Anastasia Chernova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Wife Oleg Menshikova 2021



Anastasia Chernova is an actress, whose career did not have time because of marriage. Despite the vocational education and good reviews of teachers and fellow students, today the young woman is well known as the wife of Oleg Menshikov.

Childhood and youth

Anastasia Chernov was born on June 26, 1983 (Zodiac sign - cancer) on the Taimyr Peninsula, in Talnakh Town. Mother girls come from Uzbekistan, and father from Chuvashia. 5 children were born in the family, Nastya itself became the penultimate. Later, the parents divorced, but the mother did not tune the children against the former husband - on the contrary, he said that he loved and would always be their dad.

In what will become an actress, Anastasia never doubted. Therefore, without difficulty, finishing school, I left Moscow - to storm theatrical universities. In Gitis, the entreprentka came from the first time, studied in the workshop of Alexander Zbruev.

In the capital, Chernov first lived in the hostel, but then the mother insisted that they and sister would bring together efforts and removed separate housing. So, relatives moved to a small room. According to the reviews of teachers, Anastasia turned out to be a talented and persistent study. Sednikomers say that she was an open and friendly man who do not transfer conflicts.

In addition, the student Chernov was distinguished by varying nature and was terribly worried about the release of student performances - sometimes even to tears.

Nevertheless, the will of the will of Anastasia was not to occupy: at the time of entering the university, she was a swallow, and she didn't like it at all. As a result, the student managed to lose weight, become the owner of the figure, which can only be envied, and acquired by the solid number of rippers.

Personal life

With Oleg Menshikov, Anastasia met on February 14, but not at all at the celebration of Valentine's Day. She came to the concert of Mikhail Zhvanetsov, where Oleg also turned out to be - and he fell to the speech of a humorist by chance, simply turned out to be unnecessary tickets.

The novice actress and the star of Russian cinema introduced a common acquaintance in the intermission. Attracting Anastasia Oleg Evgenievich decided in the original way: there were rose petals from a bouquet, which girl kept in her hands. According to Chernova, she could not even say anything from amazement.

For the farewell, Menshikov asked for a new familiar phone number. The actor called the same evening, but the next call had to wait 2 months. Network sources argue that Oleg Evgenievich's decisive actions kept the difference in age, which is 23 years old, although Anastasia liked him immediately.

Menshikov's proposal made a lover on his birthday. Just asked: "Come on?" And Anastasia replied: "Come on!" According to Chernovaya in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, before official registration of marriage, the couple did not live together - they only met. And I moved to the girl to Oleg Evgenievich only after the artist became her husband.

The wedding, held in 2005, was quiet - for a festive event after the ceremony in the registry office, young invited only the closest friends. Neither the press nor colleagues on the workshop actors about her did not tell, so later this news was a surprise. For both, it was the 1st official marriage, although, as Menshikov himself admitted, he had no lack of women. But before meeting with Anastasia, he did not have the desire to officially issue relations.

After the wedding, the newlyweds settled in a 2-room apartment of Menshikov on the Frunzenskaya embankment. The first time in the personal life of the spouses was not easy: they had to take each other, to find a common language in everyday life and life. Anastasia admitted that the first 1.5 years appeared to her husband strictly on "you". She got used to the difficult character of the spouse, Oleg - to the abundance of relatives and stubbornness of his wife. However, the efforts paid off, and the couple happily live together for more than 15 years.

In the paper press and the Internet, rumors are periodically removing that the spouses want to have children, bred, Anastasia is attributed to alcoholism, and Oleg Evgenievich is a non-traditional sexual orientation.

In 2019, social network users saw on one of the photos signs that Menshikov's spouse is pregnant. But the cause of the speculation was just a loose dress that a woman chose to go out.

While Menshikov continue to remain childless.

Since marriage, Anastasia has fully participated only in one project - the show "Dances with the Stars" 2013.


Marry Chernov came out immediately after the end of Rati and, not wanting the glory of her husband to become the engine of her acting biography, decided to postpone the construction of a career until better times. Therefore, in the filmography of the actress 2 pictures: she performed episodic roles in the series "Streets of broken lamps 4" and "News".

Anastasia Chernova now

Menshikov's wife continues to stay in the shade of a star spouse. She does not play any in the cinema, nor in the theater, but at events appears only in the company of her husband. She has a private page in "Instagram", where photos from travel and from events visiting Anastasia are laid out.

The former graduate of the theater university seems to be satisfied with life, however, in the article 2014, in the magazine "Caravan's stories" you can find words that, for complete happiness, Anastasia still lacks professional demands. It seems that in 2020 the situation has not changed. As Menshikova, he admitted in one interview, after the end of Hitis, she did not send her resume in any agency.

Instead of movies or theatrical career, Anastasia took up dancing and works by a fitness coach for Pilates.

In January 2020, in an interview, Menshikov frankly admitted why they have no children and his wife. According to him, they postponed this decision. Anastasia spoke about replenishment in the family immediately after the wedding, but the actor was categorically opposed. The argument is a large amount of work, from which the heirs will distract.

When Menshikov finally wanted a child, health no longer allowed. For a couple, this was not a tragedy, although he made adjustments to life plans. Spouses do not consider alternative ways of toddler conception, as well as adoption. As Oleg Evgenievich put it:

"What is called, God did not give."


  • 2001 - "Streets of broken lamps 4"
  • 2011 - "News"

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