Emil Gorovets - biography, photo, personal life, songs, cause of death



In the second half of the 60s, his name threatened to the entire Soviet Union. The best composers wrote to him the songs that I instantly became hives: "I walk in Moscow", "Katharina", "I love pasta" - these and other compositions from the repertoire of Emil Gorovets sounded on all fashionable plates of that era, in radio and television. In the fate and biographies of the singer, military childhood, and all-union glory, and emigration are walked.

Childhood and youth

Emil (Rakhmil) Gorovets was born on June 10, 1923 in the city of Gaisin, Ukraine. In the big family of the Blacksmith Yakov Gorovets, a little mile, so he was called in childhood, was the youngest of five children (two daughters and three sons).

Singer Emil Gorovets.

The boy he ran barefoot through the streets of a tiny green town with the guys and sowed songs that loved very much. He knew and sang a lot of compositions on their native Yiddish. In the pre-war Gaysin, it was often possible to hear a Jewish speech. The People's Theater was even opened from the Jewish community, where the young man came and asked for a troupe.

Talented guy accepted, but the father turned out to be very pleased with this circumstance. In his plans to grow from the son of a blacksmith, not an artist. Emil did not obey, cheated, feared, but still escaped to the theater. Especially since the scene has already appeared successes. Young Goroves gave a role in the performance. But here there was a new obstacle - war.

Emil Gorovets in youth

The brothers went to the front, and Emil took the whole family to evacuation in Tashkent. Here he got sick in the hospital for a long time in the hospital, and that day, when he was discharged, he walked down the street and accidentally saw an advertisement to the Jewish dramatic school of Solomon Mikhoels, where he was taught from his parents.

An outstanding director Solomon Mikhoels was the artistic director of the State Jewish Drama Theater (Goset), who also evacuated to Tashkent. At the end of the school, Khukruk takes Emil to his theater and personally takes a talented protégé.

Emil Gorovets.

After 2 years, the theater returns to Moscow. In the capital, Emil enters the Moscow Music School named after Gnesins and plays a scene of Goslet. But at the end of the 40s, after the case of Jewish pest doctors, arrests were held in Gostel, and for singing on Idisch could be obtained a considerable period. At this time, Emil is translated from the day office to the evening and get used to work.


Gorovers sang in cinemas before the start of sessions, in the cafe, spinning as he could. And the fate again smiled at him and presented a sign meeting - this time with the famous Jazzman Eddie Rinner, who in 1954 opened a pop orchestra at Moskoncert.

Singer Emil Gorovets.

Emil began to sing at the concerts of the orchestra, he began to recognize the metropolitan audience. In 1960, the Malovets became the laureate of the All-Union Competition Artists of the Estrada laureate of the All-Union Competition. He was recorded with the Orchestra of All-Union Radio, the instrumental ensembles of "Melody" and "Crystal", leading musicians of the country. He performed mainly in Russian. Yes, so that no one even guess that in early youth he did not know him and learned much later later, just as she got rid of congenital molding.

Whatever the bright did not become his success, Gorovets never forgot about his native roots and often spoke with songs on Eidis, then a huge number of representatives of the diaspora gathered. For them, Emil Gorovets became an artist who retained his native culture. In 1959, the singer visited Paris along with the group of other Jewish artists at the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Sholom Aleichem.

In 1962 it comes out his first record. And soon, Gorovtsov offered to make a solo program in Russian. And a year later, the artist presented it to the public. It consisted of the songs of the peoples of the world in the original language and translated into Russian. And, of course, the show entered the speeches on Yiddish. After this concert, the star Emil Gorovets rose to the Soviet pop sky.

For the performer began to write leading composers and poets of that time. Gorovets was the first performer of such hits like "Drozda" Vladimir Shainsky, "Blue Cities" and "I walk around Moscow" Andrei Petrov, "On the seventh floor" Pavel Aedonitsky, "I love Makarona" Julia Kima and others.

It would seem that it is impossible to achieve greater success, but Emil Gorovets conquers a new height. He was one of the first to fulfill the hits of Western performers, having received incredible popularity. Posters die by photographs of the singer. Hundreds of thousands of people come to his concerts, Gorovets collect stadiums in million cities, including in Moscow. His album records are spoiled as hot cakes.

And at such a peak of Glory, Emil Yakovlevich adopts a fateful decision - to leave the country where he is a cumier of millions, and go to the historic homeland - to Israel. It happened in 1972.

A year later, Gorovets and his wife Margarita Polon's arrived on the ground promised. But here he could not be realized as a singer. And in 1974, Gorovets left to work in the United States under the contract. Having worked in America for 7 years, Gorovets returned to Israel, but then he again left for the ocean. He taught vocals at school, worked on the radio, performed in his own restaurant in Manhattan. I went a lot with concerts in America and Europe, twice, in 1989 and 1999, the artist visited the tour in Moscow. All his life in emigration, the singer translated into Yiddish and performed Soviet pop songs.

Personal life

Emil Gorovets was married three times. The first spouse was the young fellowship of the artist. This marriage collapsed very quickly, but I gave Emily Yakovlevich the First Son - George (Garik).

The second wife of the singer became Margarita Polonskaya, who studied at the same institute. She became the right companion of the artist almost for the whole life. A married couple lived together over 50 years. In this marriage, the son of Alexander was born. He did not go in the footsteps of his father and became a doctor.

Emil Gorovets and his wife

In the mid-90s, the Gorovets was widowed. The death of his beloved wife donated singer. But, as it turned out, destiny was pleased with Emily Yakovlevich new happiness in his personal life. Almost 5 years before his departure, he met a woman named Irina, who came to New York from Moscow and also had a direct attitude towards music - worked in Gitis at the Faculty of Pop Art. Today, Irina carefully keeps the memory of the husband, protects it with discography and clips, helps to record the songs of the Goroves with young performers.


Emil Gorovets died in the US on August 17, 2001 after a long illness. The legend of the Soviet pop 60s buried in the cemetery in New Jersey next to the former wife Margarita.


  • 1956 - "Voys Ost Du Peace Wounden"
  • 1960 - MUME ETL
  • 1962 - "Mexico"
  • 1962 - "White Sail"
  • 1963 - "Very good"
  • 1964 - "Blue Cities"
  • 1964 - "I'm walking in Moscow"
  • 1965 - "Good to walk"
  • 1965 - "Catarina"
  • 1966 - "Queen of Beauty"
  • 1967 - "Old Town"
  • 1967 - "Snow drops"
  • 1968 - "Girl from Ipanima"
  • 1969 - "No, it does not happen"

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