Abraham (biblical character) - photo, history, name, sacrifice


Character History

Abraham is a biblical character who is considered the father of many nations. Initially, the hero of the biblical myths is the name of Abram, but later God changes him on Abraham. Also called the ancestor of the Jewish people, the first in the Bible is called a Jew. For long years - according to the description in the text of the Old Testament, the character has lived 175 years old - repeatedly demonstrated the full devotion to God and faith in him. The hero is a spiritual ancestor of those who adhere to Abrahamian religions. The image was popular not only in mythology, but also in art.

History of character appearance

For the first time, the name of the character is mentioned in the 11th chapter of the Book of Genesis, in 26 verse. The text it is reported that Father Abraham, Farra, gave birth, in addition to the future of the Prophet, two more sons - Nahore and Aran. Of all the Aran brothers, then the father of the lot, then, died in the life of Farre. Farra himself went to the world other, according to the Bible, in 205 years. Wife Abraham (at birth, the character received the name Abram) becomes Sarah, his only sister - a woman turns out to be fruitless.

Analysis of the Old Testament allows you to see that the hero became the first person since the World Flood, with whom God spoke directly. The Almighty promised the character that the many peoples inhabiting the Earth would go. The name of the Prophet appears not only on the pages of the Old Testament - in the Gospel of Jesus Christ repeatedly mentions ancestor in speeches, says Pharisees that Abraham knew about the arrival of the Messiah to people.

Abraham's image and fate

The date of birth of Abraham is considered to be 1812 BC. NS. Abraham was born in the ancient Sumerian state, ure Chaldean, located at the current territory of Iran. The hero is married to Sarah, incapable of continuing the genus. Together with her and nephew a lot, he set off on the instruction of the Lord to the land, which should indicate the Almighty. God promised to Abraham that he would become the progenitor of the Great People, would receive a blessing of the Lord and will forever retain his name in the centuries.

In 75 years, Abraham and his family came out of Harran and went to Canaan, where God came, having warned the earth to the offspring of the hero. In honor of this blessing, a man erect an altar in the name of the Lord. Then Abraham went to the east, and subsequently south, reaching Egypt. Approaching Egypt, the character asked the spouse to turn his sister - otherwise the Egyptians would kill him. Since Sarah was good, soon she became the wife of Pharaoh. Abraham received wealth - cattle and slaves.

Soon God struck the ruler of the country and his house. Having learned that he lives with someone else's wife, Pharaoh gave the future prophet's spouse, and they went on. Abraham with a nephew of a lot decided to divide - the lot continued to march into the east, the hero remained in the land of Canaan. Later, God again repeated the promise that numerous offspring would go from the hero, which will first be enslaved, and then get freedom and will become rich.

But Sarah continued to remain fruitless. So that the husband leaves the heirs, the spouse gave him a slave-Egyptian Agar. She gave birth to Abraham Son Izmail (Ismail) and was expelled from the house of the prophet, who was 86 years old at that time.

When the character was 99 years old, God concluded with him the covenant. The hero changed the name, like his wife. God demanded that in the House of Abraham every male man on the 8th birthday passed the ceremony of circumcision. At that time, Sarah was already old, and the promises of the Lord about the heir launched a woman. Nevertheless, a year later, the wife of the Prophet gave birth to the son of Isaac. Shortly before that, the hero and his wife again had to go on the road.

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The road lay through the city of Gerar, with which the rules of the king Avimelhech. From the fear that he would be killed, the character again offered his wife to be called sister. Avimelheh married Sarah, but in a dream God appeared to the ruler and said that he lives with someone else's wife. Running the wrath of the Most High, the king let go of the spouses. After some time after the birth of a legitimate heir in the family of the Prophet, God decided to check the devotion of his slave - ordered Abraham to bring the son of Isaac sacrificed.

The Most High said that the old man with the pace should go to Moria Moria. The path went there for 3 days. Having reached the right place, the character left at the foot of the Mount of Oslov and Junior Assistants and, taking a trunk, along with her son began to rise upstairs. When Isaac asked, where the sacrificial Lamb, who needs to be burned, his father replied that the Lord himself would point out to the sacrifice. At the top of the mountain near the big stone, the old man tied the heir, laid on the firewood and was going to stick the son with a knife.

At this time, an angel went down from heaven and said that God was convinced of the faith of his slave. Nearby was a lamb, entangled in the bushes, and the animal on the advice of the Most High brought sacrificed instead of Isaac. After a few years, Sarah died, which at that time was 127 years old. The husband buried the spouse in the cave near Hebron, bought out the burial place for 400 silver shekels.

Shortly before the death of the prophet sent a slave to his relatives in Mesopotamia, so that he found the bride for Isaac. Not far from the city of Nakhor, the messenger met a good girl who drove her slave and camels that followed him. It turned out that this is Rebecca, which comes to the daughter of the nephew of Abraham. The girl led the messenger to the house of his parents, where he told about the purpose of the visit. Relatives of beauties agreed to marry a daughter with the Son of the Prophet.

After the death of Sarry, the hero managed to marry a coercive of a hutture that gave Mr. of several children. According to the biblical text, each of them, as Izmail, subsequently became the hedlemen of various Arab tribes. After the death of the Prophet Son Isaac and Izmail buried the relative in the same cave with Sarah in Hebron.

Abraham in Culture

Scene lines from the character history, his fate was popular in world painting. Artists of different eras appealed to the biblical scenes. For example, the picture of the sacrifice of Abraham appears on the canvases of Rembrandt Harmens Wang Raina, Anton Pavlovich Losenko, Christofano Allory, Luke Jordano and other painters. In the XX century, the image of the biblical prophet appeared in cinema, in particular in the 1993 film "Abraham. Guardian faith. "

Interesting Facts

  • Abraham - hero, whose name is often mentioned in the Old and New Testaments. The birth of Jesus Christ is the execution of the covenant, concluded by Abraham with God. At the same time, his death repeats the victim, which the Prophet was going to raise faith. In the New Testament Abraham is considered the carrier of faith and a teacher broadcasting her main principles. With its example, he is a sample of righteousness.
  • Abraham is a character that appears in different religions. In the Quran, he is the prophet Islam, which is the name Ibrahim. His biography is similar to life signature from the Bible. It is curious that in Jewish Midrahs, Abraham owns the idea of ​​monotheism, monotheism. According to legend, the hero is the first who realized that God is one. In three years, he was clear, realizing that the idols of ancestors are not those who are worthy of his faith, and became a follower of the Lord. In the tradition of Jewish beliefs, Abraham consider the creator of the book of creation. This literary source turned out to be the basis of the Kabbalistic direction.
  • The sacrifice of the hero is interpreted by scientists and philosophers in different ways. Researchers of biblical texts adhere to ideas that the sacrifice of innocent Isaac becomes an example of the refusal of Dani to the Lord in the form of human life. There is an opinion that over time the Bible has undergone changes and modifications. It is likely that in the original version of the plot Abraham kills the Son, but after the cancellation of sacrifices, the text was edited.
  • The meaning of Avram translated - "High Father". The name of his wife is Sarah, which means "Madam." The Lord commanded a married couple to change the names at the moment when he announced that their role for the future of humanity is meaningful. Subsequently, the interlocutor of God called Abraham. The name is interpreted as the "Father of Set". The prophet's wife began to call Sarah - "Mistress of many". This technique in the literature and turning the plot in Scripture testify to the elevation of the character in the eyes of believers and in religion.


I thought that there is no place in the place of the fear of God, and my wife will be killed; Yes, she and truly sister me: She's my father's daughter, just not my mother's daughter; And I got my wife. Lyskka! If I gained your favor before your eyes, do not pass by the slave of yours. There will be a son from the age? And Sarah, ninety-year, really give birth?


  • Bible

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