Geneviev Padalekia (Cortese) - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Genevieve Padalekia - the star of the star "Supernatural" Jared Padalekia, an exemplary mother and just a happy woman. By building an acting career, now the American is enjoying the rest in a family circle and does not yet plan to return to the set, preferring a mobile phone with massive cameras and its own vlog.

Childhood and youth

Biography of Geneviev Padalekia (at birth - Jennifer Nicole Cortesa) takes on January 8, 1981 in San Francisco, California. She is a senior child in the family, grew surrounded by sisters Sarah, John and Ben brothers. From the father inherited Italian and Flemish roots, from the mother - French.

Actress Genevieve Padalekia

Many facts about the early period of life Genevieve are known thanks to the video "10 facts about me, about which you did not know" on the NOWANDGEN's personal channel on YouTube. So, the actress told that at the age of 7, seeing Arnold Schwarzenegger in the comedy "Kmetovsky policeman," so amazed by the actor, which even wrote him a letter - the first and only one addressed celebrities. It remains unanswered.

The girl changed three schools. When she turned 13 years old, Family Corteshe moved to Whitefish, Montana, then in San Valley, Idaho. Diploma on Middle Education Jennifer received in private school California.

Genevieve Padaleks in youth

From early childhood, Kumir Jennifer was Mia Hamm - a football player, raising all imaginable female and male records. Now, having mastered the career of the actress, Geneviev wants to go in the footsteps of the favorite and become a professional player in American football.

However, then, in the early 2000s, the grandmother made Jennifer make a choice in favor of creativity. The girl entered the TISH School of Arts in New York, received a bachelor's degree in English, then the bachelor of the arts in the drama. In parallel, the acting courses Stella Adler visited.


Before filming in the films of Genevieve - at 21, she gave his native name a more exotic shade - tried themselves on theatrical stage. Young talent appeared in episodic roles in the production of "Sleeping Night" on the comedy of William Shakespeare, "flying over the nest of the cuckoo" on the novel by Ken Kizi, "heart crimes" and in the musical "Joseph and his amazing, multicolored raincoat."

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For the first time on the screen, the girl appeared in 2004 in the triller "Buildings' hostages". The film tells about four bikers, which, challenge after a party, decide to swell in a sandy career. In the midst of the night, they discover that the place for the prival was chosen unsuccessfully - thugs, only received a new batch of stolen weapons, just looking for a live target in the desert. Heroine Genevieve, Amber - a girl of one of the bikers.

The following project of the actress is the series "Dead Zone" based on the novel of the novel Stephen King. Cortese appeared in the Episode "Still Life". She played Chloe Grieg (real name Laura Tirni) - Musy of the Coin of the Reasancer, who after a long break produces her portrait into the light. The girl like two drops of water looks like a dead daughter of the man's master. In the course of the series, the many secrets are revealed - from the kinship of the artist and his muse to the true cause of the tragic death of her daughter.

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Genevieve appeared in the film "American Baby" (2005), telling about adolescents, which opposed discrimination by school leadership. In the plot, such eternal themes be played as freedom of speech, infringement of sexual minority rights. The actress played one of the protesters of schoolgirls, a cheerleider.

In the same year, the series "Wild Fire" started on the ABC Family Channel, which brought Geneviev Cortesa long-awaited popularity of the television star. The actress performed a major role. Her heroine Christine Furillo-Davis is a teenager, which for theft of a car gets into a correctional colony.

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The girl comes out with a firm desire to start life from a clean leaf. It is arranged on a rockey ranch, where he meets new, unusual people for himself. The series went out from 2005 to 2008, a total of 4 seasons were shot. To cope with the role of Gocya Girl, Genevieve took the lessons of the equestrian ride. "Wild Fire" did not open the door in Hollywood before the cortesis.

In subsequent years, the girl appeared in a number of minor projects - "Ingenious ideas" (2006) and "Salted nuts" (2007). The ray of glory appealed to an American in 2008, when she starred in the series "Supernatural" in the role of Demon Ruby.

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The main characters, Dean (Jensen Ekls) and Sam Winchester (Jared Padalekia), the hunters for evil spirits, first meet Ruby in the 3rd season (then the daemon played Katie Cassidy). The girl repeatedly helps the brothers to get out of the front: kills the seven death sins in the episode "Magnificent Seven", promises to save Dean from life in hell, removes the witch damage from them. All in order to enroll in confidence in the hard drives and with their help to open the Lucifer cage.

Geneva Cortese for the first time appeared in the demon of the demon in the episode "Resurrection of Lazarus". Between Ruby and Sam after Dean's death, a romantic connection is established, evil spirits helps younger brother to overcome the feeling of loss. Despite love, Ruby continues to go to his goal. In the "Lucifer's uprising", the demon finally achieves his: Men, not wanting, open the cell of the devil. The loyal brothers kill Ruby. The death of the heroine wished the Genevieve herself - she felt that the image had exhausted himself.

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In the 6th season, Cortese briefly returned to the series, but already in Kameo, as a spouse Jared Padalekia. In the Episode "Error in French", Dean and Sam are in the parallel universe, where they are actors shooting in the series "Supernatural". Subsequently, it turns out that one of their enemies, Ruby, also Sam's wife.

In 2012, the actress played a major role in the film "Hate" about the punk group. Since then, Genevieve has forgotten about the film train, fully focused on her husband and raising children.

Personal life

Jared and Genevaev met in 2007 on the set of "supernatural". There was a sympathy between the actors, which gradually turned into a novel. At first, Cortese asked for a future husband to not advertise their relationship so that in the event of parting, no one on the set turns the series into their personal drama.

Geneviev Padalekia and Jared Padalekia

Relationships were happy. In October 2009, the Metropolitan-Museum had a joint painting "Jeanne d'Ark" Julie Bastien-Lepazh Jared kensted before his beloved and made her an offer. The pair officially announced the intention to get married in January 2010.

Wedding took place on February 27, 2010 in San Valley, Idaho. Photos from the celebration are associated with the cartoon "Beauty and the Beast". Due to high growth (193 cm), Jared got nicknamed, and beside him Genevieve (height 163 cm with weight 47 kg) in a lush dress looked like a princess.

Geneviev Padaleks with family

2012 Added to the personal life of the spouses of Padaleki concerns: On March 19, first-mentioned Tomas Colton appeared on the world. On December 22, 2013, Genevieve gave birth to her husband of the second child - Austin Shepard. On March 17, 2017, the "Male company" diluted daughter Odett Elliot.

Genevieve Padaleks now

Now the American focuses on the family: brings up three babies, supports a talented spouse, and in his free from worries, the time leads on YouTube. On June 29, 2018, the channel noted the first anniversary. In the video, Geneviev gives Lifehaki for busy women, leads yoga and fitness courses, advises books.

Geneviev Padaleks in 2018

The actress is divided by news and in social networks: in Twitter distributes festive culinary recipes, and in "Instagram" boasts a taut figure in a swimsuit. Most often, the heroes of publications are becoming a strong family.


  • 2004 - "Buildings' hostages"
  • 2005 - "Dead Zone"
  • 2005 - "American Baby"
  • 2005-2008 - "Wild Fire"
  • 2006 - "Ingenious ideas"
  • 2007 - "Salted nuts"
  • 2008-2009, 2010 - "Supernatural"
  • 2009-2010 - "Remember what will be"
  • 2012 - "Hate"

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