Methodius Buslaev - biography, appearance and character, quotes


Character History

After the triumphal publication of the books of Joan Rowling about Harry Potter, many Russian authors attempted to repeat the success of the British writer. Belletrists joined the fertile soil of the stories of the fabulous world, in which adolescents have magical abilities. The audience of Dmitry Emets on Methodius Buslaev is enjoyed the greatest success in the public.

History of creation

The narration is built around a teen Methodius, which suddenly learns that he is destined to become the Lord of the Mraka. This event is described in the first book of the Methodius Buslaev cycle. The cycle includes 18 works of Dmitry Emets, telling about the life and adventures of a modern guy who learned about the presence of supernatural abilities that turn his usual existence. The first book of the cycle, "Magnight", came out in 2004. The next light saw a "scroll of desires", where it was about a scroll that could bring a desire to reality. The artifact hunt dark and light forces in opposition to each other.

Writer Dmitry Emets

The order of books continued the work of the "Third Rider of Mraka", in which the main heroes of Methodius, Arey and Ulit are acquainted with three people who born on the same day as Methodius, and therefore, endowed with magical forces. In 2006, the book "Ticket for the Bald Mountain" was published - about Dwarf Ligule, the head of the office, who wants to command Mark contrary to Methodius. The work of the "Revenge of Valkyrie", released immediately for the previous one, acquainted readers with Valkyriyi - goddess from the Scandinavian myths that were hampered by the heavens of Warriors who have repaired in battles.

The first five books were very popular with readers, and the author pleased the fans of his creativity with new plots. The next to the publication was the "Secret Magic Depression", telling about the adventures of the heroes in search of a mysterious magical subject. The peculiarity of each subsequent book is that it exists as a separate work, but it is easier to be perceived after reading the first cycle novels. In the work of the "Ice and Flame of Tartara", Emac was discussed about the inhabitants of the strange world, doomed to languish from the unbearable heat or unbearable cold.


The following works of the Emets, who fell on the shelves of bookstores, became the "First Eidos", "Bright Wings of the Dark Guardian," Staircase in Eden "," Chaos Map "," DRIADE Necklace "," Glass Guard ".

The incredible fertility of the author was pleased with readers who allow themselves to learn the continuation of history without long-term breaks, familiar to Sag fans consisting of several parts. In 2010, the audience first did not receive a continuation and wanted that the writer left the plot, having exhausted inspiration. But in 2011 the cycle replenished the book "Dance of the Sword", and after her, "Fiery Gates" came out. With a slight break, the "Book of Seven Roads", "Lada of Light", "Griffin Error" and "The Best Enemy" appeared.

Methodius Buslaev

The secret of Success Dmitry Emets is simple: in Russia, the literature for adolescent is not paid enough attention. The pedagogical system is based on the study of classical literature, so adolescents are recommended for reading a book from the school program. At the same time, modern schoolchildren who became acquainted with the world of Hogwarts and hobbits are no longer ready to be content with classical plots. Actual food for reflection and fantasy suggested Dmitry Emechan, whose books are bought off with an extraordinary rate.


The plot of the cycle of works about Methodius Buslaev has a predictable background, inspired by Harry Potter and the world of wizards. He tells about the teenager, accidentally received incredible magical abilities thanks to the date of birth - April 13, when a solar eclipse occurred. The random configuration of the circumstances allowed him to gain the forces of the two-rod coddle of the Yaraha's roasting. From the moment of the appearance of the boy, the boy received a mighty inheritance and gained a deadly enemy.

Methodius Buslaev and Daphne

The guy became the successor of a powerful person and the only one who can use the forces concluded in the church of the eternal ristal. It is not surprising that, having learned about this, the hero is experiencing an intrapersonal conflict. It is struggling good and evil, but the nature of the main character stretches to the first. Praded Methodius was a light guardian who fell in love with the death girl and renounced his destination. In the 18th century, he settled in Novgorod, took the name of Demid Buslaev and gave the beginning of the dynasty, whose sprout was Methodius.

The protagonist makes the right things that they benefit His soul - Eidos. In addition, the teenager is supported by the genes he received from ancestor. Buslaev is distinguished by perseverance and purposefulness, if he wants to embody something - achieves the desired. The power of the teenager is so great that it costs without additional magic attributes and spells. Understanding that he is not perfectly owned by the gift, the guy believes that he can learn a lot, and has great potential.

The main characters of the book

The attractiveness of the character is justified by its stoic character and appearance. Methodius has long blond hair, which when having a haircut begin to bleed. It seems that they are a natural continuation of his body. They fall back to the belt and are comfortable to be cleaned into the tail. A teenager has a little diagonal eyes, sharp features. Strong body and developed musculature - the result of permanent training. The hero has no special preferences in clothing and special predispositions in mass culture. Friends name is His Mesh.

His daily life is hardly different from the eve of a modern teenager, because the boy was born in an ordinary family. Father went out early, and until the mother was in the process of establishing a personal life, uncle was engaged in raising the hero. Magic existed for Methodius only on the pages of fairy tales, because in reality he often grabbed the podzatils from uncle, and his friend of childhood Irck was disabled with paralyzed legs. What is the magic ...

For the first time, Meph realized that he was special when a dog tried in the courtyard, but, approaching the attacks in a rush, fell to the ground.

Methodius Buslaev and Daphne

The next magic event was a meeting with a girl who freed him from Mamina Uhager, who tried to punish a guy for punctured wheels of the car. She invited Methodius to a meeting, which became a fateful. Having become acquainted with his mentor Arey, the hero was plunged into training on the battle on swords, lessons of magic and communication with new friends, among whom was even Walkiriya. Daphne, Shilov, Chimodanov, Praskov, Varvara and Moshkin will make a new circle of communication for the hero with an extraordinary destination.


Despite the enthusiasm to the public with the books of Dmitry Emets, official confirmation of the upcoming filmms of the series of his works was not. Most rumors around the possibilities of the upcoming filming provoked by fans of the writer's creativity. The author himself does not voicate ideas about the prospects for the start of filming, and producers and directors do not show interest in the project publicly.

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