Reinhard Heydrich - biography, photo, third Reich, personal life, cause of death



The most dangerous person of the Third Reich is considered by Adolf Hitler - an ideologist, an inspirer, leader of Nazi Germany, but its subordinates are not less terrible, the first persons of the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) and the SS troops. Thus, Reinhard Heydrych, Head of the Main Department of Imperial Security - Perevanik, in terms of the destruction of representatives of the Nariaskaya race, the initiator of the "final decision of the Jewish question" suggesting the total stripping of millions of citizens of Europe.

Childhood and youth

Reinhard Tristan Oume Heidrich was born on March 7, 1904 in the German city of Galle-on-Zale. Parents Elizabeth Cranc and Bruno Heydrich were creative people: the mother is the daughter of the head of the Royal Conservatory in Dresden, and the father is a opera singer and composer. In the family of Heydrich, three children were brought up: the older sister of Maria and the younger brother Heins.

Reinhard Heydrich in youth

In the Music School of Father, where predominantly children from the middle class were brought up, Reinhard mastered the art of playing the violin. Later, in adulthood, one of the leaders of Nazi Germany spoke with concerts for comrades who called heydrich virtuoso. Easily the boy was studied, especially science, and exercise - swimming and fencing.

Despite talents and external attractiveness - high (German growth reached 191 cm) thin blond with a steel look and an accurate profile, peers mocked over Reinhard. The reasons were 2: a high voice, for which the boy received a nickname goat, and nationality - rumors went that in the genus Geydrich were Jews. During the political activity of the German, this information was undergoing a thorough check, but did not find evidence of the availability of Jewish roots.

Reinhard Geydrich

Parents approved nationalism policies, read the books of the founder of Racism Houston Chamberlain. Inspired by their ideas, Reinhard has reached nationalist organizations from the age of 14, and in 1921 he founded his own - "German People's Youth Drug". At the same time, the Father's school ceased to generate income, and Heydrich went to serve on the fleet, although he dreamed of a chemist or violinist career.

Military service

On March 30, 1922, Reinhard was enrolled in the Naval School in Kiel, after 2 years in the rank of senior Michman, a young man was transferred to the Mürwik Officer Academy. In 1926 he served by Lieutenant on the Schleswig-Holstein battleship, the flagship of the Northern Navy of Germany.

Reinhard Heydrych in military uniform

For conscientious fulfillment of responsibilities after 2 years, the heydrich was raised to Ober-Lieutenant. Promotion of the service contributed to the close relationship of a young man with Wilhelm Kanaris, the future Admiral, the head of military intelligence service and counterintelligence in Nazi Germany.

In 1931, the military career was at risk: Reinhard was charged with "behavior, unworthy officer and gentleman." A similar criticism of Heydrich caused the news about the rupture of engagement with the daughter of the head of the naval shipyard in Kiel (according to other data - the daughter of the owner of the largest metallurgical company IG Fabernim) due to a serious relationship with Linah Von Isten, a rural teacher. In April of the same year, Germans were dismissed.

Party and state activities

Dismissal from the fleet is a key event in the biography of Heydrich: because of this, the young man joined first in NSDAP (June 1, 1931), then in the SS (July 14, 1931). The time turned out to be suitable: Henry Himmler, a significant figure of the Third Reich, just took the creation of a counterintelligent division of the SS. Reinhard was not without the help of friends met with Himmler and shared his thoughts how the agency could be effectively organized. Ideas showed Henry fruitful, and he took heydrich to work.

Henry Himmler and Reinhard Heydrich

On August 1, 1931, Reinhard appointed the head of the intelligence service. His disposal had a network of spies and informants who collected compromising information (photos, documents, audio recordings) about major politicians. After 5 months, more than a thousand personal deeds were instituted. For high achievements (as well as on the occasion of his own wedding) in December of the same year, Himmler raised heydrich to the Nurmbannfürera. After 3 years, Reinhard ordered the Gestapo leadership.

In 1932, rumors were resumed about "unclean blood" Reinhard. Wilhelm Kanaris testified that he received evidence of the involvement of the figure to the Jewish family, but the documents were never presented. Nevertheless, in Nazi Germany, doubts about the origin of a high-ranking official could be deprived of not only a political career, but also lives. The German ragologist Ahim Herke, analyzing the genealogy, concluded that heydrich "German origin and is free from any color or Jewish blood."

Reinhard Heydrich in the service

From April 1934, on behalf of the Fuhrer, Heydrich and Himmler began to draw up a dossier to politicians, disagreeable to the Third Reich, who wanted to overthrow the power of Hitler, including the leader of assault detachments (Ca) Ernst Ryoma. Russell over them was the name "Night of the Long Knives". According to the Nuremberg process, 1,076 people killed the night, most of the NSDAP members.

The war between Germany and Poland began in many respects thanks to the heydrich. He belonged to him a plan of drawing an attack of Poles to a German radio station (Gleivitsky incident), the purpose of which is to force the world to believe that Poland was attacked Germany. In August 1939, the Germans made the German uniforms to the Polish uniform. On the morning of the next day, journalists showed the bodies of the killed "enemies", which were actually victims of the Zakshenhausen concentration camp.

Reinhard Heydrich at the meeting at Henry Himmler

Informally the beginning of the Holocaust is considered "Crystal Night" (from 9 to 10 November 1938), in which Heydrich gave a full map-blanche for arson and the destruction of Jewish synagogues and community centers. In the recommendations, the German pointed out:

"Jews are especially rich Jews, should be arrested ... Immediately after arrests, they should be directed into concentration camps, the faster, the better."

After this operation, 20 thousand Jews hit the concentration camp.

In 1939, Germany occupied Czechoslovakia, and Bohemia and Moravia moved under the German Protectorate. To manage these territories a position was created - the imperial protector.

Reinhard Geydrich

Initially, it was held by Ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Third Reich Konstantin Von Nerath, but he, according to Heydrich, did not have enough strength to restrain Czech resistance. Two years later, in September 1941, Hitler sent a neurate to the "indefinite vacation", Rainhard put on his place.

In the post of tread, the German issued a law on the abolition of the synagogue and the opening of the Teresienstadt concentration camp, which contained Czech Jews before departing in the death camps. In order to "deviate" the population, Heydrich improved housing conditions: increased salary, increased the power standards for workers. Actions policies still led to the inevitable - murder.

Personal life

In December 1930, the young man met Lina Stonus Osten - a fierce anti-Semitic, a rural teacher, and fell in love. After 2 weeks, Heiring offered Lina to become his wife. The wedding took place on December 26th.

Reinhard Heydrych and his wife Lina von Osten

Wont, Osten forced her husband to go on a fateful interview with Himmler, actually giving the Rainhard political career start. And although Lina was proud of his spouse, the personal life did not make shape: both were changed.

Four children were born in marriage: Sons Klaus (1933-1943) and Hyder (1934), Silka's daughter (1939) and March (1942).


The actions of Heydrich in Bohemia and Moravia provoked an attempt on his life. On May 27, 1942, the German, accompanied by the driver, was driving in the Prague suburbs of Liben, on the turn of him two English agents - Joseph Gabchik and Jan Kubish. The gabchik snatched a gun to shoot politics to focus, but the weapon jammed.

Mercedes-Benz Heydrich, in which he was seriously injured

Reinhard tried to join the shootout, but at that moment Kubish threw a bomb to the car. The device fell under the rear right wheel. The fragments were wounded by the heydrich in the spleen, the rib fracture was also fixed. Urgently, the Germans were taken to the hospital.

Operated the student of the third Reich personal doctor Henry Himmler. On the morning of June 3, information about improving the state of politics appeared in the newspapers, but during the day he fell into someone, and on June 4 he died. The exact cause of death is unknown so far. Doctors of different times assumed septic organ insufficiency, anemic shock and overdose of morphine.

Funeral Reinhard Heydrich

The funeral took place on June 9th. The funeral speech said Adolf Hitler, calling the heydrich "man with an iron heart." Frames from that day included in the documentary "HHHH" 2017 (film screening of the Laurent Bina novel).

Reinhard's body rested on the cemetery of Disabledfridhof in Berlin, after 1945 the grave was destroyed to avoid the pilgrimage of neo-Nazis. Now the exact burial place is unknown.


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  • Safety SA icon in gold
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  • Police Award for Silver Silver

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