Horace - biography, photos, poetry, personal life, cause of death



Horace (Quinte Horace Flycc) is an ancient Roman Lirik poet of the "Golden Age" of the ancient literature of the time of the board of Octavian Augustus, whose work was on the verge of independence and court slavery. Its Peru belongs to the Oda "Monument", immortalized in transfers and translations of great Russian writers. The author of the world's first autobiography, in his writings, told about himself, his character, habits and lifestyle.

Childhood and youth

Quint Horace Flakk was born on December 8, 65 BC. NS. In the Italian city of Venose, lying on the trading path between Apulia and Lukania. The area in which the future poet grew was inhabited by the emigrants who spoke on different dialects, which contributed to the development of a sense of language in the Horace.

Portrait of Horace

Father Lyrics spent a part of life in slavery, he was a man of outstanding abilities that allowed him to gain freedom and establish the material and social life of the family. About Mother Horace is not known anything, but in his writings there are mentions of Nyan Bulia. The parent spent a small fortune on the formation of the son, he moved to Rome to follow the school successes and the moral development of the future lyrics.

Presumably, after the death of the Father, at the 19th age, Horace left Rome and continued his studies in Athens, where at that time was the Academy founded by Plato. The young man joined the student elite, brought acquainted with the son of Cicero, penetrating the traditions of classical Greek literature and philosophy.

Bust Horace

After the murder, Julia Caesar in Athens arrived Brut. In search of supporters of the republican business, he visited lectures at the Platonic Academy and recruited students. Horace among other young people entered the service in the officers of the Military Tribune, the posts that descendants of riders or senators usually occupied.

After the defeat of the brutal army in the battle of Philip in the fall of 42 to n. NS. The future poet, together with other soldiers and officers left the position of the division. He revised his political views and accepted an early amnesty, proposed by supporters of Brother Oktavian.

Medieval image Horata

Returning to Italy, Horace found that the estate of the Father in Venuia was confiscated in favor of Caesar veterans. The young man was brought to poverty and appealed to poetry, which could give prospects for the future through acquaintance with the writers and their rich patrons. He entered the post of scribe in Quests at the Treasury and engaged in a renovation in 39-38 BC. NS.


To the first stage of literary creativity, Horace includes "epodes" and "satire" written in Latin. The poem of the first collection, the form of which was borrowed from ancient Greek satirik archiloch, belong to mambic poetry, distinguished by the offensive vocabulary and the bumping social senses of fellow citizens.

Horace reads verses

"Satiy" were written in a unique form of free dialogue for Latin literature. Philosophical thoughts written by a hexameter were set out in the process of conversation with the audience and were accompanied by jokes, jokes, alive examples. Unlike its predecessor, Lucilia Horace wrote satirical works by the spoken language of the educated citizen. Ignoring sharp political topics, the author, emphasizing his own individuality, applied to the social and ethical problems of the ancient Rome and its inhabitants.

After the release of the first collections in 39-38 years BC. NS. Horacie interested supporters of Octavian. The Higher Roman Society of the Young Poet introduced Virgil through a personal friend of the ruler, Guy's Metzenate, a fan of graceful arts.

Guy Tsilnia Messenat

Horace became close to his patron and in 37 BC. NS. accompanied him in a journey in Brindisi, described in the works of the poet as a series of fun incidents and cute meetings on the way. In fact, the trip was a political character that a young writer skillfully hid from the reader. According to the researchers, Horace was with a philanthropist in one of the sea expeditions Octaviana, as well as in the battle in the cash system, which completed the period of Roman civil wars on September 2, 31 to n. NS.

After the publication of the first book "Satir" in the mid-30s to N. NS. The poet received from his patrons a Sabinsk villa, which was not far from the Italian city of Lichenza. In addition to the estate, the Horace got the income from 5 tenants, which allowed him to complete his career in the treasury and completely devote himself to creativity.

Horace - biography, photos, poetry, personal life, cause of death 13296_6

The next stage of the creative biography, the Horace became "ODD", which were originally called "songs". The poet adapted their forms and topics from the Greek lyrics of the VII - VI centuries to N. NS. ODDs were developed as a conscious imitation of a short lyrical poetry of Greek originals - Pindar, Sappo and Alkey. Genius Horace manifested itself in the use of old forms to modern reality.

"ODD" demonstrated proximity to the regime and sensitivity to its developing ideology. Texts affected public affairs, not forgetting to emphasize the importance of private life. They covered a wide range of topics: love, friendship, wine, religion, morality, patriotism.

Portrait of Horace

In the sides of Horace praised octavian in hyperboles, which repeat the expressive means of Hellenistic court poetry. In the period of 27-24 BC. NS. Political allocations in the works of the poet were concentrated in foreign wars in the UK, Arabia, Spain and Parfia. Horace welcomed August to return to Rome in 24 BC. NS. As a favorite ruler, whose good health depended on his happiness.

"ODY" of the poet did not gain popularity in society during the life of the author. However, in the final poem of the 3rd book "Exegi Monumentum Aerer Perennius" ("Monument" or "to Mellennius"), Horace predicted the uncomfortable fame of the first and greatest of the lyrical poets of Rome. This work experienced the creator and inspired many Russian verse vehicles. The entire world is known for transfers and transfer of the 30th OD 3-Books Horace, made by Mikhail Lomonosov, Gabriel Derzhavin, Afanasius Fetom.

Book of poems Horace

In 21-20 years before NS. The poet cooled to the either genre and wrote the book "Messages" addressed to friends and acquaintances. The polite style of poems of this collection reflected the new social status of the poet produced in the knights. The author stated that he was more interested in moral philosophy than literature. However, the tendency with Stoicism did not reflect thoughts about ethics.

While writing the first book of "Messages" of Horace, demonstrating their own independence, pulled away from the strengths of this world. He rejected the invitations of the patron to the patron. The topic of the 2nd collection of the poet was suggested by Emperor August. He ordered a message in verses addressed to himself. The ruler suggested the Poet of Personal Secretary, but Horace rejected this idea, agreeing to write a literary letter.

"The Essay of August" was published in 11 BC. NS. It was devoted to literary theory and criticism, contained mention of military exploits of the Emperor Tiberius, and Druza. Their more detailed description of the poet dedicated to the ODU called "Jubilee Hymn", written for secular games in the temple of Apollo and filled with a man from the young men and girls in 17 BC. NS.

Personal life

Horace loved loneliness, he had no wife nor children. He surrounded himself with priests of love - heterares. The man dedicated many poems whims of his beloved, who preferred young beauties to the poet. Contemporaries believed that this was not surprising, they described this portrait: "A low growth, a fastened, bald".

Portrait of Horace

His muses were Thracucca Chloe, "skillful in singing and game on the citrary", a charming barina, distinguished by beauty and cunning, a train of Nera and Phillid, which the poet called the last love.

The carnal uteuham Horace indulged in the Sabinsky estate. According to biographers, the walls of his bedrooms were placed by mirrors and obscene photographs, so that the poet could see the erotica everywhere, which occupied at least the last place in his personal life. For official meetings and admission of high-ranking guests, the writer acquired the 2nd estate in the rich area of ​​Rome.


Horace died on November 27, 8 years BC. NS. Shortly before death, the poet in one of the poems predicted that he would not survive his friend and the patron saint of the patron of the patron. Premonition came true.

Monument Horace

The exact cause of the death of the lyrics is not installed. It is known that shortly before the birthday of him overtook a sudden illness. According to his will, his property became the property of the emperor of Augustus, who perpetuated the memory of the poet, ordered to study his creations in schools and academies.

Horace was buried in Rome on Esquilin Hill, not far from the grave of the patron.


All the same night awaits all the same night, everyone will have to ever join the death path. If you do not run, so far, you will have to run, when you get sick. And what is hidden under the ground, time will tell when the day. It often allows important tasks Better and stronger than strictly accurate speech.


  • 30 BC - "Epodes, epodes"
  • 30 BC - SERMONUM LIBER Secundus, Satire II
  • 20 BC - "Epistularum Liber Primus, Messages I"
  • 24 or 10 g. BC. - "ARS Poetica, Message to Pisons"
  • 17 G. BC. - "Carmen Saeculare, Century Hymn"
  • 14 G. BC. - "Epistularum Liber Secundus, Messages II"

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