Anna Thorv - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



This success is when even more considerable time after the closing of the television series, where he shone a particular actor, he continues to remember and identify with a convincingly embodied screen character. This applies to Anna Truve, whose Olivia Dunm brought recognition of the public and critics and the constant recognition on the streets.

Childhood and youth

A week after the beginning of the summer of 1979 in the family of True Plaid Susan and Estonian on the origin of Hans, a girl was born in Melbourne, which was ordered, perhaps in honor of the aunts-writer on the father's line. The woman, by the way, was for more than 30 years old, Fox News Rupert Murope.

Actress Anna Torv

Education of the daughter's parents tried to give modest and at the same time free. When the older child turned 8 years old (and on other information - 6), the married couple decided to part. After the divorce, the mother took the Anna and her younger brother Dilan and settled on the Golden Coast of Australia.

Here, all the youth of the future actress was held, accompanied by skiing on surfing, swimming, horse riding on horseback, hiking, as Susan believed that children were better to be in the fresh air than the TV. This time, Truve itself calls happy, because in the courtyard she had many friends of different ages, contributing to the development of a useful skill - the ability to get along and find compromises with the surrounding people.

"My mother put me a feeling of self-esteem for what I can do something, I encouraged my undertakings and always knew that I was not going to become a scientist or mathematician," she told.
Anna Truv in youth

Having received secondary education at Benowa State High School, at the age of 17 became a Nida student and moved to Sydney. According to Anna, she had no buddies, and had to just sit at home. Subsequently, this led to the fact that the institute girl abandoned, began to work in local bars, pubs and cafes.

However, later I still returned to the university and succeeded in it, released in 2001 with a degree in the field of performing arts.


Although I began to try my forces on theatrical stage, Anna began in childhood, debut and immediately a big role happened to her in Bell Shakespeare 2 years after the release. In the Shakespeare tragedy "Hamlet" she appeared in the image of the beloved Prince of Danish Ophelia. Another noticeable work was the Chekhov "Cherry Garden" in Sydney Theater Company.

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By the way, she often recalls a scenic experience with a smile - she especially liked to make her makeup and hairstyle, a clock adopted image from a lady with vintage photographs. She taught her grandmother who had been taught to this hard art that could make styling in the style of 40s with a spoon. And the love of decorations instilled a mother who opened the accessories store in Australia.

In 2002, a new page of the creative biography of the actress was opened with the full-length film "Blue-White Lviv" and multiserile "Young Lviv" - cinema. Soon she was invited to "our secret life", where Truve can be observed in 20 episodes of the 4th season. Later, the filmography was replenished with "mistresses", where a non-traditional sexual orientation was reincarnated into a woman.

The greatest shooting time and received the most stormy public resonance was, of course, the "face". In the series, the main characters of Anna and Joshua Jackson, investigating the chain of mysterious crimes, found the existence of a parallel universe. The role of the FBI agent was trying 300 contenders, but luck smiled precisely to Truv.

According to the memoirs of the actor John Noble, who gently called her daughter, at first she was terribly shy, being involved in a truly big show. Growing popularity was barely, but the girl with his tasks coped to perfectly - from the 9 possible premiums for participating in the "face", it became the owner of 4.

"I think that the Scully Agent is much elegant than Olivia Dunm, which, as a rule, is more similar to the usual city girl," Thorw's herself responded to her character.

In 2017, Logie Award won, convincingly imaging Harriet Dankley in the 1st season of the "secret city". The actress also participated in the recording of audiobook and sounding computer games ("Heavenly Sword").

Personal life

In December 2008, changes were made in the personal life of Anna. She married a "colleague" Mark Valley - in the same "face" a man played Agent John Scott. The wedding ceremony was secretly from all-seeing journalists. The family existed not long - only a year. According to one of the versions, the reason for such a finale is permanent employment of the spouses.

Anna Truv and Mark Valley

After an unsuccessful marriage, Truve began to spend even more time with his family and the brother was taken by pottery. In addition, she loves to get acquainted with new places, sing and dance, and among Hollywood stars he highlights Kate Winslet:

"I just adore Kate Winslet. I love her, because you will never understand everything that enters its characteristics, and nevertheless it is completely transformed. It is also available and sincerely believable. "

Anna Truv now

In February 2018, the creators of the "secret city" treated fans with news, which began shooting the 2nd season of the series, no longer representing without the main heroine of Truv. In the summer of the same year, the fans of the "Reason Hunter" were left aside, which were reported that new episodes will be presented in 2019.

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Unlike other celebrities, Anna is far from social networks. But in "Instagram", "Facebook" and "Twitter" for it, this makes the numerous army of dedicated admirers - fan pages and groups dedicated to the favorite, now just do not consider.

We also function and sites that tell you about actual news in the professional life of the actress and storing, perhaps, a complete collection of snapshots by dates from both secular events and photo shoots for magazines.

Anna Truv in 2018

For example, among others there are screen articles in the Rolling Stone magazine and photographs of slim beauty in a gray swimsuit. Fortunately, growth (173 cm) and weight (58 kg) allow you to participate in similar projects.


  • 2017-2019 - "Reason Hunter"
  • 2017 - "Stephanie"
  • 2016-2019 - "Secret City"
  • 2015 - "Daughter"
  • 2015 - "Gallipolian history"
  • 2010 - "Pacific Ocean"
  • 2008-2013 - "Edge"
  • 2008 - "Lovers"
  • 2007 - Frankenstein
  • 2006 - "Book of Revelations"
  • 2004-2005 - "Our Secret Life"
  • 2004 - "Macroeoda Daughter"
  • 2003 - "Travel Lights"
  • 2002 - "Young Lions"
  • 2002 - "Sine and White Collar"

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