Angelica Houston - biography, photo, personal life, movies, news 2021



This American actress began to be filmed from the beginning of the 80s and received Oscar for the role of the second plan in the picture "Honor of Family". But the world's popular popularity Angelica Houston brought an unforgettable image of Mortish Addams in the film Barry Zonnenfeld "Family Addams". Houston is one of the few actresses in Hollywood, who dare to express himself in the director. Starting from the 90s, she released 3 paintings into the light, not stopping at the same time.

Childhood and youth

Angelica Houston was born on July 8, 1951 in Santa Monica, California. The girl became the eldest daughter in the director of the director and actor John Houston and the ballerina Enriki Soma. Father, in the veins of which blew the blood of the Scottish, English and Irish ancestors, the son of the famous Canadian actor Walter Houston. I went through the cinematic footsteps of the Pope, becoming an actor and director of the post-war period, the laureate of the Oscar premiums, the Golden Globe and the Venetian Film Festival.

Angelica Houston as a child with his father

Mom girls, Italian by nationality was amazingly beautiful. He worked as a model, danced leading parties in the famous troupe George Balanchine (outstanding American choreographer of Georgian origin). The head of the family of Houston was a resident of Ireland, and the childhood Angelica passed mainly among the picturesque landscapes of the Emerald Island. The girl lived in the estate of Galway town, attended school in the abbey of Kailmore.

Parents divorced in 1962, and Angelica went with his mother in England, where he studied at the Holland Park School. In 1969, Enriches crashed in a car accident. After her death, the father transports the whole family in the United States. Angelica has a large brother and sisters company: his elder brother Tony, a single sister of Allegri (Enrika gave birth to Baron Norwich), Pablo's consolidated brother and the Father's one-headed brother from the Father's actress Zoe Sallis.

Angelica Houston in youth

Houston's first acting experience was received in 1969 in Father's films. The debut is considered to be "walking with love and death," where the girl played a 16-year-old aristocrat of Coldia. But the failure of the paintings donated the girl, she decided that the acting was not her element.

After moving to America, Angelica began to build a career model. Worked with such patriarchs of the gloss, like Richard Avedon and Bob Richardson, was one of the favorite designer Roy Halston.


The girl was seriously interested in cinematographer in the late 70s, began to take acting lessons at the famous teacher of Peggy Fairy. The first noticeable role of Angelica in Hollywood became the trainer Maja in Nuar-drama Bob Rifelson "The postman always calls twice" (1981). Jack Nicholson starred, with whom the actress lived at that time.

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Houston and Nicholson are again removed together in the picture of her father - "Honor of the Family" (1985). Angelica brilliantly embodied the image of the pricing and domineering Mairouz Priji, the daughter of the mafia don, in love with the Hero of Nicholson. Houston shared even the main heroine - Kathleen Turner. It did not hide from the attention of Hollywood film academics. For the role of Mairouz Angelica received Oscar as "Best Actress of the Second Plan", becoming the third in the family with a high award owner (after grandfather and father).

After such glory to Houston, popularity collapsed. Offers fell from world names directories. So, in the filmography Actresses appeared paintings by Francis Ford Coppola ("Garden of Stones", 1987), Charles Starridge ("Handicard of Pracha", 1988), Woody Allen ("Nazis and Crimes", 1989).

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The most successful project of this period was the role of artist in the drama "Dead", which became the last director's work of her father John Houston. In the film, a brilliant cast is assembled, but Angelica Houston, as always, fascinates the viewer with his original manner of the game.

90s - Apogee Glory for Oscar-Single Actress. In 1990, fantasy film was released on the screens based on Roald Dalka's fairy tales. Houston played Miss Eve Ernst's headline. But it was only a prelude to the main success of her life and acting biography - the role of Mortish Addams in the Black Comedy Barry Sonnenfeld "Family Addams" (1991).

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High, Static, with black waterfall as a residence of the hair - a gloomy-gothic appearance of Mortish, embodied by Angelica Houston, entered the classics of Hollywood images. The respectable mother of the family and a Vamp woman in one bottle, the perfect mother and dangerous opponent - the kinodiv workshki managed to portray character, full of contradictions and devilish ingenuity.

"I chose my girlfriend Jerry Hall, a beautiful model from Texas, because I felt that her kind, soft temper and endless devotion to children would add a little warmth of the famous and calm morrtish," said Angelica, describing work on the role.

In the early 90s, the actress twice was nominated for the Oscar Prize: in 1990 for the role in the film "Enemies. The story of love ", and 1991 for the image of a brutal predator Lily Dillon in the thriller" Kidala ".

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In 1995 (already after parting), fate reiterates Angelica and Jack Nicholson on the set of the film Sean Penn "Posted at the crossroads". Ex-Lovers played a married couple, lost daughter in a car accident. Spectators saw a strong dramatic image of his favorite actress on the screen.

Next year, Houston debuts in the director, wanting to continue the work of the famous Father. A woman removes the television of Roman Dorothy Ellison "illegitimate from Carolina". And in 1999, the "Agnes Brown" feature film is released on the screens, in which Angelica acts as a director, producer and actress leading role.

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This work has gained a lot of positive reviews: a history of widow from Ireland, which remained with several children, forced to overcome various difficulties, called "new reading the genre of tragicomedia." In 2005, another picture of Houston-director - "Trips with sister".

New Hollywood Cinema of the era of 2000s brings actress mainly the role of the second plan. Only in 2001, Houston shone in the lead role in Tandem with Gin Hackmen - in the film "Family of the Tennubum", which had a great success. And in 2010, Angelica starred in the comedy "Once in Rome" in the company with Danny de Vito and Josh Duhamel.

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The star did not bypassed his talent and television. In 2004, Kinodiva starred in the series "Angels with Iron Teeth", having received the Golden Globe Prize for this work. Since 2008, Angelica was filmed in the role of Cynthia Kinner in the medium series. Also for other roles on a small screen, the actress was nominated for "Emmy".

Personal life

Being very young, in the London period of his life, Angelica survived a passionate novel with British actor James Fox.

Angelica Houston and James Fox

Then the famous girl became the famous model twisted in the whirlpool of the bohemian life of New York. Houston was the Museum of Photographer Bob Richardson, the man was older than his 18-year-old girlfriend for 23 years. The couple lived in a civil marriage for 4 years and parted a post at one of the glamorous parties Angelica met irresistible Jack Nicholson, who by that time was already a famous actor.

Nicholson and Houston lasted in relations 17 years. For noble Hollywood Lovelace and Donzhuana, it became an absolute record. The couple lived on the volcano - Jack disappeared the weeks, regularly changed his friend, for which she awarded him with scandals in the best traditions of Italian families.

Angelica Houston and Jack Nicholson

Finally, lovers broke up in 1990, when a woman learned that her beloved once again became a father (actress Rebecca Brussard gave birth to actress). But always forgiving the treason Houston this time decided to put the point.

"In this picture there was a place only for one woman from us two, and I will be the one who retreats," she cut off.
Angelica Houston and her husband Robert Graham

All this, as well as other episodes of their saturated personal life in youth, the kinodiv described in his book of memoirs, published in 2014, "Look at me."

In 1992, after a gap with Nicholson, the woman married the American sculptor of the Mexican origin of Robert Graham and lived with him until his death in 2008. There are no children from the actress.

Angelica Houston now

The actress, despite age, looks good, although journalists reproach it in the hobby of plastic, is not shy to demonstrate a figure in a swimsuit in front of photographers.

Angelica Houston in 2018

The star of the 90s is still much removed. In 2018, she appeared in the military drama "Waiting for Ani." Now the film "John PiK 3" comes out, in which Houston played one of the main roles. Recently, the actress is engaged in a lot of voice acting.

Does not leave the celebrity and their directorial plans. For many years now, she is studying material for filming a picture of the famous Irish revolutionary mod gean and Poet William Butler Yates.


  • 1969 - "Walk with love and death"
  • 1981 - "The postman always calls twice"
  • 1985 - "Honor of Family Proffi"
  • 1987 - "Garden of Stones"
  • 1987 - "Dead"
  • 1989 - "Crimes and Offaches"
  • 1990 - "Witches"
  • 1991 - "Kidals"
  • 1991 - "Family Addams"
  • 1993 - "The Values ​​of the Family Addams"
  • 1995 - "Post at the intersection"
  • 1999 - "Agnes Brown"
  • 2011 - "Family Tennenbaum"
  • 2006 - "Angel Waterfall"
  • 2010 - "Once in Rome"
  • 2011 - "Horrible Henry"
  • 2016 - "Master of Cleaning"
  • 2018 - "Waiting for Ani"

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