Jewish tender - biography, appearance and character, quotes, actor


Character History

Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote the novel "Lord Golovyov" in 1875-80. The work is a chronicle describing the life of one family. At first, the author even wanted to give a book a consonant name, but decided to bring heroes to the fore.

History of creation

In the magazine "Domestic Notes" of 1875, the Saltykov-Shchedrin story called "Family Court" was published, served as the basis for the future of the novel. Seeing the printed work, Turgenev responded to a letter, in which he proposed to create the author to create no essay, but a full-scale novel, where it would be a description of the characters of heroes. The writer stipulated that Saltykov-Shchedrin is a supporter of a small genre, but the subsequent creations would attract the attention of Turgenev and the public.

The creator of the essay continued the activities, creating new images, and united the works of "family results", "in relational", "nephew" and "family joy" into a cycle associated with a satirical motive. The desire to create a full-fledged novel came to him in 1880. So it was written the work of the "Lord Golovy".

Judish, he is also Porphiri, was created as a character of a second plan, but during the corrections of the text and the change of some chapters, the hero moved into the category of central. According to literature, in the portrait of Porphyria, some features of the character of the writer's brother - Dmitry are covered. Saltykov-Shchedrin confirmed that the vocabulary of Jews coincided with speech turns and a tendency to tribal, inherent in the writer of the writer.

Books Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin

The author begins the story, describing not the appearance of Judah, but his perception of his homework. Saltykov-Shchedrin speaks of three familiar nicknames, data to the boy in his youth, and the drilling look, which relatives were afraid. It is important in the portrait of the hero is not an appearance, but the names "Judushka", "blood flow", as well as a "frank boy" characterizing the character. Nicknames allow the reader to focus not at physiology, but on moral attack.

Porphyry is not accidentally called diminutively, as well as the hero of no accident uses words with specific suffixes. Thus, the speeches of Jews do not look sinister, but are decent and unobtrusive. In the work, the character demonstrates duality in which appearance, narrowness and hypocrisy disagree with the internal filling of a person, indifference, inhumanity and egoism. Duality is the main feature of the Jewish. This contradiction is in porphyry since childhood, originating from love for headquarters.

"Lord Golovy"

Juda Israariot

In the novel about the history of the death of the family of gorgeous Jewish, it plays an important role, his image is maximally revealed against the background of other actors. Saltykov-Shchedrin thoroughly worked the biblical plot, telling about Judas Israarote, who betrayed Christ. The leitmotif was used in the novel. Therefore, Porphyry is associated with Juda, and the kinship of characters is established on the generality of character traits and actions.

Judushka agreed to betray the family for the sake of property. All his life he strives for enrichment and profit, which is also associated with biblical stories. Allusion on the kiss Judah Iskariota was the lobsage Porphyrement Mother after that he wrote to him golly. The son ordered a woman to go to the estate to his brother, and he seized the property. Later, an epiphany, overtaking porphyria in a passionate week, is associated with the understanding of sins ending the secret evening. The described religiosity of the hero was not true, and the understanding of the offense came to him suddenly.

Appearance of Jewish Golovyev

It is curious that Judah dies in a bright resurrection. Saying goodbye to crucify, he otherwise looks at the image of Jesus. The devotee was not only a family of porphyria, but all humanity. The hero, incapable of exercising weighty and correct actions, keeps any other existence.

With each head of the novel, Porphiri from a living person turns into a ghost. The representative of the extinct kind, Porfiry was opposed to the late relatives in this image.

The author relates Jewish to the world of Darkness, reminding about his relationship with demonic forces. His actions confirm it. Pushing your own sons to death, he does not feel remorse. Higherly puts the property from Pogorelovka, rejects from his son. Saltykov-Shchedrin often compares the hero with the snake spoiling around others. With the words, Judushka "throws a loop" and disarms the victim. In his verbal networks come across a mother, brothers and even servants.

Jewish Golovli

Saltykov-Shchedrin described the eternal type, which existed in the literature, and the universal type, with which each of us was faced in life. This is a hero capable of going on their heads for his own profit, despite the mountains of others and forgetting about the righteousness, which is promoted to create an illusion of external pleasing. So described Tartuf Moliere. In Him and in Judushka, the good word and no longer affecting the good matter.


Roman Saltykov-Shchedrin is impregnated with philosophical quotes, and some of them belong to Judek. Under the jolly words, few people surrounded by his people noticed the Black Heart of the Hero. His cunning was in the skillful severity, for which it was worth applying quirmen and hypocrisy.

"I don't need the birds mind ... because they have no temptations," Porphirov said. His main temptation was the possession of the property belonging to the family.
Judeushka Golovlov and Zimentkova Ulit

Until some time he lived, guided by the fact that his understanding of the world is not the last instance. And the selected mask allowed the hero to create a convenient image.

"We are caught here and Lukavim, and so I'll figure it out, and it's possible to follow, and God, at one point, all our plans for considerations will turn in the dust," he said.

And he himself became a victim of circumstances, more precisely, his own understanding. The resulting desired Porfiry did not gain happiness and, who realized his mistake, could not continue a benevolent existence.

Illustration for book

Judushka belongs to the words:

"We, mammy, mammage, miksturni yes can adjust the villagers, and for the soul the medicine is needed."

He could not find a medicine capable of healing the soul from independently accoronic injuries.


In 1933, the director Alexander Ivanovsky took the film based on the novel of the "Lord Golovy". The role of Porfiria Golovyev played Vladimir Gardin. The first film screening was a black and white cinema and today does not have much popularity.

Vladimir Gardin in the role of Judushka Golovleva

The work is relevant on theatrical layouts, where famous dramatic artists appeared in the role of Jews. The role of Prafiriya Golovyev on the MHAT scene in 1987 was performed by Innokenty Smoktunovsky. In 2005, his success in this image repeated Evgeny Mironov.

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