Elga SEPP - photo, biography, personal life, news, model, wife Vladimir Solovyov 2021



Blonde beauty, in the past model, and now a housewife, Elga SEPP all life is in the shadow of the fame of two main men in her fate. First, the Father is a popular Russian humorist Viktor Koklyushkin, and then husband - TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov. The married couple of Salovyev-SEPP, raising five children, is recognized as one of the most harmonious star marriage unions.

Childhood and youth

Elga SEPP (this is her real name) was born on June 1, 1972 in Moscow in the family of a novice writer Viktor Koklyushkin. The mother love Borisovna SEPP is a native of Estonia, by nationality by half the Estonian, half a German. She chose the Western name for her daughter, and also gave her surname. Cocklushkin himself insisted on this: a rare Scandinavian name with his native surname of the Father sounded very inexorably.

The network has no information about citizenship, but once in Twitter, the Russian publicist and blogger Andrei Malgin wrote that SEPP and her children are citizens of Estonia. Truthful this information is or is the author's assumption - it remains only to guess.

Viktor Mikhailovich admits that his daughter went to him - always knew how to stand up for himself. When, as a child, his father slightly knocked her lineup for refusing to eat porridge, she was offended and went to another room. And then came out and said with ukriznaya:

"Is it possible to beat people on the pope?".

The girl was given to study in French special school number 10 and on choreography, as Elga dreamed of ballet. Having studied for 4 years, began to make the first successes, but it was not too pleased with Satirik's father, he spoke against the artistic career of his daughter. About the biography of the ballerina had to forget.

When Elga turned 10 years old, the parents divorced. The woman honestly admitted to her husband that was loved by another. The love of the girl was engaged in love Borisovna and grandmother - Mother Viktor Mikhailovich remained living with a former daughter-in-law. Victor Koklyushkin also married his wife's wife Olga Zlotnik, a woman gave her son's her husband, and Elga - Summary Brother Yana. Do children support a writer relationships - unknown.

Personal life

Familiarity with the future spouse at the model took place during the growth of her career. Friend Armen Grigoryan invited the popular TV presenter to shoot the next clip. The playing role of the investigator Solovyov saw the SEPP, which at that moment did a hairstyle, and decided to approach the girl you like. He handed her a business card with the words: "Call if something needs." To which Elga, no wonder the daughter of humorist, parried: "And if nothing needs, you can not call?". SEPP itself, so recalls this meeting:"Vladimir then wore a mustache and weighed under 140 kilograms. I even frightened slightly - something powerful appeared in the doorway. Stretching the phone number, he advised to see his transfer. It became wondering what he was for a person ... ".

It is noteworthy that at that moment the model had no idea who Vladimir Soloviev, and he, in turn, did not know that in front of him the daughter of Viktor Koklyushkin.

The case to call turned up in a couple of months. The university gave a task - to provide arguments for and against the death penalty. Some of the girlfriends thus stunned that Solovyov affected this topic in the process of "Process". And Elga SEPP decided to call. The first meeting was held in the restaurant. Bridgeing home, the journalist asked the journalist: "What kind of date you can make an offer?". The dumbfounded girl branched the first thing that occurred to: "Probably on the third."

After a second date, marking a campaign to the theater, the third meeting came. Vladimir invited the model in the restaurant "Yar", where the Gypsy with bears in the Ancturge made a beauty of his hands and hearts, asking not to refuse immediately, and take time on meditation.

SEPP embarrassed by the speed of events, as well as a saturated personal life of the Uhager in the past: Solovyov - twice a married father of three children. But by the time of the meeting with the model, he was already officially divorced. Soon the novel was raised between future spouses, but officially they issued a relationship only at the end of 2001, after the birth of the firstborn Daniel.

"There were no weddings in a classical understanding. I mean a white dress, veil, a car with a doll, flowers. First, there was no time: Vladimir - a man is very busy. And secondly, the feeling of happiness was so complete that I did not want anything superfluous, "the wife of Vladimir Solovyov's wife divides.

After dinner in the circle of friends and close couple went to the Emirates. Only there in love managed to find the wedding rings of dreams. And in 2005, Vladimir Rudolfovich, as promised, arranged a beautiful wedding in an old castle on the shore of the lake with black swans. But the special attention of the guests attracted an exquisite wedding dress SEPP. After the marriage, Elga left Maiden's name.

Now Elga Viktorovna dedicates all the time care of her husband and children. In marriage with Solovyov, 5 children were born: 3 sons - Daniel (2001), Vladimir (2010), Ivan (2012), as well as 2 daughters - twins Sofia Betina and Emma Ester (2006). The double names of the spouse gave girls so that in the future they could choose which surname to wear - father or maternal.

Solovyov's wife is fond of cooking and indulging homemade delicacies of their own preparation. Vladimir Rudolfovich gently calls the spouse of Lyaly and potaks all her whims. The whole large family of Solovyov-SEPP lives in the country house of the TV presenter in Peredelkino near Moscow. The older children of Vladimir Rudolfovich from the first marriages are loved here - Alexander and Polina (from Olga's first wife) and Ekaterina (from the second wife of Yulia).

Although SEPP spends a lot of time with children, it does not feel unrealized in creativity and career. In 2019, the Solovyovo family began to master the foundations of the cinema, removing the fairy tale about the red cap on its own scenario. Olga Fomin was invited by Olga, Sergey Mityushin was the operator, the author of the song, which was there, - Daniel Solovyov. The rest of the same members acted as an actors: Sonia Solovyov - Red Cap, Elga SEPP - Buffetcher. Innu Solomonov, who played the grandmother of the main character, was also attracted to the shooting, and her mother performed Maria Fomin. The finished video was presented on the Yutyub Channel Olga Fomina.

Career and creativity

At the end of the school, Elga continued to education at a pedagogical university, receiving a subsequent diploma of a clinical psychologist. A student Elga has turned into beauty: natural blue-eyed blonde, high, with a ballet article, similar to an elf from Scandinavian fairy tales. Such girls rarely remain without sentences from modeling agencies, especially in youth, when their eyes glisten and want the attention of the opposite sex. And she was also noticed, followed by an invitation to work a photo model and a mannequin in Milan.

Returning from the capital of world fashion, the SEPP began to work out by shooting in the clips of Russian performers. He worked with Vlad Stashevsky, "Leg Supply" groups, "Moral Code". She was also present on the set of video clips of the legendary rock group "Crematorium".

Elga SEPP now

The model does not lead a public life, and therefore it is difficult to say exactly what she is doing now is difficult. But this does not mean that they all forgot. In October 2020, the Cosmopolitan Internet portal published an article dedicated to the wives of the TV presenters who remain behind the scenes. Women Vladimir Posner, Leonid Parfenova, Ivan Urgant, Alexander Gordon, Dmitry Dibrova, discussed in it.

In addition to them, a separate section went to ELGE SEPP, in which her acquaintance with her husband and their current life were described.

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