Anastasia Cross - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, IC3peak 2021



Anastasia Cronom - Participant of the IC3PEAK group, was popular due to recording experimental music with unusual visual design. The work of the girl attracted the attention of not only Russian listeners: she knows in Europe, the USA and Asia.

Childhood and youth

About the childhood of Nastya from her biography knows little. She was born on November 13, 1995, on the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio. For several years she lived with parents in Latvia, the city of Riga. It was the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union, so its Russian-speaking family was subjected to nationalist attacks. In one of the interview, the girl told that she had more than once for Russian speech from Latvian children. They threw the mud commits in her and in every possible way. But it was done, according to Nastya, not because evil or bad, but due to the fact that at that time there was a terrible political situation.

Basic and her cousin brought up a grandmother. She practiced a "patriarchal approach" in the sense that he gave Nastya into those circles where the boy went. The woman just lacked the time to drive one child to the ballet, and the other on Judo.

When the girl was 7 years old, the family moved to Moscow. Here Nastya went to school. After her end, she entered the Russian State Humanitarian University, mastered the specialty of the translator from Swedish and English.

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The vocal data was probably transferred to her daughter from Mom, which was an opera singer. Anastasia aunt is a violinist, the creative component in this family has affected the girl. As she confessed in an interview, although in childhood only academic music was surrounded, apparently, it played a role in choosing the next kind of classes. But the chair never thought that would build a career in this direction.

Nikolai Kostylev Nastya met in the RGU, the guy also grew up in music, because his father is a conductor. Although both from childhood surrounded the creative atmosphere, none of the young people did not receive musical education. True, the chair tried to master the cello - she got into classes only at the age of 13 and was engaged in young children.

Reaglement to the end and to get a specialty for Anastasia never happened. After the 3rd course, the girl threw the university because she wanted more time to devote to the development of a musical career, and with his head plunged into contemporary art. Nikolai followed her example, and together young people began to work in the Oceania project, which before that created Kostylev. So the first songs began to appear in the creative biography of Nastya.

Personal life

Regarding the relationship of the cristle with men knows little, the girl prefers not to advertise the details of his personal life. There were rumors that Nastya occurs with the second member of the group Nikolai Kostylev, but young people do not comment on these guesses.

Fans also worries the question why the singer's clips are different in the color of the eye. Folloviers are often under the photo of the artist in "Instagram" and "Twitter" leave comments on whether it is lenses. Anastasia ignores such posts, and it is not for sure that it intentionally changes the color of the eyes, or she has heterochromia (different color of the iris).

In the social network, there are many pictures, mainly with the shooting of clips and from a personal archive. Thousands of likes gather photos of a girl with an unusual, even frightening make-up and laid in braids. But see it without makeup fans succeeds. Although it does not induce subscribers by photographs in a swimsuit and does not illuminate information about growth and weight, and without it it can be seen that Nastya holds a figure in shape.

February 26 In his microblog, the celebrity published a photo on which the triangle holds his hands at the bottom of the abdomen. And a little later, a photo with a rounded belly appeared. Against this background there were rumors about pregnancy Girls, however, they turned out to be false.


As part of Oceania, the Cross with Kostilev was released two albums with lyric compositions. Song recording was carried out in collaboration with Seven Records Japanese label. And before that Nastya tried to perform in another team. Only girls consisted in the #Pripoy group, and their raisins were in an exciting game on noise tools.

The charter from "ordinary" music, Nikolai and Anastasia decided to experiment with sound and music. This happened in 2013. Young people moved guitar reefs and unusual rhythms, as well as used computer voice processing. After receiving, at your own opinion, a good result, the guys laid out the first recorded song on the Internet. The track called Quartz called the ambiguous response of listeners, although there were more positive feedback.

Then young people finally understood that they did not want to meet the current musical principles, but would create new arts. So the creative IC3peak team was formed, in which the chair became a vocalist. Since by the time the guys have accumulated a lot of ideas, in 2014 they released four albums in a row. The plates contained 4-7 compositions, but this was enough for the listeners to familiarize themselves with the work of novice artists.

The first concert of the singers took place in St. Petersburg. She, of course, did not count on violent ovations, but the youth of the cultural capital took a new group at all without enthusiasm. Then the guys went to Moscow and did not lose. Ic3peak liked the metropolitan public, and soon the crutum with Kostylev debuted in France. There Nastya felt unity with the public for the first time.

2015 was outstanding for Anastasia no less productive. The group released a new IC3PEAK album. And if the previous songs of the guys had a dance tint, then the compositions for the second plates are rather suitable for listening alone. Then the artists were popular only in a narrow circle of listeners and did not have the means to record the album.

So that the songs and music had high-quality sound, they were decided exclusively in the studio. For this, Nastya and Nikolai first held a 2-month round tour of the CIS countries and Europe, and the rest of the money on the album was collected using crowdfunding. After some time, the team went with a concert in Brazil, a large number of Russian immigrants came to the speech. Further, the duet went on tour in Europe, and after, already in 2016, he recorded Fallal album.

A year later, IC3peak fans got acquainted with their compilation. The songs for the disk were recorded with the rapper Boulevard Depo. Then the guys released the album "Sweet Life", which became the first Russian-speaking plate in the joint work of the Krestol and Kostylev. In the same 2017, the team receives the "Golden Gorgoylli" award for creating a better experimental project.

The peak of the popularity of the duet fell on the autumn of 2017, when they removed beautiful, but frightening clips on the song "Flame" and "sad bitch." In 2018, the guys again pleased the album listeners with Russian songs. He was called "Fairy Tale", and there is no longer on the track "there is no longer", which entered it along with other compositions, young people removed the clip. One of the locations was the FSB building, in front of which the Cronzon sings a verse, sitting on the neck of the Omonov.

In the fall of 2018, the concerts of the duet in Kazan, Novosibirsk and Perm were canceled. The artist believes that this was due to the pressure of the city authorities, who do not like the political context of her last songs.

Anastasia Cronzos now

Anastasia and now consists in the IC3PEAK group. And although the team is quite known among young people, every day the guys are more difficult to perform at concerts in Russia: at the rehearsals, employees of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs came to the rehearsals, and electricity was turned off in clubs and clouded. A singer coin faced with a similar situation.

In March 2019, Anastasia Cross, together with Nikolai Kostylev, performed at the rally "against the isolation of the Russian segment of the Internet." On him, they performed the song "There is no more death." In June of the same year, the Group took part in a protest against the power arbitrariness against the journalist Ivan Golunov, and in August spoke at the rally "Let's refer to the right to elections", which was held in Moscow.

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2020 was for the girl productive in terms of musical creativity. April 24, IC3PEAK released the album "Goodbye". It includes 12 compositions, including those recorded with the participation of popular American rappers, such as Zillakami and Ghostemane. On the songs "Plak-Plak" and "March" clips were released. Only during the day they scored more than 1 million views of Youtube.

The resonant was an interview with Anastasia Krassina, which she gave on June 30, Yuri Dudu. In it, the girl made Caming Out and announced that he was a bisexual.


  • 2014 - Substances
  • 2014 - Vacuum
  • 2015 - より 多く の 愛
  • 2015 - ic3peak
  • 2016 - Fallal
  • 2017 - "Sweet Life"
  • 2018 - "Fairy Tale"
  • 2020 - "Goodbye"

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