Stig Larsson - photos, books, biography, cause of death



"Girl with a dragon tattoo" - few people are not familiar (at least when they first) with the decreement of this novel, which opens the Triotogo "Millennium". Its author is a Swedish writer, a journalist, public figure Stig Larsson received world recognition of his works posthumously. A series of criminal novels about the publisher Mikaele Blumquiste and Girl-Hacker Lisbeth Salander was published from 2005 to 2007 and after incredible success translated into dozens of world languages.

Childhood and youth

Stig Larsson was born on August 15, 1954 in the small Swedish town of Shelefteo. Father - Erland Larsson, worked at a smelly plant, mother - Vivian Larsson.

Writer Stig Larsson

When the father had to deteriorate the health due to poisoning by chemicals, they moved to Stockholm. But due to the constrained living conditions, the one was forced to leave the one-year-old son on the care of Vivian's parents.

Up to 9 years old, the boy lived with his grandparents in the deaf village in the municipality of Norsho. We lived in a wooden sseru, and I went to the local school on skis to wade through the drifts. But he liked this way of life. A special influence on the education of a small stying was provided by Santa Severin Bostrom, an ardent political activist, anti-fascist, who was imprisoned during the war. All life, Larsson will consider the progenitor by an example for imitation.

After the death of his grandfather (died in 50 years from a heart attack), the boy went to the city of Umea to parents who were born by the second son of Joacho. At the age of 12, young Larsson received a typewriter as a gift, which led him to the unspecified delight, he spent hours after her, pouring thoughts and fantasies on paper.

The 20-year-old young men was called up to the Swedish Army and spent 16 months at mandatory military service in the infantry unit in Kalmare.

Journalism and social activities

In the midst of the Vietnamese war (1964-1975), Larsson has already tried himself as a writer, published the first experiments. But against the background of what was happening, I decided to postpone literature at the time and became interested in journalism. At that time, in Sweden, every Saturday could be seen processions: the youth squatted with the screams "Von from Vietnam!". At one of these demonstrations, Stig met the architect Eva Gabrielsson, with which not only personal, but also political and creative life.

Eva Gabrielsson and Stig Larsson

Soon Larsson began writing about the war - articles, interviews, essays. Worked for a photographer. Being, like his grandfather, anti-fascist, he rejected all the manifestations of violence and injustice. The man leaned towards the views and principles of the left party, while his father was a communist, and his mother supported the Social Democrats. Discussion of the dinner policy in the family was commonplace.

After joining the Socialist Party of Sweden (until 1982, the communist working league was called) goes to the army. But here the stig is a political interests: provides the whole barrlapse by the smuggling Trotsky magazine "Red Soldier". After the service, in 1977, Larsson went to East Africa and helped in the organization of female partisan detachments fighting for the liberation of Eritrea.

Reaching the kidney disease, Stig returned to Stockholm to Eve. Here he, having gone to work as a graphic editor to the largest Swedish agency, begins to study the nature of such phenomena as extremism, neonazism, racism, whose manifestations increasingly watched in Swedish society.

In the early 1980s, Larsson became the Scandinavian correspondent of the British journal "Spotlight" dedicated to anti-fascism and anti-racism. Also edited the "Fourth International" magazine, wrote articles for the daily newspaper "International". In 1987, the journalist came out of the party, since he did not agree with the new political guidelines. But at the same time did not lose the active civil position, did not hear less about the problems of society.

Stig Larsson in Publishing

In 1995, Larssson has helped to establish an "Expo Foundation", the organization on the struggle with the CenterRist forces in Swedish society. Subsequently, he became the editor of the Expo magazine, which was a model of the most fictional publication "Millennium" described in the trilogy of the same name.

Stig Larsson wrote a number of books and political research, he read lectures and participated in public debates. In a word, by the time of the bright literary debut, a man has already taken place as a political activist and journalist, achieved broad fame in society.


The first literary experiments of Larsson, taken back in adolescence, were in the genre of science fiction. A passionate fan of this area, Stig since 1972 he became the editor of thematic fansinks (a printed publication produced by the fans of the genre) "SFären", "Fijagh". In this "periodic", he publishes his first stories.

Writer Stig Larsson

In the 70s published more than 30 fansins. Then he moved to Stockholm, where actively participated in the activities of the largest Swedish fan club of science fiction "SFSF". He was a member of the Club Council in 1978-1979 and headed him in the 1980s.

In the 1990s, Larsson began working on the trilogy of criminal novels, combined by the "Millennium" cycle. This is the name of the publisher, whose co-owner is a journalist Mikael Blumquist - the central character of all the books of the cycle. It leads complex and confusing investigations, enters the adventure series and starts up in intriguing adventures. His string assistant and girlfriend - Young Hacker Lisbet Salender.

Stig Larsson

It's funny that Larsson chose the prototypes of the heroes of world-famous children's characters created by Astrid Lindgren. Lisbet, for example, is Peppi Longs from the book of the eponymous book, and the journalist is a relative of Calle-Deether by the name Blumquist. However, according to most critics, the prototype of the chief hero of the trilogy was Larssson himself. This is indicated by some coincidences in the biographies of the author and the main character.

Stig Larsson has already concluded an agreement for the publication of all Millenium novels, but did not have time to see them in the press and enjoy success. The writer died a year before the publication of the first work called "Men, hated women." In it, the detective couple is in the footsteps of the serial maniac, for many years the raping and killing women.

Books Sting Larsson

The novel is published in Sweden in 2005. In Britain, the second country, where the book was published, the work became known as the "girl with a dragon tattoo." And in 2006, the first award was followed by the Glass Key Prize, awarded to the best detective authors of the Scandinavian countries. Also, the novel received "Boeke Prize" (2008), "Galaxy British Book Awards" (2009), "Anthony Award".

The second book "Girl playing with fire" was a reader at least a fascinating plot: this time Lisbeth Salander comes to the fore, which is safely accused of murder. Roman came out in 2006 and was also awarded awards.

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Finally, in 2007, the third book "The girl who exploded the air locks" comes out in Sweden. It summarizes the events of the previous parts of the trilogy: Blumquist and Solander oppose the whole criminal system, including the structure of the state security. Larsson is very tightly branded modern society, the novel is impregnated with caustic quotes. In 2008, the work was received by the "Glass Key" premium.

The author wrote the trilogy for the sake of pleasure, in the evening, after returning home from work, without even thinking that his literary "BLANTS" would become world bestsellers. The total sales of the books of the Millennium trilogy exceeds tens of millions of dollars, and Larsson himself is one of the best-selling modern authors with Joan Rowling, Stephanie Meyer and Dan Brown.

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Partly such success contributed to the adaptation. In 2009, all 3 parts of the cycle were delivered in Sweden. And in 2011, the first premiere in Hollywood took place. The main roles in the film were performed by Daniel Craig and Rooney Mara.

In 2013, the Swedish journalist and writer David Lagerkranz said that he would finish the fourth romance started by Larsson from the cycle about Blumquist and Solander. The book called "The girl who is stuck in the web" was published in 2015. And 2 years later, the writer presented the second work of the series to the reader's court, "the girl who lost his shadow." Also, according to rumors, Lagerkranz announced the exit of his third book on continuations of adventures Lisbet Salander, which he plans to complete the cycle in 2019.

Personal life

Eva Gabrielsson became a loyal muse, cathedral and civil wife of Larsson. The couple could not officially register marriage, because, in Swedish law, it would require the publication of their addresses and contacts. For people who lived in conditions of conspiracy because of their political views, it was unacceptable.

Stig Larsson and Eva Gabrielsson

The fact of documentary bachelor status became the basis for all the inheritance, including solid copyrighted fees, due to the lack of children in Larson, went to the Father and Brother of the Writer.


It's amazing that Writer Stig Larsson repeated the fate of his beloved grandfather. He died on November 9, 2004 from an extensive heart attack. He was 50 years old. The reason for the attack was an increased load - the elevator did not work in the office, and the man rose on foot on the 7th floor.

Stig Larsson in recent years

For Larsson, who was a workaholic, an avid smokers (smoked more than 60 cigarettes a day) and abused coffee, it became the last straw. The writer and journalist is buried at the cemetery of Hegalid church in Stockholm.


  • 2005 - "Girl with a dragon tattoo"
  • 2006 - "The girl who played with fire"
  • 2007 - "The girl who exploded the air locks"

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