The highest building in St. Petersburg: photo, height, facts


The skyscraper "Lakhta Center" is the highest building in St. Petersburg. Russia is proud of this building, and Europe is enthusiastic. Together with the spire, the height of Lakhta Center reaches 462 meters. In 2018, the tower in which the 87 floors became a landmark of not only St. Petersburg, but also the whole country.

Features of creation

In the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg in 2012, the highest building began the construction of the highest building in the city. It was spent on work for 6 years and almost $ 3 billion on the idea, the headquarters of Gazprom, business premises, a restaurant, etc. Justify in the tower, and so on. In Russian cities with high buildings, St. Petersburg is inferior only to Moscow, where the Ostankino TV Bashnya is located. Despite the fact that the construction was completed in 2018, the discovery was scheduled for the end of 2019.

The "highlight" of the building is an observation deck, overlooking the city. It is built at an altitude of 360 meters. It has telescopes installed that guests enjoy the delights of St. Petersburg and the Finnish Gulf, and also photographed view from a bird's eye view. People who live far and cannot come to town to enjoy the discovery, will be able to remotely be on the highest building of the world. A webcam is enshrined at the level of the observation deck, with which viewers are connected to the broadcast in real time and enjoy beauty from the screen.

Architectural appearance

Due to the height of the building during its construction, architects paid the attention of reliability and safety. Inside the main tower there is a core from reinforced concrete. There are installed means of communication and protective elements. Lakhta Center is 2080 piles that hold the foundation.

The idea of ​​the highest tower belongs to the European RMJM company. They offered it in 2011. I ordered and paid for the project Gazprom. The outlines and design of the skyscraper, as architects believe, perfectly fits into the picture of St. Petersburg. Not far from the tower is the Petropavlovsky Cathedral, the dome of which is harmoniously combined with a new attraction. Thanks to flawless glazing without a single junction, the tower adds lightness landscape. In the smooth walls of the facade, clouds and water can be seen.

Thermo-reflecting glass with a gray-blue matte coating depending on the lighting intensity changes color. Clear weather becomes blue, and in a cloudy - gray or bronze.

For each case, the building has a separate entrance. Office workers come from the east side, with the southeastern - pedestrian zone, and the northern part is occupied by the exhibition.

"Stuffing" "Lakhta Center"

In the building of such a magnitude, dozens of infrastructures will fit. In 2018, it was decided that it would be located in the Tower:
  • Panoramic restaurant. The two-storey restaurant is located at an altitude of 320 meters. Before the institution opened, he was already recognized as the highest in the world. Guests take traditional Russian cuisine.
  • Planetarium. The center with unique optical capabilities seems to be at the same time 140 people. The room has a 16-meter dome screen. On it, visitors show a 3D projection of the solar system. Guests will not just see all the planets, but also go through some of them. For example, on Mars.
  • Medical Center. There will examine and treat not only residents of the Primorsky district, but also the whole city. Expensive medical equipment and doctors with experience are the advantage of the center before competitors.
  • Premises for educational and scientific events. On an area of ​​7 thousand square meters. M are carried out master classes, scientific seminars, trainings and lectures.
  • Sports complex. This room occupies 4.6 thousand square meters. M. There are built gyms and fitness rooms, pools and spa.
  • The shops. Shopping points are installed on the 1st floor of the building.
  • Offices. The main part of the "Lakhta Center" is designed for rental under the workspace. On the same floor there are 120 people, and the intelligent system will maintain a comfortable environment.
  • Amphitheater. It will be open, facing the sea. Spectators are waiting for a show on water, fountains and other ideas.

A good location makes the "Lakhta Center" in demand not only for ordinary people, but also for business.

Interesting Facts

1. Piles of the building are located so that they look like the roots of the tree. These iron rods 82 meters go under the ground. A 17-meter foundation was built above them. This solution guarantees the stability of the design. The concreting of the lower plate, ended in 2015, entered the Guinness Book of Records. Concrete continuous fill has become the largest in the world.

2. In 2018, before the New Year, the tower was illuminated by green lamps, and it turned into the biggest Christmas tree in Europe. She was visible even from the outskirts of St. Petersburg.

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3. Vertically, the building is deflected by a maximum of 6 millimeters. Values ​​are above unacceptable, because the threat of collapse will appear.

4. Double glazing was subjected to tests: water pressure, wind, fire. It has been proven that they will not disarm the fragments and will withstand even serious natural cataclysms.

5. Lakhta Center is built using non-combustible mixtures and is protected from fire. Despite this fact, architects thought out the evacuation of people in the fire. In the reinforced concrete core, air is accumulated in the center of the building, which prevents his smoke. People come inside and the stairs descend on the first floor.

6. The creators even thought out such a problem as "blind" birds. So that they are not crashed into the glass, they were made non-transparent and unrelish. Black edging will help birds to see the building and avoid a collision. This will protect not only feathery, but also building.

7. In 2025, the authorities plan to build a metro station, which will be called "Lakhta". In walking distance of residents and guests of the Northern Capital already have a subway. In 2018, the "Runovaya" station opened in a kilometer from Lakhta Center.

8. Peter I had an idea - to make Petersburg by the marine capital of Russia. The authors of the project said that these facts took into account when creating. If you look at the tower from afar - it will be similar to a white yacht in the sea.

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