Sam Nill - photos, movies, biography, personal life, news 2021



It is true that life after 40 just begins. When Sam Nilla was 36, he became a father for the second time, and the next child appeared about 44. And at 70, according to rumors, he twisted another novel with a well-known journalist, despite the noticeable difference in age. And all this goes in parallel with the incessant filming of the movies.

Childhood and youth

On September 14, 1947, in Ome in the family of the New Zealand military officer, Dermota and his spouses priquses, the British in origin, the youngest son was born, whose real name sounds like Nigel John Dermot. When he was born, his father was served in the famous Irish Guard. And the signs of the differences of the head of the family are, according to the actor, the most expensive that he has.

Sam Nill in childhood

The Nill family was very successfully engaged in alcoholic beverages (liqueur), and later Sam went at the footsack of his parents, heading the largest winery Two Paddocks. In 1954, a moving to the homeland of Dermota took place, where the boy received a classic English education in Christ`s College. Here, a 10-year-old schoolboy decided to change his name for Sam to "save his life from pain," and first went to the local theatrical scene.

Thrust for dramatic art was strengthened in universities - in University of Canterbury and Victoria University of Wellington. The latter, by the way, he graduated from a degree in literature.

Sam Nill in youth

The questions about the bright memory of the childhood with the one inherent in Himor's share answered that it was difficult for him to forget the cough in 4 years. Sam also has an elder brother Michael, who he sincerely admire, and in his background treats critically, calling briefly and the "bastard".

Once in an interview, he admitted that she stuttered at an early age, and therefore adult began to support British Stammering Association.


The cinematic biography began with two small works in films with the names of the "landslide" and "dust". Then filmography was replenished with the main role in the Sleeping Dog Thriller, thanks to the executive staff, which became "the first full-length 35-millimeter film fully created in New Zealand."

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Later in the Arsenal Nilla appeared a picture, predetermined success in the creative activity of a man - "My Brilliant Career", marked with a large number of bonuses. And then what is called, went like oil. For example, "Dead County" brought Sam's cooperation with Nicole Kidman and acquaintance with the second spouse.

In the filmography Niphel there was a place for the fantastic "park of the Jurassic period" (and his third part), the "Jungle Book" and "Torah: Ragnarök". Russian characters are also included in the film roles of the New Zealand actor: Dmitry Vasilkov in Enigma, Victor Komarovsky in "Dr. Zhivago", Vasily Borodin in "Hunt for" Red October ".

Sam Nill in the role of Merlin

Participation in the series also did not remain unnoticed: the first nomination for the "Golden Globe" was brought by a multi-sieuled tape "Raili: King of Spies". He also starred in "Tyudorah", "Alcatrase" and "sharp visors".

Curious fact: twice it was lucky to get into the image of the mentor of King Arthur - in the "Great Merlin" in the 1998th and "Student Merlin" in 2006.

Personal life

In front of the incredible charm and Charisma Sam resistant to resist not easy. And therefore, parting with one woman, he immediately entered the long relationship on the other.

In 1980, his first wife became a colleague on the workshop of Lisa Harrow, starred with her husband in "Insent - 3" and gave Tim's Son in 1983. Now she is married to the founder of Ocean Alliance Roger Paine.

In 1989, he married a second time on the make-up of Noriko Watanabe. As already mentioned above, the couple became acquainted while working on the film "Dead Country". After 2 years, the daughter was born in the family, which was ordered by Elena. In 2017, the couple broke up.

Sam Nill and Noriko Vatanabe

In 2018, the media leaked in the media that Sam's heart is again inconspicuous and belongs to ABC Nauret Tingle Lauree correspondent. It was reported that their friends introduced them, and they began to flirting, they began in Twitter a year earlier.

Also, Nilla has an extramarital child Andrew from the relationship, which began in his youth, and he comes from the fatherless daughter Noriko from the first marriage.

Sam Nill and Laura Tingle

Once in an interview with the Hollywood star in his inimitable manner, he stated that the most frequency in use is the phrase "to have sex" in a rough form, and the lovelist and is at all "Lono."

Nigel is not indifferent to sports, in particular to rugby and football.

Sam Nill now

In 2018, 2 Hero of Animated "Rabbit Peter" was spoke at once with his voice - old Mr. McGregor and Tommy Brock. And the actor himself appeared in the image of Captain David Howorne in the Passenger Thriller, published in the Russian rental on International Women's Day. Also, he, together with Kate Winslet and the Mii of Vasikovskaya busy in the Drama "Black Drozd". Despite age, Sam is full of creative ideas. According to his own admission, work is being done on the creation of a film about the first woman-jockey Michel Paine, where her father will play.

Sam Nill

As for political views, three times of the nominee for the Golden Globe, he openly supports the Prime Minister of New Zealand, and at a meeting with Barack Obama criticized the activities of Donald Trump.

As a person close to Earth, concerned about the environment and even starred in Greenpeace advertising, promoting the refusal to use disposable polyethylene packages.

"I am not crazy hippie with wild eyes, but I think we should very skeptically refer to the use of chemicals. We must all be concerned about the state of the planet. I have 4 grandson, and I am very worried about their future, "he said.
Sam Nill in 2018

Fans can follow their personal life, life and enjoy the sparkling jokes of the beloved actor thanks to the personal pages on social networks - Twitter and Instagram.

Jumping photos of pets (dogs, piglets, ducks, etc.), accompanied by witty records, snapshots of meetings with friends, travel, amazing landscapes or new T-shirts are instantly gaining many likes of not indifferent follovers.


  • 2019 - "Black Drozd"
  • 2018 - "Passenger"
  • 2017 - "Thor: Ragnarök"
  • 2015 - "Daughter"
  • 2013-2014 - "Acute Visors"
  • 2007 - "Tudora"
  • 2002 - "Dr. Zhivago"
  • 2001 - "Jurassic Park - 3"
  • 1998 - "Great Merlin"
  • 1994 - "Jungle Book"
  • 1993 - "Jurassic Park"
  • 1991 - "One against the wind"
  • 1989 - "Dead Country"
  • 1982 - "Enigma"
  • 1979 - "My Brilliant Career"

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