubli Artist and Wizard Voice. His pleasant baritone is familiar to adult viewers of cinema and serials, as well as the young public from the number of fans of Luntik cartoons, "Smeshariki" and "Barboskina". The artist is implemented on a dramatic scene as a reader, performs roles in classical productions and a new drama.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Chernyak was born on November 13, 1964 in Leningrad. Theater and public speeches liked the boy from the young age. As a schoolboy, he visited the theater of youth creativity, which functions today. In this circle, the children developed their abilities, while studying the theatrical case, and put the performances under the guidance of scene masters.

Mikhail Chernyak in youth

Having received secondary education in Lyceum No. 395, Mikhail decided to enter the Ligitmik at the Department of Acting Mastery. The course at that time was gaining Zogynia Yakovlevich, Mastodont, known for his productions on the stage of the theaters of the Northern Capital. Chernyak managed to enter the number of his wards. After completing training in 1985, the certified actor became the artist of the young theater. This scene was like a guy looking here at the first opportunity.

Theater and films

The first roles of Chernyak performed in children's performances. He embodied on the scene of a young kaya in the "Snow Queen", the dickery of saga from the story of Mowgli, Tommy's boy from the story of "Peppi Longs". After 6 years, the artist's debut was held as a director, and since then he has repeatedly implemented the ambitions of the director on the scene of the native theater.

Mikhail Chernyak in the youth theater on the fountain

Mikhail is a tendency to improvisation, searching for "raisins" in roles and filigree work with dramaturgical material. He masterfully creates comic and tragic images, speaking, for example, the hero of the Chekhov play or the character of the fairy tales Carlo Gotszi.

Mikhail Chernyak works as readers and performer monospectacles. Among the latter, the most famous productions "Mr. Twain - only for adults" and "at an accident, in the era of the Renaissance". Lightweight text and the essence of the work, reincarnation and inspiration of the artist create a comfortable atmosphere for the viewer and configure on the involvement in what is happening. The actor masterfully owns his own charm and charisma.

Chrant Mikhail Chernyak

In 1991, the Native Chernyak Theater was renamed to the "Youth Theater on Fontanka." Staying his representative for several decades, in 2005, the executor received the title "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation".

Like most Petersburg theatrical artists, Mikhail Chernyak is in demand on television and in the cinema. His filmography has many works in the series. Among them are "Streets of broken lanterns", "Secrets of the Consequence", "Sea Devils", "Special Purpose Agent- 2", "Major-2" and others.

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Mikhail Chernyak's voice is known far beyond St. Petersburg. The artist presented it with various animated cartoon characters. Thanks to him, the audience know the familiar speech of Losyash, Kopatych and Pina from the project "Smeshariki". In the cartoon of the "Adventures of Luntika", the actor's voice says the turtle, Pescar Ivanich and Cancer Chiekbark. Gena from Barboskina also gained a living sound with Mikhail Chernyak.

Cartoon films about Russian heroes, popular in the last decade, and Saga about Ninja Turtles either did not cost without the participation of the artist. Few of the fans of modern serials know that the actor of the "Youth Theater on Fontanka" voiced Garta from the series "Supernatural", the characters of the project "Storage 13", the film "Rotate" and other filmtin. The artist took an active part in the dubling of the famous series "Game of Thrones".

Mistake Mikhail Chernyak

In the biography of the artist, his voice played a major role. Mikhail Chernyak works by a speaker on the radio. His authorship belonged to the transfer of "Suncheuta", broadcast in the radio channel "St. Petersburg", and the humorous show "Cold Eight", which went on Radio Baltika. The artist is also voicing the audiobooks. Master of the spoken genre, Chernyak was realized as a TV presenter. He interacted with the audience within the framework of the Morning program in a large country on the fifth channel and led the heading "Saturday morning" on channel 100 TV.

Personal life

Mikhail Gennadyevich Chernyak refers to the number of artists who prefer not to apply to personal life. Therefore, the general public does not know about his family matters, it is unknown if the actor has a wife and children.

Mikhail Chernyak

On the personal page on the social network "VKontakte", a man publishes his own photos from traveling, with creative meetings and performances. He willingly gives media interviews, telling about his own creative path and career, but does not share household details.

Mikhail Chernyak now

By 2018, the recognized master of oratory art Mikhail Chernyak - in demand by the artist of different directions and genres. He acts as a reader, collecting philharmonic halls and theatrical sites. The actor collaborates with radio channels and acts as a showman on television. Chernyak continues to partnership with the project "Smeshariki", and also works as leading events of various scale.

Mikhail Chernyak in 2018

Throughout the creative activity, Mikhail Chernyak remains a faithful only stage platform. He is officially listed by the actor of the "Youth Theater on Fontanka." Now, in St. Petersburg, Chernyak appears in the role of Prince of Belsky in the formulation of the "liquefaction", embodies Brighella from the fairy tale "King deer", continues to participate in monospectacles.

As director, Mikhail Chernyak put the play "Night of Errors", "School of Taxpayers", "Glass of Water". You can see them all in the same theater. In co-creation with the main director and artistic director of the "Youth Theater" by Semen Spivak Chernyak created the production of "Love Lace". In the "Shelter Comedan" theater now is a play "Cheap Life, Or Rats on Tray", embodied by him as a director.

Mikhail Chernyak in the theater

Chernyak is still engaged in voice acting Foreign film, appears in domestic cinema and series like "Foundry", gives students audiobook texts uttered by his pleasant baritone. Fans of this format can familiarize themselves with the works of the artist "transfing reality", "Monday begins on Saturday," "Treasy Troika" and others.


  • 2002 - "Agency" Golden bullet "
  • 2005 - "All Gold World"
  • 2005 - "Refrigerator and others"
  • 2012 - "Khabarov principle"
  • 2013 - "Investigator-2"
  • 2014 - "Professional"
  • 2014 - "Cross"
  • 2016 - "Major-2"
  • 2017 - "Chef. Raising game "
  • 2018 - "Melnik"


  • 1999 - "Adventures in the Emerald City: Silver Shoes"
  • 2003 - "Dwarf Nose"
  • 2007 - "Ilya Muromets and the Solovy-Robber"
  • 2008 - "State Hermitage"
  • 2008 - "Teeth, Tail and Ears"
  • 2010 - "Three heroes and Shamakhan Queen"
  • 2011 - "Smeshariki. Start"
  • 2011 - "Barboskins"
  • 2014-2015 - "Robycia"
  • 2016 - "Smeshariki. Legend of Gold Dragon "
  • 2017 - "Urfin Jus and his wooden soldiers"
  • 2017 - "Three heroes and princess of Egypt"

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