Victor Reznikov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Songs, Cause



Among those who performed the songs of Victor Reznikov were not only Russian pop stars, but also popular American performers.

His biography is a story of brilliant success, which was interrupted by the tragic death at the age of 39, but the songs of the composer live and please fans and so on.

Childhood and youth

Victor Mikhailovich Reznikov was born in St. Petersburg on May 9, 1952. His parents had no relation to music - the mother worked as a pediatrician, and the father was an engineer. Spouses divorced early, and the little Vitya stayed with his mother. He grew up with a weak and painful child, so I had to leave school at a music school in a class of violin after 3 months, but the teachers managed to note his undoubted talent.

To strengthen the health of the Son, the mother recorded him in all sorts of sports sections. Victor gladly played basketball and football, fond of swimming and gymnastics and even seriously thought about the career of the coach, but in the 10th grade I understood that it misses the music.

Reznikov filed documents to the school of jazz, and then to the conservatory, but both attempts turned into a failure. As a result, he entered the shipbuilding institute, but soon threw him, realizing that he did not want an engineer. In 1975, Victor graduated from the Faculty of Faculty of Physical Education of the Leningrad Pedagogical University.

During his studies, he did not leave independent music and discovered the passion for the composition of the songs. As the main instrument, the young man chose another unusual synthesizer and mastered him perfectly - he was ideally suited for pop compositions. Since Reznikov did not have a full profile education, he had often to invent exits from complex situations - for example, not knowing exactly a touch letter, Victor invented his own music record system.


Initially, his work was experiencing a strong influence of the favorite group "Beatles", but he gradually began to manifest originality. The debut song "Tramp April" was written in 1970, followed by several more. Reznikov showed his developments to the composer Isaac Schwartz, and he praised a novice, noting his inborn feeling of harmony.

Master's praise was so overwhelmed by Victor that he sent his records Edi Piege. Cooperation did not work with her, but Mikhail Boyarsky took 2 songs in his repertoire. With these compositions - "Remember, it's not a misfortune," and "summer without you, like winter" - and the All-Union Glory began a young author. With Boyarsky, they firmly be friends, and he also highly appreciated the talent of Rubnikov:

"Vitya, you are God, and you yourself do not understand this!".

When Alla Pugacheva arrived in Leningrad, Victor rushed to the hotel, hoping to show his songs to the famous singer. When the concierge reported to her about the arrival of the composer, she asked him to call him in the room, incorrectly hesitating the surname and deciding that her friend Ilya Reznik came.

Seeing a stranger on the threshold, Alla listened to him with surprise and invited him for the piano. From that meeting, Victor left happy: Pugacheva took the whole 4 songs from him.

In 1980, Priaudonna performed the hits "Flying, Cloud" and "Recognition" from the scene, and a little later - a "paper snake" and "telephone book." Working with the singer brought him a real success: Irina Otiyev, Vladimir Presnyakov, Vladimir Presnyakov, "Pesnyary" - the incomplete list of artists with whom the composer was able to cooperate. Especially for Larisa Valley, he wrote the hits of "Ice" and "Half", and for Anna Western - "Pearl" to the poems of Ilya Shustarovich.

In 1988, Viktor Mikhailovich headed the branch of the Creative Association "Record", on the basis of which the radio station of the same name was created later. Also Reznikov wrote music to the 2-serial film V. Aksenova "How to Be Star". The picture had a noisy success, and it was even nicknamed by leadership for beginner artists. The second work of Viktor in the cinema was to be the composition for the film Lozinova "Carnival", but later Tatyana Mikhailovna changed his mind and replaced the track to Dunaevsky's music.

In the late 1980s, the composer unexpectedly became popular in the West. The song "House" was in the American Charter Billboard and lasted on the first lines of 17 months. The text was transferred to English, after which many trowels were written - Kylie Minoga and The Cover Girls group were performed.

In 1990, the Music Speaks Louder Than Words album was released, which became the fruit of the joint work of Soviet and American performers. The producers contributed to the fact that the song Victor Don't Stop Now came to Chart Hot Dance Music, which became an unprecedented success for the Soviet composer. After that, the cutters had to become a member of the American Society of the Authors, but he rejected the proposal from modesty.

In the same year, the composer became the initiator of a curious project - a football team consisting of Russian music performers who had to participate in charitable matches. The first captain was the Reznikov himself, and Valery Sutkin, Vyacheslav Malezhik, Yuri Laova, Mikhail Muromov and other famous authors and singers. The success of the project was staggering - the star national teams gathered more spectators than the matches of professionals. In honor of the team, Victor wrote 2 songs - "Football" and "Spare".

In 1991, Rubnikov was invited to the United States, and immediately upon return, he presented his new project in his homeland - SUS. The composition of the group was international - guitarists and drummer were Russians, keyboard player - American. In August of the same year, they recorded the first album, but as a result, he never appeared on sale.

Personal life

Women Viktor Mikhailovich became Lyudmila Kolchugina, who later headed the radio "record" created by him. Couple had two children - Andrei and Anna.

The personal life of the musician was serene and happy, and marriage, though early, turned out to be very successful.


In 1992, Viktor Mikhailovich died in a car accident. When he approached the entrance of the mother's house, his "Zhiguli" rammed another car. Reznikov, who was in a driver's seat, received heavy fractures and was sent to the hospital, where the doctors two days fought for his life. After two complex operations, the musician died, the cause of the death began to stop the heart.

Daughter Anna, who at that moment was also in the car, miraculously did not suffer, although it was sitting next to his father. The tragedy was watching the mother of Victor, who came out of the entrance to meet relatives who hurried to visit.

Reznikov did not survive 3 months before his 40-year anniversary, and his last song was "Thank you, my dear!", Which Mikhail Boyarsky later performed.

Victor buried in his native St. Petersburg, in the cemetery in Komarovo. On his grave - a modest granite monument without a photo, on which only his name, years of life and the generation of activity are indicated.

A few months after the death of the composer, his friends, including famous Russian artists, decided to create a charity foundation in honor of him. The name of Viktor Reznikova received a new children's music theater, which opened in 1992 in Moscow, who led his widow of Lyudmila.

Victor Reznikov left after himself more than 100 hits, and its main thing - a radio station "record" - continued close. Now the company is heading his son Andrei.


  • 1981 - "Songs of Viktor Reznikova"
  • 1988 - "Songs from the movie" How to Become Star "
  • 1988 - "Card House"
  • 1993 - "Give your hand and goodbye"
  • 2006 - "Songs of Viktor Reznikova"

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