Brittany Snow - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Films 2021



The American actress Brittany Snow became famous at the expense of the main role in several parts of the film "Perfect Voice", as well as excellent work in the popular TV series "American Dream", where he fulfilled the role of Margaret Prior.

Brittany Snow in childhood

Snow was born in the spring of 1986 in the city of Tampa, Florida. Childhood girl spent there, studied at the local school Gaiter. Brittany is not the only child in the family, she also has a holy sister Holly and Brother John, both live in Ohio. Father actress is called John Snow, a man worked as managers in the insurance agency. Cynthia's mother worked in the publishing company.

Snow grew in an ordinary American family and in childhood did not even think about the career of the actress, although the girl had a thrust for films and a movie, she even imagined herself on the TV screen. And parents, noticing the artistry of the daughter, decided to try to go with her advertising casting. So little Brittany starred for the major network of Burdines department stores.


The first in the professional career actress was the longest for the entire history of American television soap opera "Travel Light" director Irma Phillips. The show showed in 1952, and ended only in 2009. Brittany received the role of a difficult teenager Susan Limy and starred in the tape from 1989 to 2002. For his work in the series Snow, I received a "Young Actor" award and got into the nomination back in several categories.

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Such success at the beginning of the acting path was noticed by other directors. And from now on, the filmography of Snow begins to expand rapidly, causing new films and serials. The girl often received the main roles with which she coped every time, consolidating the status of a professional actress.

Meanwhile, Brittany starred in small roles in different films, parallel voiced the heroes of cartoons. The iconic in the biography of Snow was 2002, when she was invited to the series "American Dreams" for the role of Meg Prior. This is a comedy family drama that went out for 3 years in a row and loved to Americans. Work in the series brought Brittany recognition and made it even more popular actress.

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Further, in the career of Snow, there were shooting in the TV series "Parts of the Body", the sounding of the Sudzuki Zucushima in the "Heart Whisper", the main role in the film "SDOKHNY, John Tucker!" And the work of the film "Bald Nannika: a specialization." In the last ribbon, she starred with wine diesel.

In 2006, Brittany was invited to be filmed in the Motheric Tape "Law and Order: Special Corps", which tells about the work of New York Police - Detectives of a special division, investigating crimes committed on sexual soil. Snow got the role of a woman who suffers from a bipolar disorder. Spectators saw the actress's actress in the final series of the 7th season.

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At the same time, the Musical "Hair Lacquer" was held on Broadway, who fell in love with the audience and was popular among fans of theatrical productions. The director Adam Shenkman shielded him, Snow got the role of Amber Back Tasl. Also in this production, Amanda Bains, John Travolta, Michelle Pfaiffer and other famous stars were filmed. On large screens, the musical film was introduced in 2007. By the way, in this tape, Brittany happened to perform a solo song called "The New Girl In Town", which was previously excluded from the Broadway production.

The next 2 years, the artist is removed in the gossip tapes, "on a doll", "graduation", "evil type", "transit of black water" and in other films. But Snow works not only there, she was also invited to participate in the video clips of the "The Academy IS" group on the song "The Phrase That Pays" and Matthew Maifelda on the Fire Escape composition.

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Brittany Snow played the main characters in many films. In 2010, this is "Jeni Jones" and "Walk", in 2011 - "96 minutes", and in the 2012th - "ideal voice", "so that you do ..." and "syrup". Later, a few more series "perfect vote" as a continuation of the film. The audience saw the actress as Chloe girls in 2015 and 2017. This is a comedy telling a student who consists in a music team and in university competitions with other groups demonstrates its singing talent.

Personal life

About the personal life of Snow, or rather about the relationship with the opposite sex, not so much is known. In 2013, the girl began to meet with Tyler Heclin. This is an American actor who became famous after the release of the film "Damned Way" and the TV series "Volchonok". Star couple's relationship lasted 2 years. At the end of 2015, fans learned about the separation of Brittany and Tyler.

Brittany Snow and Tyler Hecklin

After the completion of these relations, quite a little time passed, as Snow was seen with the director-documentary director Andrew Jenks. Young people together came to the basketball game, holding hands. However, young people were not in a hurry to advertise the connection and somehow comment on it in response to media questions. How long this novel lasts - unknown.

Brittany Snow in a swimsuit

On the personal page in "Instagram" at Brittany a lot of photos with the same man, judging by them, the couple consists in warm relationships and spends a lot of time together. At the moment, the actress does not have a husband and children. Despite the tight shooting schedule, the celebrity carefully monitors the appearance, and although it does not indulge the subscribers with pictures in a swimsuit, in the fitting outfits and so seen her slender figure.

Brittany Snow now

The actress is now immersed in acting. In 2018, Brittany began to act in the melodraman "Someone Great." This is a story about a girl with a broken heart, which after a painful break of relationships decides to arrange a fun and adventurous vacation.

Brittany Snow in 2018

To do this, she goes to New York and together with the best friends is forgotten into an adventure cycle. So she spends time before leaving in search of dream work. In the US, the film premiere will be held in 2019, however, the exact date of its release to the screens is not yet known.


  • 1998-2002 - "Guide Light"
  • 2002 - "American Dreams"
  • 2005 - "Bald Nyanka: a specialization"
  • 2006 - "Sdokhni, John Tucker!"
  • 2006 - "Law and Order" Special Force "
  • 2007 - "Hair Varnish"
  • 2008 - "graduation"
  • 2009 - "Vicious View"
  • 2011 - "96 minutes"
  • 2012 - "Syrup"
  • 2016 - "Late Flower"
  • 2017 - "Perfect Voice 3"

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