Lucilius - photos, satire, biography, personal life, cause of death



Guy Lucilius stood at the origin of the origin of the Roman satire. His poetic gift was highly appreciated by contemporaries due to the relevance of the topics of topics. The man was a notable citizen of Rome, he was among the friends of the commander of Scipiion. Lucilia's creativity includes 30 books, but before our time was preserved, according to historians, twentieth scholars: only some fragments, including less than 1,300 lines.


Regarding the date of birth, Lucilia historians make it difficult to call specific numbers. The ancient church chronicle of Jerome reports that satirik was born in 148 BC. NS. But experts skeptically accept this information of his biography, because then it turns out that Lucilius went to the army at a very young age, and the flourishing of his creativity, which is of wise judgments, falls on a very young age.

Bust Lucily

Based on this, it is customary to consider the true year of the birth of the poet of 180 BC. NS. The place of birth of the poet is the Latin Colony of Sess Aurunka in the south of Italy, in the Campaign area. Lucilius had a noble origin, was an outcomes from the rider class, which was a rarity for the poets of that time. His family owned both impressive land plots and a large number of slaves. In all signs, the poet had the status of a Roman citizen.

Satirik's sister - Lucily was the mother or grandmother of the Roman politician and the consul Pompeiy Great. The historian Guy Valley Potterkul in his writings mention that Lucilius served under the head of the Roman commander of Szipion Emilian under the Siege of Nundania in 134 BC. NS. And Horace wrote that the last with the poet was tied up close friendly relations, Lucilius briefly described the feats and dignity of the commander in his satire.

Even when Scmpion or Lelia, the sage is serene,

And from the folk crowd and from affairs they retired,

Often he loved to joke with them and talk simply ...

Having noble origin, Lucilius intended to live the life of the interests of the secured landowner, without interfering with politics and social activities. But after the military campaign, the poet moved to Rome, bought himself a house in which he lived almost to old age.

In the capital, he closely converges with the outstanding people of that time - the military leader and the thinker of Gary Lelia, the philosopher Panence Rhodes, poet Terenzie and other members of the Mug of Szipion Emiliana.

At the congregions, the mug often discussed the political situation, new laws, military campaigns, pressing problems of society. Lucilius showed himself a brilliant connoisseur of topics of modern society. And soon began to state the judgments in the poetic form:

Valor - always aware of the consequences of our actions,

Valor - Always disassemble where the honor where the right where the benefits are

What is good and that there is no, that vulno, dishonest and harmful ...

Satirik's works highly appreciated contemporaries - both aristocrats and ordinary townspeople. The authority of Lucilia shows that such an enlightened person, as clituham, the head of the Platonic Academy, is devoted to Luzilia an essay.

Scipio Emilian

By the end of his life, Lucilius retired on peace, settling in Naples, alone lived, and not borrowed to his wife and children - nothing else about the personal life of the writer is not known. After the death of the poet (the reasons are not mentioned in the sources) in 103 or 102 BC. NS. In Naples, the authorities staged a public funeral, marked with pomp and solemnity, which once again proved to recognize the author during life.

Poems and satire

The heritage of Satire Lucily reached our days in fragments, which are scattered poetic lines. But the author's quotes mentioned the poets Cicero, helium and others. According to these accelerations, the experts concluded that Satires Lucily was characterized by uneven size, poetic lines were often adjacent to prose. Such mixed poems were called "Sature".

Poet Horace

Although the ancient Roman poet of Horace did not recognize such imperfection of the rhyme and sharply criticized the work of saticaries, but he recognized the extraordinary expressiveness and strength of his lines. Subsequently, Lucilius chose the gecmeter technique and began to write in the style of six-member stations.

Roman's poetry language is extremely diverse: there is a variety of people a simple people, and a smooth speech of citizens. The poet often resorted to the reception in which Greek and Latin words mixed, criticizing this too frequent use of the Greek language.

Poems Lucily

Themes themes chose the most topical problems of the time: questions of religion, literature, politicians, philosophy. All this Lucilius expressed in the amazing genre of satire. So, one of the first works of Roman was "Satira about marriage", which the author wrote in response to the call of the authorities to force all the Romans to marriage and childbirth. In this paper, the author argues as a typical bachelor, calling his wife "pleasant evil."

Satirika concerns the obvious decomposition of the highest classes of the Roman society, mired in luxury and breakfast. Lucilius openly brand in the work of the system of legal proceedings. One of the bright works in the work of the poet was Satira about the gladiator battles:

On gladiator games arranged by flacks, some

There was an internet-samunt, scoundrel, worthy of his life.

With the patrimonary, he competed there, which was the most

After creating people, the gladiator is the best of the best.

Lucilius was vividly interested in natural sciences. The author also raises the topics of health and illness, the ideas of the relationship of the body and soul. The poet often writes from the first person, riding human defects and weaknesses, and also reports the personal experience of entering certain situations. Often describes your own travel. For example, after a fight on Sicily, a series of humorous household sketches appeared.

Poet Dezim, Yuvenal

The Roman does not consider the "scientists" nor "nonsense", the poetry of Lucilia is designed not for the masses, but for an average educated class, also affects part of the "top", which the author addresses the most "tobast" satura. Satiri's poet, Yuvenal, spoke about the talent of Lucily:

"Whenever Lucilius, as if exposing the sword, protrudes with a sworn fervor and scream, the paint shame rushes into the face of the listener, who has already frozen blood from the atrocities."

All this was reflected on the fact that Lucily was considered the founder of Roman satire in its individual terms. The Creativity of the Roman has greatly influenced the works of the poets of the late period, in particular, Juvenal and Persia.


"Focus the thought is always on the benefits of debris,

After - on the benefits of relatives, and then on their own benefit. "" Whole days and people, and senators - everything without various

Thug together crowd on the forum and do not leave.

All the craft is alone and concern is given:

As if to inflate each other, in the struggle to fight in the struggle ... "" Any letter is small - this is a poem.

Well, and the creation is all poetry like "Iliad"

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