Group "Wrap Vopelyasov" - photos, songs, composition, news 2021



The video "Day of Polard", bright and made in grotesque Bollywood style, in the early 2000s could be seen on every musical channel of Russian television. The authors of the song, the group "Screaming Vidoplyasov", became one of the first teams in the post-Soviet rock scene, playing ethno-rock, and first eating only in Ukrainian.

The history of creation and composition

Also "screaming Vidoplyasov" ("Zaklі Vіdoplyasov"), or "Vents", they say that they are the same agers of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP. And indeed, the first date in the history of the Group's creation is 1986.

Oleg Skripka.

Then the guitarist Yuri Healthy and Alexander Pipa, who played the bass, met the future vocalist of the team, a young engineer Oleg Violin. He then wrote a diploma, and in the future he loomed work on distribution in Severomorsk. However, this did not stop young people who had the desire to make music, and not science.

Alexander Pipa

Sergey Sakhno, who took the position of the drummer became the fourth participant of the team. By the way, he was the only one of the guys who had a musical education - the rest were self-taught. Moreover, Pipa later admitted that the bassist did not meet worse.

Yuri Healthy

However, Alexander in the group heard a record intellectual, and the name of the team presented it precisely, who recalled Graphoman Vioplyasov from the "Village Stepanchikov ..." of Fedor Dostoevsky. Laja called his works not otherwise as "screams." So the group had a name.


Before the formation of "explosions", healthy and Pipa played a heavy metal in SOS, but the style of a new group is greater than the rock and roll, incredibly popular in the USSR, the time of the start of restructuring.


A year after the basis of the group, the musicians rehearsed and reworked the repertoire, and in 1987 a debut of "Vyoplyasov's screams" on the festival scene, which arranged Kiev Rock Club. The success turned out to be undoubted - "BB" noted as a "group of the year", and their composition "Plach Yaroslavna" recognized the "song of the year".

It's funny, but in the jury of the festival at the same table, metnelists were sitting, and the "right" Komsomol members. However, censorship in the USSR then began to take positions, and one could not interfere with another. Prize, 30 rubles, young musicians drank. But the Career "BB" from this moment went to the mountain - first performed mainly in Kiev, but thanks to the song "Dance" about the team learned in other republics of the Soviet Union.

"Screaming Vopoplyasov" took the diploma of the festival at the Rock Forum 88 in Vilnius, went to the scene of the Moscow Gorbushka, even starred in the 2nd part of the French documentary film "Rock around the Kremlin". The group's speeches were held with constant success - the National Ukrainian flavor became a fundamentally new jet of Soviet "non-format" music.

"Dance" for many years became a kind of "business card" of the group, especially after in 1989, a video was shot on the song. In the black and white video, at first glance, there was nothing special, but it "clinged" - and sincere fun musicians, and the kind paroding of Soviet realities, with transparencies, slogans and solemn constructions.


In 1989, "Vyatov Vopoplyasov" performed in Leningrad, at a concert, which organized the famous Sergey Firsov, the last "head of the Kamchatka". "BB" sang from the scene of the "time" hall. In addition to them, in Leningrad, the "Coffin" and Yanka Dyagileev, who have not yet become the legends of Russian rock, were debuted. The album "Dance", which the group recorded during this period, according to Alexander Kushnir, is one of the 100 best albums of Russian rock.

In the early 1990s, the "Voche Vopoplyasov" happened "French" period. At first, the group went on tour in Europe - foreign listeners the flavor of Ukrainian ethno-rock came to taste. Moreover, the foreign public was interested in Soviet rockers, and not the Soviet diaspora, although the musicians continued to sing in Ukrainian.

Evgeny Rogachevsky

Success led to the fact that in 1991 the violin and Pipa moved to live in Paris, where they remained until 1996. On the replacement of the guitarist returned to his homeland and the Local Musicians came to the "BB" - Philip Mozhe and Stephen Muffal. The team administrator during this period was worked by Marie Rubo - Frenchwoman, on which Oleg married and the marriage with which was broken due to the return of the violin to Ukraine.

Also, with departure to Kiev, the period of the international composition of "screaming ..." - the place of the drummer again occupied Sakhno, but the guitarist appeared new - Evgeny Rogachevsky.

A year after returning to the Motherland, "BB" was recorded the album "Music", which included such hits as "Spring" and "Yura". In 1998, the group pleased fans of the disk of "Krai Mriy", or the "country country", the main material for which the songs written in the early 1990s became. It marked the beginning of the tradition of "BB" to include old compositions in new albums.

The Disk "Kvili Amura" was written longer and was published in 2000. Along with the next hits part of the album was the song "Rosemova Z Mahatmoi" - the oldest composition of the group. But the main "disk" of the disk was the "Day of Polar" ("Sonza on Gi") - a song, in the music of which Ukrainian and Indian motives awered. After the premiere of the clip, the composition acquired enormous popularity and not only regularly demonstrated on television, but also sounded, as they say, "from each iron".

The team again began to actively touring outside the former Union republics - in 2000, the BB visited Israel and the United States concerts. How highly appreciated the group in Ukraine, says the fact that during the visit of Bill Clinton to the country appealed before the American president, it was the "screaming of Vopoplyasov".

In 2006, the "BB" recorded the Buli Day disk, the release of which was timed to the 20th birthday of the group. A year later, the team left the second founder, Alexander Pipa. The musician himself explained that he left "screaming ..." due to the fact that the group had a certain style, and to go beyond these frameworks, it is necessary to go to other projects. Alexey Melchenko became the new bassist.

Alexey Melchenko

In 2008, the screaming of Vidoplyasov, originally distinguished by a high level of patriotism, recorded the anthem of the country in rock processing. In parallel with this, the group released a concert album in 2 parts.

The team was popular in Russia, however, since 2014, "BB" ceased to come to tour. First, Oleg Violin said that the team came to the "black list", but the Russian Ministry of Culture reported that this information is not true. Later, the soloist "screaming ..." confirmed that there is no prohibition on performances, but they can now go to Russia now.

In 2016, the "BB" celebrated the 30th anniversary of the group. Taking into account the claims of fans, this time, unlike the 20th anniversary, almost the entire concert on the stage sang "cries ...", and not invited friends of the group. Also, the team arranged a jubilee tour, within the framework of which not only Ukraine, but also many other countries, including the United States and Canada.

"Screaming Vopelyasov" now

Now "screaming Vioplyasov" is one of the most popular Ukrainian teams both in the homeland and abroad. The group regularly travels on tour and gives concerts on the countries of the whole world. Russia, however, the list of countries visited still does not enter.


The violin visited the zone of armed conflict in Ukraine with concerts and gave concerts for the soldiers of the Ukrainian army, fighting on the advanced, as well as for civilians. Among other things, the musician performed in the cities of the front-line zone and hospitals.

Oleg, who announced his civil position during the Orange Revolution, repeatedly allowed himself very stringent statements relating to the Russian language and Russia. For the words that ignorance of the Ukrainian language is a sign of "Debilism" and the reason for the premises in the ghetto, the musician even had to bring official apologies, such a rhetoric did not even appreciate the government of Ukraine.

Nikolai Usatoy

In 2017, Melchenko went out of the BB, and the place of bassist occupied Nikolai Mesat, before that, I played in the group "Animals Session".

The team remains the faithful spirit of the national rock, but is looking for new ways of self-expression and creative growth. In particular, the musicians try themselves in orchestral arrangements and experiment with electronic sound. They continue and shoot clips - in 2018, video on the folk song "Dibrivonka", which Oleg considers it extremely relevant for today's situation.

There is no own blog in the "Instagram" at the collective, but the "BB" have an official page in Facebook. There, fans can follow the tour schedule, learn the latest news about "screams ..." and admire the photo of the team and record from concerts.


  • 1987 - "Ayayayayayayay"
  • 1989 - "Dance"
  • 1990 - "Gay, Loom!"
  • 1992 - "Abo Abo"
  • 1994 - "Kraina Mriy"
  • 1995 - "Apqual"
  • 1997 - "Muzka"
  • 2000 - "Hvili Amur"
  • 2001 - "Day of Narodjennya"
  • 2002 - File
  • 2006 - "Buli Day"


  • "Dance"
  • "Day Peagling"
  • "Talalay"
  • "Music"
  • "Chuda Svit"
  • "Mana"
  • "Spring"

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