Stanislav Rostotsky - biography, photo, personal life, movies, cause of death



Stanislav Rostotsky - Soviet film director, known to the public on the films "And dawns here is quiet," "We will live to Monday," White Bim Black Ear. " His projects were nominated twice for the prestigious Oscar award and received government awards. Rostotsky during his lifetime was recognized as viewers and colleagues in the workshop.

Childhood and youth

Stanislav Iosifovich Rostotsky was born on April 21, 1922 in the town called Rybinsk, located in the Yaroslavl region. Being the only and adorable son of the doctor Joseph Boleslavovich and the housewives Lydia Karlovna, Stas grew up in love and attention. In ornament, the child spent a lot of time in the village, where he was taught to appreciate simple and eternal: labor, nature, honesty and decency.

Director Stanislav Rostotsky

The youthful years of the boy fell at a difficult time when the household conditions were not adapted for a comfortable life, and the products constantly lacked. Clothes had to be kept behind the elders, but it did not care a teenager. He relate to the usual life, people and hardness that watched.

Stanislav Rostotsky was able to live in the Soviet communal, where a joint existence of several families created a unique atmosphere, unfamiliar to modern society. In such a situation, the upbringing of the future director, who cherished the dream of a profession from 5 years. At this age, Rostotsky saw the picture of Sergey Eisenstein "Bramenos Potemkin" and decided to devote himself to creating films.

Stanislav Rostotsky in youth

Fate wondered Stanislav. At the age of 16, he was the will of the chance turned out to be on the samples of Eisenstein "Bezhin Mead". There he also brought a personal acquaintance with the director. The young man was not ashamed to tell about his ambitions and gained the director of the mentor and a friend. Following the instructions of Eisenstein, Rostotsky began to study literature, art and other sciences, gaining knowledge and experience.

Having received education at school, Stanislav Iosifovich entered the Institute of Philosophy and Literature, planning subsequent training at the Cinematography Institute. But the war did not allow his intentions to be. Vgik evacuated, and ambitious young people called to the army. Since 1943, Rostotsky defended his homeland at the front. The parent house did not prepare it to those horrors with whom I had to face in battles. The experience made from the war years has been reflected in the work of the director.


Stanislav Rostotsky was lucky under the start of Grigory Kozintsev, which was engaged in the filming on Lenfilm. The acquired skills and a pleasant recommendation from Matra were a passing ticket to the world of cinema. In 1952, Rostotsky became an independent director. He is influenced by modern trends thaw, shot pictures on production topics, telling about life in the village. Stanislav Iosifovich knew about her not at first, so he managed to create deep and penetrated tapes.

Director Stanislav Rostotsky

The painting "Earth and People" shot did not immediately hit the screen. Created by manuscript prohibited for printing, the ribbon became a revelation of the real position of things in the village. Horstsovet prevented the premiere and dubbed the director by the counter-revolutionary. The film saw the light after the 20th party congress and was extremely popular.

In 1957, a picture was filmed "The case was in Penkovoy", telling about the hero named Matvey and the conflict, which took place between him and the generally accepted system of values. The main role was played by Vyacheslav Tikhonov. The tape brought the actor with great popularity and love of the public.

Vyacheslav Tikhonov and Stanislav Rostotsky

The new picture embedded in the heart of millions was the film "Let's live to Monday." He gave rise to a new one for the Soviet cinema directions of youth movies. Events occurred at school and described the interaction of two different generations. From communication, representatives of both endure lessons. The filming of the film was carried out in the shortest possible time, and 3 months after the start of the first personnel, the project was ready. This saved the picture from oblivion on the shelves.

The premiere was planned at the All-Union Congress of Teachers, and few people were confident in her success. Contrary to expectations, the project met with delight. In 1962, the tape received the USSR State Prize and became the owner of the Prize Prize as part of the Moscow International Film Festival.

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One of the main projects in filmography of Stanislav Rostotsky became "and dawns here are quiet." The film, filmed by Boris Vasilyeva, told about the difficult fate of young girls who collided with the harsh realities of the war. Their feat was described in the picture, which is considered a classic today. She received a nomination for Oscar and was a laureate of international film festivals.

The creation of the author's tape inspired and a personal story. In one of the fights of Rostotsky saved some kind of death, Anna Chegunova. The girl literally made a fighter from the baked and gave the opportunity to survive. Fate did not spare the director's savior. Her personal life after the war was successful, Anna acquired his family, but after the time, the doctors had discovered brain cancer in a woman. Anna's picture of Anna has already lost sight of the filming of Anna, but grateful Rostotsky brought her to the presentation of the tape and described what was happening on the screen out loud.

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In his works, the director paid great attention to the heroes, man and his emotions. The best qualities of the characters the director covered in the first place. Images in his films recognizable. Heroes want to empathize and worry about their future. The project, taking out the soul of each viewer, turned out to be the film "White Bim Black Ear". The picture has become the owner of the Lenin Prize and the Grand Prix of the Czech Film Festival.

Personal life

In his youth, Stanislav Rostotsky became popular with representatives of the beautiful sex, so his familiar Nina Menshikova and did not count on reciprocity.

Stanislav Rostotsky and his wife Nina Menshikova

Points over "I" put the case and a creative business trip, in which young people were with Vladimir Dreeshymecov. The care and attention of Nina did their job, and Rostotsky fell in love. The decisiveness of the girl impressed him. Soon Nina Menshikov became the wife of the director.

Rostotsky took off his beloved in some filmmakers. The actress appeared in the frame "Let's live to Monday" in the form of a teacher and in the role of Faith Kruglova in the film "Girl".

Andrei Rostotsky, Stanislav Rostotsky and Nina Menshikova

In the marriage of two talented artists, Son Andrei Rostotsky was born. As it often happens in situations, when children go in footsteps of parents, continuing their work, the young man also dedicated himself to creativity.


Biography of Stanislav Josefovich Rostotsky rich in the events, and filmography is full of projects that continue to live after the author's death. The director died in 2001. The cause of death was a heart attack, who overtook him behind the wheel of the car. The director was driving in Vyborg to participate in the Film Festival "Window to Europe".

Graves of Stanislav Rostotsky and Nina Menshikova

Rostotsky's grave is located on the Vagankov cemetery. His spouse and son are buried there.

Today, the photo of Stanislav Rostotsky complements the methodological publications and textbooks on film director.


  • 1955 - "Earth and People"
  • 1957 - "The case was in Penkov"
  • 1959 - "May stars"
  • 1962 - "On seven winds"
  • 1966 - "Hero of our time"
  • 1968 - "Revil until Monday"
  • 1972 - "And dawns here are quiet"
  • 1977 - "White Bim Black Ear"
  • 1980 - "Escadron Gusar Volatih"
  • 1985 - "Trees grow on the stones"
  • 1989 - "From the life of Fedor Kuzkina"

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