Sergey Ryazan - biography, photos, cosmonautics, personal life, news 2021



He was born in 1974, when the passions on cosmonautics were still raging in science and society, and thousands of his peers, Soviet boys dreamed "to boom" the universe. But Sergey Ryazansky was not about space, but about science. However, fate as amazingly adjusted his plans for the future profession, giving the fame of the world's first scientist - the commander of the spacecraft, the hero of the Russian Federation.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Ryazansky was born on November 13, 1974 in Moscow. Boy family to science had the most direct attitude. Grandfather's grandfather, Mikhail Sergeevich Ryazansky, a prominent Soviet scientist, which was included in the so-called "Great Six" - the Council of the main designers who determined the strategy for the development of space, led by Sergey Queen.

Sergey Ryazan

Tatyana Yurevna's mother - Master of Sports of the USSR in sports orienteering. Father Nikolai Mikhailovich Ryazan - a physicist engineer, subsequently became the vice-president of the Moscow Sports Tourism Federation. The couple raised two children - Sergey and hope. Ryazan's sister also became a biologist.

"My parents are very sporty, traveled a lot. And, of course, while they were engaged in sports, they ran at the competition, and my sister was broken through the forest. Therefore, two biologists turned out of us ... "- with a smile recalls the childhood cosmonaut.

About Sergey's biology dreamed of childhood. Along with history, she was among the favorite school items. But with physics and mathematics was not friends. Only in high school classes pulled out in these disciplines, because without knowing the exact sciences on biofak not to do. And the young man passionately wanted to become a scientist, study the processes of nature.

Scientist Biologist Sergey Ryazan

In 1991, after the end of Moscow School No. 520, Ryazan entered the Biofak MSU. After 5 years, the guy left the walls of the Alma Mater Mater with a diploma in the specialty "Biochemist virologist" and went to work at the State Scientific Center of the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SSC ISBP RAS) Junior Researcher.

Studying in graduate school, Sergey took the first step towards the conquest of Cosmos - chose the specialty "Aviation, Space and Sea Medicine" and successfully defended her thesis, becoming a candidate of biological sciences.


In 2003, Sergey Ryazansky after a number of tests with objects in the conditions of weightlessness and microgravitution received the position of senior scientist of the Institute and at the same time he was enrolled in the SMB Cosmonauts squad of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Cosmonaut Sergey Ryazan

Two years, a young scientist dedicated to the passage of general-grate preparation and, finally, in 2005, after an excellent surrender of state examinations, he was awarded the qualification "Cosmonaut-researcher".

"In the process of the selection, poorly represented where I go. But, hitting the center of training cosmonauts named after Yu. A. Gagarin, did not regret. Training in the CPC is very interesting: different disciplines, training, testing. Cosmonaut should be able to cope with any task. It can piloting a spacecraft, work on a computer, perform scientific experiences and even surgical operations, "Ryazan told in an interview about the new experience.

In 2007, the newcomer was appointed commander of the crew involved in the 14-day ground expire "Mars-500", simulating the flight to the "Red Planet". In 2009, the cosmonaut repeated the experiment, which this time lasted 105 days. The success of the tests conducted by Ryazan Card Blanche for further space hardening - it is allowed before preparation for the preparation of the qualification "Cosmonaut-Testor".

Sergey Ryazansky in weightlessness

The cherished status of the future hero of the country received as a gift for the new year - December 31, 2010 Ryazan is enrolled in the cosmonauts detachment of the CPC named after Yu. A. Gagarin to the post "Cosmonaut test".

Date September 26, 2013 Cosmonaut-scientist remembered for life - on this warm autumn day, his first flight started. The crew of the ship "Union TMA-10M" consisted of three people - the commander of Oleg Kotov and flights of Sergey Ryazansky and American Michael Hopkins, representing NASA.

Sergey Ryazansky in open space

During the space expedition on November 9, the Russians entered outdoor space and conducted a number of works on the surface of the International Space Station (ISS), including the Olympic Torch in orbit and filmed this historical moment on the video. After 5 months, the Olympic Fire of the Winter Games in Sochi-2014 will be lit from this torch that returned to Earth.

The second way to open space Russian tests made on December 28, setting a kind of record, spending 8 hours of 7 minutes in airless space. During the third exit to Cosmos, Ryazan with Kotov installed HRC and MRC cameras on the Star service module. On how to celebrate the New Year in space, Sergey Ryazani then told Russian journalists:

"Fly around the table. Celebrated Moscow time. Then in European ... Then everyone pulled off the tastes that Kreserg. It's hard to carry something to the station so as not to know. Therefore, rejoice. "
Alexander Misurnkin and Sergey Ryazan

On March 11, 2014, the Union of TMA-10M landed on the steppe territory near the Kazakhstan city of Zhezkazgan.

The next flight took place on July 28, 2017. This time Sergey Nikolayevich was appointed commander of the crew of the TPK Soyuz MS-05, which included American Randolf Barznik (NASA) and Italian Astronaut Paolo Noopoli (ESA). During the expedition, the launch of 5 nanosterans and a number of experiments were carried out. Also, the cosmonauts Sergey Ryazansky and Alexander Misurnkin from the ISS from the ISS conducted an open lesson for students of the Gymnasium of Moscow State University, demonstrating a series of scientific experiments.

Vladimir Putin presents Sergey Ryazan's title Hero of the Russian Federation

The ship returned to Earth on December 14, 2017. Sergey Ryazansky put the point in the chapter of his biography called "Cosmos". In the summer of 2018, he confirmed that he was leaving the cosmonaut detachment after 15 years dedicated to this amazing activity.

For the merit merit Sergey Nikolaevich Ryazansky awarded a number of honored awards. The reason for particular pride was the assignment of the title of the hero of the Russian Federation in 2015. The star of the hero presented the cosmonaut personally Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Personal life

Sergey Ryazan is married for the second time. With his wife Alexander Cosmonaut brings up the son of Maxim, who was born on July 24, 2015. From the first marriage in a man's three children: Mikhail's eldest son and two twin daughters.

Sergey Ryazansky with family
"The eldest son received a diploma of Moscow State University, a programmer. Daughters (...) Creative, they like to draw, theater, etc. Younger, very active, goes to gymnastics, football. All hope for him, which will go on my footsteps, "a loving father talks about children.

Cosmonautics brought a biologist's scientist not only a lot of experience and incredible impressions, but also a hobby - photographing. From the board of the ISS, a man made thousands of amazing pictures, which first laid out in "Instagram" and then photographs gained a whole edition.

Stock Foto Carnitsyn volcano made by Sergey Ryazansky from space

And in 2017, the "Bombor" publisher issued the book of Ryazan "Amazing Earth", rightly to return from the second cosmic odissey.

In his free time, the cosmos conqueror loves to travel and has already traveled tens of corners of the world with a camera in his hands.

Sergey Ryazansky now

Now Sergey Ryazansky gives a lot of time to social work. Back in 2016, he was appointed the head of the children's organization "Russian Schoolchildren's Movement", and in 2017 he entered the supervisory board of the Russian Anti-Doping Agency Rusada and is one of the applicants for the post of chapter of the Council.

Sting and Sergey Ryazansky in 2018

There is an agreement with the CPK on the involvement of Ryazan as a consultant in preparation for new space programs. Also in the plans of ex-cosmonaut - to release 2 more books. News about the activities and personal life of Sergei Ryazansky can be read on his personal site.

Awards and titles

  • Hero of the Russian Federation
  • Cosmonaut pilot of the Russian Federation
  • Medal them. Yu. A. Gagarin Federation of Cosmonautics of Russia
  • Medal them. M. S. Ryazan Federation of Cosmonautics of Russia
  • NASA certificate for personal contribution to work on the International Project "Bion-11"

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